The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 144: President Hades Debuts!

As soon as Hades said this,

The audience froze for an instant.

"It's rare, isn't it?"

"Could it be that Master Hades has other plans?"

"Naturally, but you'll know it by then."

Hades didn't answer directly, but kept a certain amount of mystery.

Did you come here simply for the sake of having no president?

The answer is definitely not.

Chairman Wu is certainly very strong, but Grimoire Heart is not without strong players.

At least.

In his eyes, the absence of a president is not worth mentioning, but the key lies in the things behind it, which makes Hades- slightly interested.

What the major guilds in the Balam Alliance are doing with each other are all internal secrets of their respective guilds.

Still, Hades barely knows something.


raw rice

Things left by the ancient people four hundred years ago.

It should be something worthy of his interest.

"The president has arrived."

When Urdia's voice came, everyone looked down, but the moment they looked down, they were stunned.

ground collapse,

A large number of trees fell down, as if they had been hit by a meteorite.

However, that's all there is to it.

What shocked them even more was that in front of their field of vision, they suddenly saw President Wu lying motionless in a pool of blood, covered in injuries.

Not far from him stood Mirajane and Kagura.


"No president has been defeated, what happened here just now."

"I don't know, it seems that I was defeated by those two people,"


Several Seven Kin of Purgatory made surprised voices.

Even Hades was a little surprised.

No matter how you say it, President Wu is also a dark mage whose strength is comparable to that of a heavenly king. According to common sense, he should not be defeated so easily.

As for Mirajane and Kagura, Hades has no doubts.

The reason is simple.

It is too young.

He didn't think the other party had the time to defeat President Wu.

At this time, Urdia suddenly noticed Mirajane.

"is her!"

"Urdia, do you know her?"

Hades asked, frowning.

Urdia nodded: "Yes, her teacher is the newly promoted Heavenly King Liu Yun, who killed Jellal at the beginning, and his own strength is also very strong.

"It's that man's student."

Hades stared as if he understood something.


If it was that man, everything would make sense.

However, things also became troublesome.

It's not that I'm afraid.

Hades himself lived to be over a hundred years old.

There is only one person who really scares him until today.

The key is that he hasn't found Liu Yun's figure yet, who knows where the other party is hiding?

It seems that attaining Nirvana is not as easy as imagined.

Hades thought so.

"Look, that man is going to kill Brain."

In a word.

Turned Hades' attention away again.

Seeing the ground below, Mirajane approached President Wu step by step, ready to make the final touch-up.

But, how could Hades allow it.



Azuma understood.

Footsteps stepped on the edge of the deck and jumped down.


At this time, the person who was about to make up the knife also felt something, and he counterattacked with a backhand. The short collision stopped the killer, and the two quickly pulled away violently.

at the same time.

The black magic airship also fell from the sky.

Hades, a group of purgators stepped down from the magic airship,


sudden figure,

The alert that Mirajane had just let go rose, and she looked at the other party's direction and said.

Hades didn't answer, but looked around to make sure there was no one else before looking at Mirajane again.

"Young man tell me where is your teacher?"


Mirajane was wary when she heard this.

"What are you looking for from my teacher? My teacher doesn't seem to have met you. y

"President, talk nonsense with him, just do it directly."

See Mirajane did not answer,

The hot-tempered Zancrow is ready to use force.

Hades didn't object to this, but said coldly: "Don't kill her, leave her alone.

Hades wanted to use this to force Liu Yun to show up.


Suddenly opened his mouth and inhaled, the magic power gathered in Zancrow's mouth, and then burst out!

"Vulcan's wrath!"


A black flame erupted,

The black flame burned everything, bursting out with astonishing temperature.

...seeking flowers 00

Wherever it went, it was turned into ashes.

In a blink of an eye, it will be submerged inside.

Seeing this, a mad look appeared on Zancrow's face.


"That Urdia guy is such a shocker, I really thought you were so strong, I didn't expect you to be so vulnerable, hahahahahaha!"

"Watch out, Zancrow!"


Just as Zancrow laughed maniacally, Azuma behind him yelled.

A black shadow rushed out from the black flames and came in front of Zancrow.


One punch.

Zancrow's eyes popped, and he flew upside down, feeling that his own bones had been crushed.


The eyes of several companions were full of shock.


Zancrow's black flame is not an ordinary flame, but a god-killing flame with the power to kill gods, but it appeared intact and hurt Zancrow back.

Not to mention them, even Hades was a little surprised.


"Lord Hades leave it to us."

Seeing that Zancrow was knocked into the air, the faces of the other members suddenly turned bad, trying to save face in front of Hades.

"No, I'll be fine."

Hades stopped them.

The shot time is very short, but he can also see it.

Mirajane's strength is still higher than Seven Kin of Purgatory, making another shot is just a waste of time and increases casualties.

while on the other side,

With Hades playing, Mirajane also subconsciously perceives the danger.

Instinct was telling her.

The strength of the opponent is very strong.

Even far above her, she is by no means an opponent of the other party, not to mention Kagura is beside her.

"Tell where your teacher is, and I can spare your life."

Hades stepped forward and said.

"Sorry, no comment."

Mirajane refused without the slightest hesitation, and said with serious eyes: "It is impossible to tell you about our teacher's whereabouts."


be rejected,

Hades narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Do you know who you're talking to? I'll give you one last chance, and you should just say it obediently.

Hades' voice was soft.

But there is a lot of pressure in it.

A magic power almost solidified in the air diffused from his body. .

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