The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 196: The Beginning Of The Dragon King Sacrifice!

Broken dragon horn.

Broken dragon scales.

A large amount of dragon blood poured out from the chest and back, covered with mud and gravel, the whole dragon was horrible to look at!

The dragon group was stunned.

Is this still the Dragon King they know?

Is this still the high and mighty Earth Dragon King in their hearts?

The sound of shock kept ringing out.

No one expected this to happen.

Liu Yun's face didn't change in any way, but he was ready to continue chasing after stepping on his feet, and didn't intend to give the Earth Dragon King a little room to breathe.

"Nianlong flashes!"

Hands up!

The golden thought power mixed with the shattering spiritual pressure continued to flow, and the powerful force caused the surrounding space to collapse layer by layer.

Countless storms gather at one point.

Accompanied by a bit of cold light flashing from Liu Yun's black eyes, a terrifying beam of energy burst out!

The location where it fell was "three five three" and it was the wound of the Dragon King of the Earth.

Get ready to kill with one hit.

Just addressing this one guy is enough to relieve a lot of stress.

At that time, the remaining three dragon kings on the other side will also become more at ease.

for a while.

Liu Yun's murderous intent flourished.

The other three dragon kings above the sky also had insight into the situation here, and they were shocked for a while.

"This guy has murderous intentions. Killing people under our noses is not putting us in strict eyes."

"We can't let him succeed, the death of the Death Dragon King has already caused the entire Dragon Clan to lose face, and if another Dragon King dies, the Dragon Clan's face will be completely lost as well.

"Just do it!!"

Brief eye contact.

The four dragon kings already had an idea in their minds, they turned around and rushed towards the earth dragon king without caring about fighting with Belserion.

"Stop it!"

The magic power of the three top dragon kings lowered the pressure of the dragon at the same time!

The magical power beyond imagination directly shook the ground in all directions for dozens of meters, and the boulders, trees, etc. were instantly turned into powder under this force.

At this moment, the space seems to be frozen in place.

Under this pressure, Liu Yun's speed and attack also slowed down a lot, giving the Earth Dragon King a respite.

The wings shook and flew directly into the sky.

"Damn ants, kill me!"

lucky enough to survive,

The Dragon King was shocked, but he was still full of anger towards Liu Yun.

The two sides confronted each other, and he was even forced into a trap, which was simply a shameful act for him.


Opening the huge dragon claw again, a large amount of magic power gathered in the mouth, turned into a roar and surged towards Liu Yun's position.

In the blink of an eye, the whole situation instantly became extremely dangerous.

Holy Dragon King Belserion was wounded and unstoppable.

Not to mention Irene's side.

He doesn't even have the strength of the Dragon King, and he will be in danger if he gets close to him a little bit.

Therefore, she can only watch Liu Yun's surprise attack from the Dragon Dynasty of the Earth, but she is completely powerless to stop it.

As for the dragon kings above, they showed triumphant smiles.


"As long as he is dealt with, the victory still belongs to the Dragon Clan!"

Insolent smiles gushed out from the mouth of the Four Dragon Kings!

At this time, they could already foresee the scene where Liu Yun was killed in an instant, and his whole body became blood pressure.

get away?


They didn't think that under such circumstances, Liu Yun would have any chance of survival.

The focus of the world and the field is all concentrated in one moment!

The moment the Earth Dragon King swung his sharp claws towards Liu Yun, the situation changed suddenly.

Liu Yun, who thought he was being imprisoned, suddenly started to move, avoiding the attack with one side and rushing towards the other side.

There is such a force in his hand that breaks the restriction together!

Soaring into the sky in an instant, flashing in front of the Dragon King of the Earth!


The Dragon King of the Earth was startled, and he hadn't thought of this situation at all.

In a panic, he didn't even have the reaction to a lightning strike, and a sharp pain rushed out of his chest and pierced through his heart.


Great power falls,

The figure of the Dragon King of the Earth flew out like a sharp arrow, and hit the ground deeply.

for a moment,

The dragon king of the earth made a terrible dragon cry!

In an instant, it attracted the attention of other personnel.

"How is it possible, why the Earth Dragon King was hit!"

"Why does he still have the ability to act!

"What the hell just happened!"

The unexpected situation shocked the audience.

No one expected that the result was completely reversed.

I also didn't expect that there would be the Earth Dragon King...

It's clearly fixed.

Obviously the attack is close at hand!

Why, still break free!


A lot of blood gushed out.

But even so, the Earth Dragon King still stared at Liu Yun and said with difficulty: "Why, why are you still able to move?"

"Obviously you have been locked!"


Liu Yun smiled lightly.

"Do you really think that mere magic power can lock me in?"


The power of the Four Dragon Kings is indeed very strong,

A power so powerful that it surpasses everything in the world, even space can be blocked.

This can be seen from the situation of Belserion, even a peak dragon king as powerful as him cannot break the restriction.

Even under heavy oppression, suffered heavy losses.

Compared with the strength of the peak Dragon King, Liu Yun is not a little bit worse. Currently, he still relies on part of the power of the dragon soul to barely fight.

Of course.

Unable to forcibly crack, does not mean that there is no way at all.

Under the eyes of the Zhisi Demon, everything, whether tangible or intangible, can be cut open. The reason why he didn't untie it immediately is to have time to get close.

Forced action, the Four Dragon Kings will never allow him to do it, the only way is to let the other party come to the door.

It is true that the process was a bit dangerous, but fortunately everything was safe and sound.

"It's almost my turn next."

Flow 1.0 Cloud Road.

Fingertips condense magic power.

Liu Yun prepares for the final blow.

The result was no surprise.

Liu Yun pointed forward like a sword.

A dark beam shot out to the fingertips.

The violent darkness pierced through the dragon scales of the Dragon King of the Earth, pierced directly into the skull of the giant dragon, and then spun and bloomed like a flower.

In an instant, the dragon head of the Dragon King of the Earth turned into flesh and blood.

Under everyone's watchful eyes, the Riming Dragon King fell.

Everything is so peaceful.

Everything is so quiet.


It's not over yet.

The battle is far from over, or in other words, this battlefield called the Dragon King Festival has only really begun.

Liu Yun raised his head slowly, looked at the three remaining dragon kings in the distant clouds with cold eyes, and said softly.

"It's your turn."

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