The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 200: Doragunov Capital!

The Storm Dragon King was startled!

This situation far exceeded his expectations.

In just a few minutes, two dragon kings fell to the ground, and he combined without reacting during the whole process.

Such a situation, even if he played against Liu Yun~, he never encountered it.


It may also be because of the long-term battle that caused excessive consumption of magic power, and everyone did not come to remember the reaction.


This situation is already very scary.

What is the identity of the other party?!

The Storm Dragon King's gaze was fixed on him, but the man on the other side didn't have any desire to answer, and just walked towards the position of the Storm Dragon King step by step.

Strong pressure fell on the Storm Dragon King in an instant.

The same scene happened again.

"As I said before, it is enough for you to know that I am the one who came to hunt you."

The man said indifferently,

To this.

The Storm Dragon King had no chance to react at all.

Accompanied by a flash of black shadow, a strong pain came from its chest immediately, causing its dragon face to quickly fall into a distorted state.

Looking down, I don't know when the position of his chest is between.

A huge hole has been opened, and the heart that should have appeared in the hole has disappeared, showing signs of the rear.

This is a piercing scene.

And behind the Storm Dragon King, the man grabbed the heart and stuffed it into his mouth, frantically devouring it.

Like a lunatic, he devoured the flesh and blood of the Dragon King deeply.

The surrounding dragons were completely stunned watching this scene. Before he had time to react too much, he ran away towards the distance.


In the presence of men, the possibility of fleeing is completely non-existent.

magic burst,

In an instant, a large number of dragons fell to the ground.

However, he stayed in the same place without any movement, and his hands were still constantly stuffing meat into his mouth.

Until it completely ate up the flesh and blood of the Dragon King.

The man just got up slowly and walked towards a position.

It was a small canyon, the location was not big but it was just enough to cover the figure of a dragon, the man said after walking to the edge of the canyon.

"Go back and tell the Dragon King of the Dragon Clan that I will wait for him here. If he doesn't come, I believe what the consequences will be."

"At that time, I will brush up all the dragons in the entire dragon clan!"


After leaving a few words.

As soon as the man's footsteps were stepped, the figure jumped up and turned into a black dragon, flying quickly towards the distant area.

And in the area where he just stopped,

A white giant dragon crawled out slowly, and after confirming that there was no danger, it rushed towards the dragon clan's base camp.

The dragon is flying hard.

There was no pause during the whole process, for fear that the opponent would catch up quickly as soon as he turned his head, and would not give him any way to survive.

that's all.

Under the yellow diamond sprinting at full speed, it quickly arrived at the Dragon Clan's base camp area, and submitted the news and intelligence to the previous issue.

As for the high-level response of the Dragon Clan.

Liu Yun didn't know.

Because at this moment, she was approaching Doragunov, preparing to go there to fight with the Celestial Spirit family and Anna.

under such circumstances

Hurry up, it took about three or four days to reach the palace area.

In a moment of honesty,

The whole team immediately attracted the attention of the whole city.

This is also impossible.

Long before they arrived, Irene had arranged for people to bring the news back to stabilize the situation within the entire human race.


when this news comes back

The entire human race exploded in an instant!

As early as before, the people inside the capital knew about the situation of the war, and many people had already given up any hope for it.

I thought that after this war, the human race would completely give up their last hope,

I never thought that I would watch it again in the end.

Even killed a dragon king.

This news undoubtedly greatly affected the situation of the Human Race's Internal Security Department.


The situation that had already been lost suddenly took a shocking turn.

The whole human race suddenly fell into joy.

at the same time.

The moment the new news of the return spread, a large number of people flocked to the gate of the city, wanting to see the demeanor of the heroes of the human race.

Almost instantly, the entire city gate was completely surrounded.

"Where is the person, where is the person who slaughtered the Dragon King? Why didn't I see it?"

"Let me think about it, what does the man who killed two dragon kings look like, and whether he has three heads and six arms."

"Wait, I've been squeezed, and I don't even have a place."

"Look! People are coming!"

The uproar broke out wantonly.

hear the words

All eyes turned to outside the city gate.

Faced with this situation,

Liu Yun was also dumbfounded.

This is too many people.

Large and small, the entire capital and the outer area were completely blocked, and there was no open space in the entire area.

If you want to enter the capital, you need to fly to enter.

See here.

Liu Yun was also a little confused.

This situation is simply too terrifying.

Anna on the side carefully explained: "Master Liu Yun, here are not only the people of Doragunov, but also the human race who migrated from the west."

"With the influx of a large number of people, the capital was filled in an instant, and some residents could only survive outside.

"It was not only inside and outside the capital that I learned of your arrival, but even some people from nearby cities also approached. 17

"But that's too much."

Liu Yun complained.

It is also difficult for so many people to want to act.


With Irene's majesty, and in the process, the road quickly gave way to an area to be passed by the team.

Under the reception of the staff of the royal capital, I stepped into the interior of the palace

Belserion did not go with him, his body was so huge that even a small king could not accommodate him even if he was like a mountain peak.

Ever since.

He was resting on a hill outside the city gate.

There are dedicated personnel to provide a large number of magic crystals to help restore and heal the lotus.

Don't worry about any problems,

Belserion is also able to communicate with Irene telepathically if something goes wrong.

There is a contractual relationship between the two.

There is no problem communicating anything.

on the other side,

After handling all the affairs, Liu Yun immediately stepped into the palace.

And at this time.

Anna, who had been acting separately before, was already busy waiting inside the palace.

The moment she saw Liu Yun, Anna rushed forward desperately, and immediately fell into Liu Yun's words. .

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