The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 143: Grimoire Heart Appears!

"What's this."

The chairman of Wu said in a daze.

In front of him, Mirajane's figure had disappeared, replaced by another terrifying figure.

Long white hair, black wings.

The double pupils were covered by a layer of black breath, the arms and hands were covered with a layer of white substance, and a large black hole was revealed in the chest of the abdomen.

Behind her, a terrifying bone spur tail stretched out, and with a slight movement of the ground, it sank into a deep pit.

Like a humanoid demon!


Scarier than the devil!

Staring at the figure of the other party, President Wu felt fear in his heart even unconsciously.

He only felt this kind of feeling once in Liu Yun's body.



"You can't have such power, who are you?!"

President Wu shouted angrily.

However, what responded to him was a terrifying bone claw, carrying a lingering spiritual pressure, and the fierce atmosphere fell towards him in panic.


None of the president's pupils shrank.

too fast.

He didn't react at all, the white giant claws had already appeared in front of him.


Covered by his right hand, President Wu was sent flying with a single blow, and 043 hit the ground, setting off a thick cloud of dust and smoke.


"The leader didn't block it!"

"It's going to fly with one hit, how strong is she?"

The sound of surprise kept ringing out.

Faced with this situation, everyone was shocked by Mirajane's renewed strength.

the other side.

The smoke dissipated, and the figure of President Wu also appeared, as well as the three sharp claws on his chest.

Blood ran down the wound, stinging President Wu's eyes, staring at the scene in front of him, President Wu's eyes were full of disbelief.

"How can this be."

Unlock the link of the living body, the strength of Wu Guildmaster can instantly return to the state of the king level, even if he is injured, only one arm is left, but the king of heaven is the king of heaven after all.

Unexpectedly, I still couldn't resist Mirajane's blow!

Is it possible that after losing to Liu Yun, will he lose to his disciples again?


Absolutely not!

He will never allow this to happen!

In anger, President Wu roared out.

Mirajane is also not to be outdone.

Shuangfang unleashed the most violent blow, so fast that the naked eye couldn't catch the air pressure circles constantly bursting out around it.

Explosions appeared one after another, and all the trees within hundreds of meters were blasted away!

The scope is so large that some dark wizards have been affected.


Such a long battle can't last too long.

Mirajane's combat ability is not weak at all, and his strength has skyrocketed several times in the virtual state. On the other hand, the chairman of the meeting can only support it with one arm.

Gradually, without the president, some couldn't hold on anymore.

Guild Leader Wu, who realized this, forcibly opened the distance with a spell.

"Fantasy of Ever-Darkness - Sorrow!"


Surpassing the previous magical power, it shot out from the hands of Wu Guild Leader, the power was several times stronger than before, and the power was enough to easily penetrate the mountain.

However, Mirajane still has no intention of dodging, and still greets her head-on.

The giant bone claws directly grabbed the incoming magic power.


Mirajane crushed the magic force abruptly, and the storm generated by the explosion was even sent back.



The president of Wu was shocked!

I didn't expect Mirajane to be so violent.

That is an upgraded version of Ever Dark Waltz, its power is comparable to the blow of the Holy Ten, no matter how strong the opponent is, it would be too terrifying to just crush the magic like this!

Caught off guard, he was completely submerged in the blast.

When he reappeared, President Wu was already in ragged clothes, with scars all over his body, stepping on the ground like a beggar.

And above him.

"Is this your strength? It's too weak, right?"

Mirajane in the virtual state said disdainfully.

In the blurred state,

Mirajane's strength can be said to have been greatly improved, and his defense is even more incomparable.

In terms of physical fitness alone, Mirajane has undoubtedly reached the level of a king, the only thing that is lacking is strength.

The offensive changed again in an instant.

But when he heard Mirajane's words, President Wu's complexion suddenly turned dark, and he said with a gloomy face: "Let's talk about it after you win.

"Create the world, nothing!"

Successive battles have exhausted President Wu's patience.

So the next hit is the last hit!


Endless ghosts emerged.

Screams and roars spread out.

The world seems to have turned into a world of ghosts at this moment, and all the ghosts swarmed towards Mirajane under the control of President Wu.

But at this time, a strange situation appeared.

All the ghosts fled in panic, fearing Mirajane as if they had encountered a natural enemy.

"The ghost is afraid, what kind of power is she using!"

No president lost his voice.

The strongest blow was disintegrated in such a dramatic way, which undoubtedly greatly stimulated him.

As everyone knows.

Mirajane's strongest power is the soul.

Any spirit body, even demons are nourishment for Mirajane.


At the critical moment, Mirajane made a move.

The endless darkness evolved into a vortex.

Accompanied by the push of the arm, the vortex roared and shouted, and the leader Wu, who was in shock, endured the frontal blow firmly.

Within the sea of ​​trees, a terrifying gully was drawn.

after a long time,

It gradually calmed down.

"Sister Mira, did that person solve it?"

Kagura came up and asked.

"Probably not, I can still feel the magic of that guy." Mirajane said.


Now it doesn't matter if you die or not.

The blow just now was Mirajane's strongest blow. It is impossible for Guild Leader to resist a frontal hit.

And at the same time.

The magic airship of the Grimoire Heart guild was approaching the sea of ​​gas trees.

On the deck, a crowd of Seven Kin of Purgatory gathered, and above them sat Hades himself.

According to the agreement a few days ago, coming here at this time will give President Wu the last chance. .


Oracion Seis becomes Grimoire Heart's subordinate.

Do not agree.

Direct give and destroy.

So, this time Hades was there in person too.

"Master Hades, the sea of ​​gas trees is almost here."

"very good."

Hades nodded: "Go ahead, go to Brain's base camp first."

Urdia said: "Master Hades, in fact, we can solve this matter by us, why do you need to do it yourself."

"that is."

Rustyrose, wearing black-rimmed glasses, stood up and said: "It's just an Oracion Seis, and you don't need to go out.

Others spoke, but also held the same opinion.


Hades just said lightly: "Do you really think I'm here for that guy?",

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