The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 199: Raid, Death Of The Storm Dragon King!

stay on the battlefield for a while,

Liu Yun, Irene and others chose to evacuate back.

It is true that he defeated the Dragon King briefly, but no one can guarantee whether the opponent will suddenly get support and turn around to attack.

at the same time.

The state of Liu Yun and Belserion can't support the battle anymore.

The fruit of life contains enormous power.

However, after reaching the king level, the effect of this force of life is infinitely reduced.

After all, the life force and power contained in a king's body are extremely huge, and a little life force cannot play a big role.

At most, it will alleviate the effect.

So Irene decided to return to Doragunov to recuperate for a period of time, to restore Liu Yun and Belserion to their condition, so as to meet the rework of the Dragon Clan.

at the same time.

Just when Liu Yun and Irene and others returned to Doragunov.

the other side,

The Dragon Clan giant dragon led by the Three Dragon Kings returned to the western station, ready to find a place to rest.

As for,

It is simply impossible to find other companions.

Being a Dragon King at least requires a bit of dignity.

After such a big embarrassment happened in 927, he would only be ridiculed by other dragons when he went back. It would be better to stay than to do that.

Not even the idea of ​​going back west appealed to them.

However, due to the excessive casualties and fear of other problems, they still chose to go back and find a safe area to rest.


And that's all there is to it.

Until now, recalling the previous scene, several people still gritted their teeth with hatred.

"Damn it, when we go back this time, the other guys will definitely laugh at us, if it wasn't for that human being, we would be able to solve Belserion this time.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, they will die sooner or later, so what can we do if we give them a little more time to survive.

"Recover as soon as possible. This war is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We must not lose."

"By the way, the magic power and land here must be fully occupied."

On the way back.

Several dragon kings are still discussing the situation.

As everyone knows.

An invisible danger is rapidly approaching their location.

And at this time, a sudden situation appeared,

right on the battlefield,

A terrifying light came from the west, and when I looked up, a dazzling beam of light broke through the sky.

The light penetrated the black mist and landed in the center of the battlefield.

In an instant.

A large number of dragons were wiped out by this force, including some injured dragons!


"Dangerous! Get out of the way!"

"What is the situation, who is attacking us!"

A tragic wail broke out among the dragons.

And this voice quickly attracted the attention of the Three Dragon Kings, and the moment they looked at this beam of light, the expressions of all the people present suddenly changed!


Coming strength is not easy!

"This is king class!"

"Another king, didn't you say that on the continent of Ishgar, there is only Belserion, a dragon king? Where are there so many kings!"

"No, this one doesn't seem to belong to the other party, and their dragons have also been attacked!"

"What the hell is going on!"

"Wait, the other party seems to be a human, a human!"

"There is still a king class! This is impossible!"

"Damn it! Could it be that some human being chased him before?"

"Impossible, this guy just finished fighting earlier, it is impossible to recover so quickly."

"Who dares to slaughter the giant dragon of the Dragon Clan!"

The Three Dragon Kings roared angrily!

A second ago, the Earth Dragon King died in the hands of human beings.

In the next second, another group of dragons fell, which was undoubtedly a huge slap in the face.

And when he heard that the opposite (ceei) party was a human being, the anger in his heart was mobilized instantly, thinking about preparing to fight to the death.


Facing the threat of the Dragon King, the human beings who slaughtered the dragons have no plans to stop, and even the speed is getting faster and faster.

In the blink of an eye.

More than hundreds of dragons died on the land of Ishgar again.

There was not much left in the dragon army, at this moment there are only a few dozens left,

"This guy!"

Sudden mutation.

The Three Dragon Kings were extremely angry, but just as they were about to fight back, the opponent's figure had already appeared in front of them.

"Hey, hey, you are the Dragon King of the Dragon Clan. I have been looking for you for a long time, and I finally found you."

"Waste so much of my time, what are you going to use to pay back?"

It was a black man.

Appearing in the darkness, there is an ominous atmosphere all over the place.

Staring at this scene, the Three Dragon Kings suddenly froze.

"not him!"

What is the situation!

According to the instinctive reaction, and the prediction in the heart.

Liu Yun is the only person capable of slaughtering dragons, and he never thought that he would run into another one on this side after turning around.

This situation completely caught them off guard.

But surprises are surprises,

The shot still has to be shot.

The moment he regained his senses, the Storm Dragon King looked at the black man and roared angrily, "Who the hell are you!"

"Who! Are you talking about me?"

The man sneered.

"It doesn't matter what my name is anymore, the people who really care about should be your CIA pair.

"All you need to know is that I'm here to hunt you."

"There's only one thing you need to remember."

"What, you fellow, do you know what you're talking about?"

The Storm Dragon King is in a rage!

What a joke.

One Liu Yun is fine, one turn of the head is another human being saying such words in front of them.

It's impossible to pretend that their Dragon King's strength is fake.

Say it.

The Storm Dragon King is ready to do it.

However, the opponent seemed to have foreseen it, and easily dodged the attack,


The Storm Dragon King was startled.

Before he could react, a terrifying attack suddenly landed behind him in the next second.

Accompanied by a scream.

Under his gaze, a dragon king was easily taken down for life.

However, this has not yet been combined, and after turning around, this black shadow sprints towards the next target.


A lot of blood gushed out.

A dragon king fell down and died in an instant.

There was no pause in the whole process. Watching this scene, the Storm Dragon King froze.

"Who are you.........".

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