The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 198: Dragon Clan's Background!

face this scene.

Liu Yun didn't speak, his attention was still on the departing Dragon Clan until the other party's breath disappeared within his range of perception,

He breathed a sigh of relief.

During the whole process, Liu Yun didn't make a move at all, and it was the same when the pack dragon clan and the group of dragons evacuated.

Change to normal time.

Liu Yun, who is used to cutting grass and roots, has already killed all the enemies.

But the problem is,

He is too weak now.

So weak that Liu Yun's figure almost collapsed just as the opponent disappeared from sight.

Fortunately, at a critical time.

Irene rushed to Liu Yun's side in time, supported him with one hand, and used some magic power at the same time, so as to avoid the embarrassing situation.

"Well, you're not hurt, are you?"

Irene said.

A pair of beautiful eyes full of worry,

While talking, checking Liu Yun's situation up and down,

"Don't worry, I'm not hurt.

Looking at Irene who checked her injuries up and down, Liu Yun said a little weakly, and at the same time comforted the trembling heart, he could see the trembling hand.

That's right.

Irene's hands were shaking.

It is true that the victory of the war made her very happy, but the scene just now still caused fear in her heart.

The moment the Earth Dragon King waved and attacked, she really thought that Liu Yun was going to die.

It hasn't eased up until now. .

Hearing Liu Yun's words, Irene breathed a sigh of relief this time, but she still has no plans to leave Liu Yun's side.

"I really thought you were leaving me just now."

"Who do you think I am? Up until now, no one has been able to force the truth into a trap. Not now, nor in the future.

Liu Yun said with a smile.

There is absolute confidence in the words.

This is true.

I thought that Liu Yun had mastered too many secret techniques, but he didn't really make good use of them, resulting in serious waste.

There is no real mastery of each secret technique.

However, as he travels to five hundred years ago, the Dragon Clan and the Dragon King all create pressure on Liu Yun, making him have to fight.

After coming down again and again, his strength is also improving rapidly,

as this time.

As long as he rests for a period of time, Liu Yun will be able to tame and recover quickly, and continue to fight again.

At least.

In Liu Yun's feeling,

I am not too far away from the strength of the peak dragon king, as long as he is given a period of time, he will be able to break through the realm of the peak dragon king smoothly.

Thinking of this,

Liu Yun also smiled very proudly.

Irene nodded obediently.

She doesn't care too much, all she cares about is Liu Yun's safety, as long as Liu Yun has nothing to do, she doesn't care.

Thinking of this, Irene leaned against Liu Yun's arms.

It wasn't until a cough sounded that Irene regained consciousness instantly, and then they separated.

"By the way, how long are you two going to hold each other?"

look back.

I saw Belserion's head falling straight in front of them.

Staring at this scene, Irene's face quickly flushed red, and she quickly changed the subject.

"Belserion, you have nothing to do."

"Of course I have nothing to do. Compared with these, shouldn't you take him with me?"

"Greetings at the first time, I think you should be very worried about him,"

Belserion asked a very rare question, but the last sentence seemed a bit ambiguous.


Regarding the fact that her daughter was taken away, she still complained in her heart.


Wen Yan,

Irene wanted to explain something, but was forcibly interrupted by Belserion: "Okay, I'm really fine, I'm just exhausted, just take a rest.

"In contrast, you should deal with things on the battlefield first."

"Next, I have something to discuss with him."

Again and again.

After making sure Belserion wasn't angry, Irene left.

But Irene just left one second before, and Belserion's face returned to normal the next second.

"Thank you this time, without your help, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive this time."

In this sentence, Belserion did not mix any falsehood.

It is a sincere thanks to Liu Yun.

In the original plot, Belserion is doomed.

However, with the arrival of Liu Yun, the situation was completely reversed, and Belserion not only survived.

Irene doesn't have Blacken either.

Therefore, there is really nothing wrong with Belserion's thank you.

Liu Yun didn't change too much about this, he just smiled lightly and said: "What can I say, I was also invited.

"It's the Dragon Clan's side, how do you plan to solve it?"

The death of the Dragon King of the Earth caused the Dragon Clan to withdraw briefly.

However, this is only the first step. The opponent will make a comeback sooner or later, and at that time, it is the moment when the Dragon King Festival erupts.

At that time.

That is, all the fighting power of the Dragon Clan was dispatched.

Facing this situation, Belserion fell silent for a moment.

"~ You can only take one step and see one step at a time. Apart from the four dragon kings, there are more than twenty dragon kings on the side of the dragon clan who have not yet dispatched.

"If I go all out, I can still drag five or six dragon kings to death."

"Twenty dragon kings?"

Liu Yun was a little shocked.

According to Liu Yun's prediction, the number of dragon kings may exceed double digits, but grandpa did not expect the number to be so large.



There are really so many words of the Dragon King.

The Dragon Clan has already crushed the Human Clan and occupied the area of ​​Ishgar. It is impossible for the current situation to happen.

Even if it is the holy dragon king Belserion, it is impossible to have peak strength.

With his strength, he can fight against two peak dragon kings at most, and if there are too many, he will fall into a passive situation, just like this time.

"The peak dragon king only has seven heads, don't think that all dragon kings (of Li Zhao) can be like Chinese cabbage."

Seemingly seeing what Liu Yun was thinking, Belserion added another sentence.

Wen Yan,

Only then did Liu Yun heave a sigh of relief.

There are so many dragon kings, if he is really asked to fight, he will definitely go crazy.

But even so.

The current situation is still unfavorable.

It is true that a large number of giant dragons have been killed and injured on the side of the Dragon King, and there are still two Dragon Kings. This situation undoubtedly severely damaged the Dragon Clan.

However, it is not yet possible to reach the point where it hurts muscles and bones.

The real high-end combat power is still well maintained.

In this regard, Liu Yun can also understand some of Belserion's ideas.


head tilted.

Facing such an overwhelming battle, even if they join forces to fight together, it may not be able to turn the tide of the battle much.

The only possibility is to break down one by one.

But such a thing happened, it is already very difficult to do this. .

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