The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 98: Go to the city to get some money

After breaking through a county town, Zhang Yu got thousands of points, of which two thousand points were rewarded by recovering the city.

After Zhang Yu entered the city, he ordered the soldiers to scrape it all over again.

Not much seized, tens of thousands of fortunes, but no matter how small it is, it is meat.

The other is more than three thousand Yellow Turban captives.

However, only a few of these captives were young and strong.

Zhang Yu takes the population very seriously. These yellow turbans fall into the hands of the officers and soldiers and can only be slaughtered, so they can bring back as many as they can.

Zhang Yu asked them to transport some food along the road to eat, and then let them go south.

Dozens of soldiers were sent to guard. These were women and children. The young and strong were wearing shackles, but there was no major problem, not to mention that there were still people along the way.

Then Zhang Yu carried out a raid from one county to another. Those who were able to sneak attacks would sneak attacks, and those who couldn't sneak attacks would use other methods.

In a few days, Zhang Yu had a city almost a day.

Moreover, Zhang Yu would also scout out scouts and set up an ambush on their way to Guangzong. Once a grain transport team appeared, they would attack.

A few days of raids caused the Yellow Turban to lose a lot, and the supplies sent to Guangzong were suddenly reduced by about one-third.

Within a few days, the Yellow Turban also discovered the problem.

But finding the problem does not mean that the problem can be solved. In fact, they can't solve the problem for the time being.

Ten days later, Zhang Jiao got the exact information.

"Hey, it's Zhang Yu again, he really is our nemesis." After receiving the information, Zhang Jiao was not angry, but sighed.

Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang looked angry. If Zhang Yu hadn't appeared at that time, maybe they had already reached Luoyang by now.

"Big brother, why don't I go get him." Zhang Bao said angrily.

If it were changed a few days ago, Zhang Bao would definitely say that Zhang Yu had been destroyed.

But a few days ago, the three brothers Zhang Jiao confirmed that Zhang Ning had been taken by Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu somehow became Zhang Jiao's son-in-law.

Hearing this news, the three of them were speechless for a while.

Their greatest enemy had given Zhang Jiao's daughter, the saint in the yellow turban.

However, when Zhang Jiao received the news, there was no response, and at the same time he did not go to Zhang Ning.

Zhang Ning has not seen her since Zhang Ning came back.

Zhang Jiao shook his head and said, "Let him go. Now the head of the army is Huangfusong. Once we send troops, he will definitely be eaten by him. When we are not in advantage, Guangzong City will be in danger."

Zhang Jiao continued, "After all, Zhang Yu will not have enough troops. Once we are prepared, he will not be able to completely cut off our supplies. Then we only need to set off in multiple ways, and Zhang Yu will be able to eat a few more ways.

The facts are also true as Zhang Jiao said. Zhang Yu tried his best and could only intercept one-third of their supplies. Once they dispersed, it would be more difficult for Zhang Yu to intercept them.

In the next few days, Zhang Yu and the others' battles really diminished.

Although the number of attacks has increased, the harvest has been very small each time.

The dispersal of the yellow turbans greatly reduced Zhang Yu's efficiency.

"Lord, let's just go back to Guangzong City. These hundreds of yellow turbans are not enough." Dian Wei muttered again.

Zhang Yu smiled, did not say anything, he was also helpless to Dian Wei.

Dianwei is obedient and very good. He loves to talk when he is out of war.

"If you don't fight anymore, picking up these sesame seeds all day can't lift your energy." Not only other people, Zhang Yu also felt bored.

"Lord, really return to Guangzong to fight a big battle?" Dian Wei immediately got excited when he heard it.

"Go to Yecheng and take you to have fun."

Yecheng is an important place for Jizhou's government.

Yecheng was not broken by the Yellow Turban, but many places around Yecheng were occupied by the Yellow Turban.

The Yellow Turban also attacked Yecheng day and night, and almost came down.

Dian Wei's face was immediately pulled down. He also knew that although there were yellow scarves around Yecheng, there were no large yellow scarves.

However, Dian Wei would not oppose Zhang Yu, let alone others, who brought it out by Zhang Yu, so naturally they would not oppose it either.

Zhang Yu and the others immediately moved towards Yecheng and arrived outside Yecheng three days later.

"Go call the door, and make the momentum stronger." Zhang Yu said to Dian Wei.

Dian Wei grimaced, very unwilling, but he couldn't defy Zhang Yu's order.

There is only one reason for calling Dianwei, because of his loud voice.

If Dianwei knew it was because of this reason, I don't know how he would feel.

"Quickly open the city gate, our lord will enter the city to play." Dian Wei shouted.

"Hurry up, hand over all the girls in the city."


Zhang Yu almost spit out blood, let Dian Wei make a lot of noise, but he regarded himself as a mountain king.

What does it mean to go to the city to play? Zhang Yu said at the beginning that he wanted to take them to the city to play.

In addition, Zhang Yu didn't ask them to hand over the girls in the city.

Zhang Yu's face was ugly, and he really wanted to go up and tear Dian Wei.

Dian Wei continued to curse, and the more he cursed, the more he looked like a bandit.

Zhang Yu's face became darker and darker.

Dian Wei yelled and cursed for a long time, but no one opened the city gate, and then came back cursingly.

"Lord, they really don't know how to promote, it's better for us to storm in." Dianwei dancer Shuangji said.

Zhang Yu was speechless, he called the door so, it's strange that people would open it.

Sure enough, not long after the city was crowded with people, they began to strengthen the city's defenses.

"Who are you, dare to scream here." A young general appeared on the head of the city and shouted to the city.

Dian Wei was about to rush up with the double halberd, and Zhang Yu hurriedly told him to come back.

"This person is too unreasonable, the lord It will be easier for us to attack." Dian Wei said with a double halberd.

Zhang Yubai gave him a glance, then stepped forward.

"In the Xia Huiji prefect Zhang Yu, Zhang Zifan, was ordered to wipe out the Yellow Turban. Because of the hard work of the soldiers and the fatigue of the soldiers, he wanted to go to the city to rest." Zhang Yu said to the city.

The guard on the head of the city didn't believe it, but Zhang Yu did not look like a yellow scarf.

In the end, many big figures in the city were alarmed, and many people were found to prove that, after all, Zhang Yu and the others had been fighting bandits in Jizhou for so long, and they had heard a lot of them.

After a bunch of proofs, Zhang Yu and the others were put in.

"Grandma Xiong, lord, it's easier to break the city gate directly, and you have to be angry with them." Dian Wei still looked indignant after entering the city.

Zhang Yu knew that it was a wrong idea to ask Dian Wei to call the door.

After entering the city, Zhang Yu ordered the soldiers to camp.

Then Zhang Yu took Dian Wei Huangzhong and some soldiers around the city.

"Brother Zhang, you really went shopping." Huang Zhong asked with a smile from the side.

Zhang Yu walked half a street and found that even this prosperous Jizhou was very depressed at this time.

"Hey, no money, go to the city to do a little business and get some money to spend." Zhang Yu said.

"What! Lord, you are going to rob Yecheng official mansion, haha, great." Dian Wei shouted after hearing it.

What kind of voice Dianwei, a loud roar, the whole street can be heard.

Everyone on the street looked at Zhang Yu and them.

"You're going to die, when did I say that the government is going to be looted?" Zhang Yu patted Dian Wei on the head and said angrily.

"Lord, you said that you wanted to go to the city to make money. We used to capture the city. You always sent troops to occupy the government office at the first time, and then began to scrape." Dian Wei said aggrievedly.

Zhang Yu was speechless, pulling Dianwei and hurried away.

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