The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 195: Liu Yun's Hole Card!

The wind is difficult to catch the attack, under the strong attack.

The Storm Dragon King didn't believe that Liu Yun would be safe and sound.

"Go to hell!"

"Storm kill!"


The violent storm blade pierced the sky and fell brazenly,

The power is so strong that even the space seems to be cut open.

Countless wind blades converge on Liu Yun,

"Dragon Slayer Profound Truth, Earthquakes!"

at the same time,

The Dragon King of the Earth exploded ~ his strongest blow.

Under the ground, one after another rock spurs frantically gushed out.

The sky and the earth launched an attack at the same time.

Under such a fierce onslaught, even a hundred giant dragons can be instantly strangled and turned into minced meat.

"Master Liu Yun!"

Irene couldn't help being nervous about it too.

She wanted to go there very much.

But surrounded by a group of dragons, and there are constant raids by dragon dragons, she has no chance of getting close to the past.

compared to her.

The Earth Dragon King was extremely excited,

At this time, he had already begun to look forward to Liu Yun's tragic death, even dying,

"Let's see how you survived this time! I...huh?"


At the moment he was looking forward to it, he was shocked to find that Liu Yun had no intention of dodging the blow.

When seeing this scene, the Earth Dragon King was dumbfounded.

What's happening here?

Already gave up struggling?

The details of Liu Yun surprised the Dragon King of the Earth. For some reason, there was an ominous premonition in his heart, and some uneasiness emerged.

However, he didn't have any plans to stop,

Things have reached this level, and he will never stop suddenly. No matter what, he must kill the other party.


The wind blade and stone thorn fell at the same time.

The Earth Dragon King was almost able to meet the image of Liu Yun being pierced through his heart, but it was at this time.

Liu Yun moved.

Raging power surged from his body.

A dark force erupted from his hands.

At the moment when this dark force appeared, the hearts of all present were uncontrollably showing disgust.

Even the Earth Dragon King couldn't help but feel fearful.

"How can it be!"

"I am the Dragon King, how can I be afraid!"

The Earth Dragon King roared madly in his heart!


No matter how he roared, this fear still showed no sign of dissipating,

The power in Liu Yun's hands seems to gather all the darkness in the world,

Yes, the root of evil.

The Dragon King still couldn't keep his composure in front of this!

The world's focus is all on Liu Yun.

Also includes Holy Dragon King Belserion!

"what is that!"

Everyone couldn't understand the situation at this time.


This is the power to be detached from this world.

The second stage of metamorphosis of the complete body. .

Strictly speaking, Liu Yun has not reached the level of a king.

With a large amount of soul harvest and blood energy absorption, Liu Yun's body and soul have become strong to a certain extent.

And when these two forces are fully coordinated, it means the state of harmony and limit. ,

The only energy missing at the end.

This is the only shortcoming of Liu Yun.

It is precisely because of this that Liu Yun cannot be called a king strictly speaking.


Through the power swallowed by the Liuku Immortal Thief, all the power swallowed just now was transformed into achievements, and he finally filled the last vacancy.


Finally broke through the limit of this layer.

The powerful force spread, and Liu Yun, who had completely entered the king level, had a huge increase in strength.


There is no doubt that there is still a long way to go against two dragon kings at the same time.

Therefore, he didn't fight the two dragon kings head-on just now, but killed the dragon group below in a guerrilla way.

In order to hunt the soul of the dragon, forcibly increase his own power.

And all the souls on the battlefield were condensed together, thus giving birth to this huge force.

Black power flows in Liu Yun's body,

Even he felt that he couldn't bear this force.

Of course, the more power the better.

But it still needs a strong enough carrier.

Even Liu Yun, who controls the power of the god of death, can't bear this power, one can imagine how terrifying it is.

That is why.

The four dragon kings, including Belserion, were so shocked.


After this force erupted, and at this moment, Liu Yun made a move.

The black fluctuations can't last long.

He must act as soon as possible.


Breathing out a long breath,

Liu Yun's figure burst out, passed through layers of obstacles, and appeared in front of the Earth Dragon King in an instant.


The other party didn't react at all!

...asking for flowers......

"not good!"

The Earth Dragon King was startled.

His combat instinct, which has been battle-tested, made him retreat backwards habitually, but the problem was that everything was too fast, so fast that he couldn't even make a counterattack


The attack falls.

As if hit by a meteorite, the body of the Dragon King of the Earth flew upside down in an instant, and his heavy body was directly pressed by Liu Yun to slide on the ground.

This scene was undoubtedly extremely shocking.

With a body less than three meters high, forcibly dragging the hundreds of meters high dragon is simply a miracle.

The dragon king of the earth wants to struggle,

However, Liu Yun was tightly controlling him, and there was no chance for him to stand up.

He tried to struggle.


Liu Yun's power is too strong.

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape the range of the attack, he was firmly suppressed, and finally he was pressed hard against the ground.


The earth collapsed.

After being drawn a lot of magic power, the earth becomes weaker.

With just one blow, the Earth Dragon King was easily pressed hundreds of meters deep underground, and his huge figure was buried by sand and stones.

However, he survived by luck.

"Damn it!"

"Small look down upon!"

Being deeply pressed into the ground, the Earth Dragon King roared angrily.

In an instant, a huge amount of magical power was mobilized from the surrounding depths, ready to launch a counterattack.

"The Wrath of the Earth Dragon King!"

The infinite magical power of the earth gathered.

A ball of light condenses!

However, before the Earth Dragon King launched this attack, Liu Yun shot directly, like a demon's hands pressing on the light wave.


There was a light spot in the pupil of the Dragon King of the Earth.

Immediately the next second, it was swallowed by the burst of light spots.

Huge energy spread out underground, and violent earthquakes erupted from tens of thousands of meters of ground. The moment this force reached its limit.

A stream of hot magma erupted from the ground.

The figure of the Dragon King of the Earth also came out together.

The huge body was washed up into the sky, like a volcanic eruption, rushed out of the ground, and returned to the ground.

The heavy body fell to the ground, making a heavy sound, which resounded throughout the world.

Surrounded by dust and smoke, smoke filled the air.

When the Earth Dragon King reappeared, his tragic appearance shocked the giant dragon righteousness present. .

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