The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 99: The lord is interested in Zhen's daughter

Zhang Yu wanted to spend some money, because he found that the money spent recently was flowing water, not only at home, but also Xi Zhicai was almost unable to make ends meet.

There have been few seizures recently, and the main cities of the Yellow Turban have not been breached. There is not much property in ordinary county towns or strongholds.

Xi Zhicai set up a lot of strongholds along the road, and it cost a lot to respond to the refugees going south.

That's why Zhang Yu thought of getting some money.

"Master, don't rob, how can we make money?" Dian Wei asked on the road.

It's just that Dianwei's voice made Zhang Yu really helpless, even if he lowered his voice, everyone knew it.

"Go back and talk." Zhang Yu glared at Dian Wei, and then strode away.

"Lord, you mean, if we don't rob the government, who shall we rob." After returning to the barracks, Dian Wei asked impatiently.

"Ling Cao, go and make an appointment with the largest commercial family in the city, and help me spread some news." Zhang Yu ordered to go to bed directly after he finished, ignoring Dian Wei.

Dian Wei was depressed, and went to Huang Zhong to single out.

In the evening, Ling Cao came to Zhang Yu and said, "Lord, I have already arranged an appointment with the Zhen family, a big business family, for you. After two hours have been agreed, do you want to prepare?"

"Zhen Family?"

Zhang Yu's heart was shocked, and he almost forgot that there is still a Zhen family in Yecheng.

The Zhen family is one of the four major business families in the world, with strong financial resources, and will be the big rich man of Yuan Shao in the future.

It's not this that makes Zhang Yu worry about it, but Zhen Mi, the daughter of the Zhen family's head.

Zhen Mi, the Luoshen of later generations, no one knows.

"It's a pity, Zhen Yi's daughter is still a little girl now." Zhang Yu shook his head and said.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the intention.

Zhang Yu just lamented that he couldn't see the charm of Luoshen, but Dian Wei understood that Zhang Yu fell in love with the Zhen family's daughter.

Zhang Yu simply prepared, and then went to the appointment.

Zhang Yu took Dianwei and a team of soldiers on the way. Now Dianwei has become Zhang Yu's bodyguard, and will basically take him with him.

The Zhen family was ready, and when Zhang Yu arrived at the door of the Zhen family, Zhen Yi had already sent someone to wait there.

Zhang Yu gave the present, and then followed the welcoming people in.

"Junior Zhang Yu, I have seen Master Zhen." Zhang Yu proactively salutes as a junior, otherwise according to the rules, Zhang Yu has been appointed as a marquise, and Zhen Yi wants to salute him.

"You are polite, Lord Zhang, please sit down." Zhen Yi has a good manner, and asks Zhang Yu to sit down.

The two were courteous, and then Zhen Yi said: "Master Zhang, you have come to fight the bandits not far away. I am deeply impressed by Xia Xia. You should help each other because of your feelings and reason. Therefore Xia Xia has prepared some money and food for Master Zhang. The use of extinguishing the yellow turban."

"Think of me as a beggar, I'm not here to fight the autumn wind." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart, knowing that he was underestimated by the other party, thinking that Zhang Yu was here to fight the autumn wind.

"Master Zhen, let’s just say it clearly. The Zhen family’s big business is big and there are industries everywhere, but now many places are occupied by the Yellow Turbans. Not only are business routes blocked, and many industries are occupied by the Yellow Turbans. So I can help the Zhen family deliver goods, or give the industry to Take it back."

Zhang Yu said lightly, but Zhen Yi listened very strangely.

He didn't know if Zhang Yu wanted to ask for more benefits, or if he had other plans.

"In other places, many industries have fallen into the hands of the Yellow Turban, but it doesn't matter. The Yellow Turban will eventually be wiped out. After being wiped out, it will be my Zhen family or mine." Zhen Yi said.

Zhang Yu thought that it was the same.

But Zhang Yu had a mature plan before he came.

"Master Zhen, at this time there is no business route, some places have a backlog of goods, and some places are not available for sale. If I help the Zhen family, the Zhen family can quickly occupy a lot of markets. When the Yellow Turban Rebellion is over, your Zhen family will have an influence. But it's very different."

Zhang Yu's words moved Zhen Yi's heart. Nowadays, many places are unavailable. The Zhen family indeed has a large backlog of goods in Yecheng and other cities.

These goods could not be shipped out, and the Zhen family suffered a lot.

"I don't know what Master Zhang wants?" Zhen Yi asked tentatively.

"Haha, credibility is the most important thing here, and the price is absolutely fair." Zhang Yu said happily, and said his price.

"You want 20% of the goods, each time not less than one hundred thousand big dollars, this price is also reasonable." Zhen Yi said thinking.

The price is absolutely no problem, regardless of the 20% charge, it seems to be very high.

However, at this time, the business route is blocked and the price is skyrocketing. If it can be shipped out successfully, it will definitely be worthwhile.

And a lot of goods are piled up, and if they cannot be sold as soon as possible, some of them will most likely be scrapped.

Zhen Yi was thinking, mainly because she was afraid that Zhang Yu would be swallowed by Zhang Yu if she cooperated with Zhang Yu.

"Patriarch Zhen doesn't need to worry, he is also an official of the court, and face is still needed." Zhang Yu said.

This kind of thing is actually best done in private. It is a bit bad to establish a written evidence. After all, Zhang Yu used officers and soldiers, although these officers and soldiers were raised by themselves, not by the court.

But Zhang Yu has no scruples, and now the court has nothing to do, only dare to do it.

"Okay, just work with Master Zhang." Zhen Yi finally said with a final decision.

Zhen Yi is not without precautions. At the beginning, she will definitely not cooperate a It doesn't matter if all is lost, the Zhen family can afford it.

Zhang Yu went back after discussing with Zhen Yi, and agreed to cooperate for the first time two days later.

This Zhen Yi also needs preparation time.

After a night of speechlessness, Zhang Yu began to prepare other plans after returning.

"Do you know that the lord has taken a fancy to the Zhen family's daughter, and the Zhen family's daughter is blessed."

"Yeah, the lord came from a thousand miles away, and he was surrounded by many kills, just for the Zhen family's daughter."

"The Lord values ​​love and righteousness."

"The lord is a hero, so you should find more women."


Zhang Yu made a plan in the big tent. After sitting for a long time, he went out to stroll around and relax. As a result, he heard a group of soldiers in the shade talking about him.

It’s nothing more than talking about him, but they have only one theme, that is, they are in love with the Zhen family’s daughter.

Zhang Yu was furious, and asked them what was going on in the past, how could there be such rumors?

"Master, this is not what we said, but General Dian told us." The soldiers said.

They take it for granted that Dian Wei is Zhang Yu's top guard, and has been following Zhang Yu. Of course Zhang Yu will tell him what he has to say.

The soldiers had no doubts.

Zhang Yu returned angrily.

"This Dian Wei, Jing Hu said, actually slander me like that." Zhang Yu cursed all the way, and after returning home, he gave Dian Wei a bad word.

"Obviously the lord said it, and I blame it." Dian Wei muttered dissatisfied after he came out.

Zhang Yu didn't know, and Zhang Yu's lustful reputation spread out overnight.

Even the fact that Zhang Yu once went to the brothel was shaken out.

At this time Zhang Yu couldn't tell how many mouths Zhang Yu had, because it was Dian Wei, the love general who came out of the news.

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