The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 201: Clean Up The Interior!

"Anna, this is..."

Everything came too suddenly.

Liu Yun was also a little caught off guard.

In a split second, he was almost thrown down.

"Master Liu Yun! It's great to see that you have nothing to do."

Anna threw herself into Liu Yun's arms, and quickly warmed up.

She also heard the news from the outside world.

When she learned that Liu Yun was going to fight many dragon kings, her whole heart was suspended, even though the delicious food in the palace continued.

She still couldn't completely relax.

Seeing this and seeing Liu Yun come back safe and sound, her heart was completely relieved.

Seeing Anna like this, Liu Yun felt a little touched in his heart, and stretched out his palm to gently stroke Anna's hair.

"Sorry for worrying you these days."

Irene also saw such a scene.

But she didn't react at all, just like Anna knew about "Two Nine Zero", she also knew that a man as good as Liu Yun couldn't be the only one with a woman like izj.

In this era, the more powerful a person is, the more women he will be surrounded by.

What's more.

Long before this, Liu Yun had been staying with the Celestial Spirit mage family, saying that it had nothing to do with it, and Irene couldn't believe it anyway.

In her opinion, Liu Yun, who is only one woman, is considered extremely restrained.


Even so,

Irene still felt a little taste in her heart.

Just like my most beloved doll must be shared with others, there will inevitably be some discomfort in my heart.


It only takes a little time to recover.

At this moment, Anna seemed to sense that Irene was also present, and Anna blushed and quickly got up from Liu Yun's body.

Look embarrassed.

But Liu Yun didn't care at all, anyway, he said his woman,

After looking at it for a long time, what is there to care about.

In contrast, he cared more about Anna's situation.

"But don't worry, I have nothing else to do." Liu Yun comforted, and then turned to another topic,

"Speaking of which, are you still used to living in the capital?"

"Not very good." Behind.

Anna shook her head and said.

This reaction caught Liu Yun by surprise.

In the following Anna's narration, Liu Yun finally learned the truth of everything.

It turned out that after the soldiers were divided into two groups, Anna led the Celestial Spirit family to Doragunov, but they had just arrived.

The situation is not what Anna and Liu Yun imagined.

In the first time, Anna and the Celestial Spirit family drove out.

Acting as a homeless person in distress, he ignored her pleas at all, and even insulted her, telling her to go away.

True, it was rejected.

But Anna didn't leave immediately.

After all, she knew that once the battle was combined, Liu Yun would go to Doragunov to have a round with him as soon as possible.

In order to prevent Liu Yun from being lost, Anna endured the pressure and discomfort and led the people to stay in Doragunov.

Relying on its own magic to survive with difficulty.


This situation did not last for many days.

Following the news, after the initial victory in the war, the situation within the entire capital changed.

Before waiting for Anna to do something.

Within a few days, a group of nobles invited them into the palace to wait for the return of Irene and Liu Yun.

As for what the reason is.

This kind of thing can be seen without guessing.

It's nothing more than bullying the weak and fearing the hard.

If this kind of thing happened to Liu Yun, he would just laugh it off,


If this situation happened to Anna, he would never allow it.

What a joke.

He went out to fight with the human race by himself, and even died a little bit.

look back.

But someone was bullying his woman, and even drove her out of the capital.

This is definitely too chilling.

It is true that I fought so hard at the beginning because of Irene, but no one can bear to hear such a situation behind the scenes.

the other side.

Irene also heard this situation, saw Liu Yun's complexion changed drastically, and quickly advised her.

I'm sorry, Mr. Liu Yun has some problems with this matter. I will go back and deal with it. I hope you don't care.

heard the words.

Liu Yun, who was about to get angry, stopped instantly.

This is the capital of the kingdom.

It's Irene's place anyway.

To act wild here is to trample on Irene's face, and how to say that Irene is also his woman.

It is impossible for him to take care of one person's mood while ignoring the other....

In this way, what is the difference between him and the scumbag?

thought about it,

Liu Yun calmed down his anger quickly, and tweeted to Irene.

"Then I will leave it to you to deal with it, and it must be done properly. If you never come, remember to call me, and I will help you deal with it.

Well, no need, Master Liu Yun, you can rest assured.

Irene can naturally hear the concern in Liu Yun's words.

My heart is also slightly softened.

Such cases are rare.

You must know that because of a small dispute, Liu Yun killed the entire Second Kingdom.

Now that she is able to endure for her own sake, this undoubtedly gives her a lot of face.

So she needs to handle such a matter better.

Of course.

She also had to agree.

Otherwise, with Liu Yun's personality, if such a big incident happened, the entire capital would be afraid that it would fall.

With Liu Yun's strength, he can definitely do it.

Do not doubt.

See Irene agree to come down.

Liu Yun was too lazy to worry about it, and after asking about Anna's rest room, he turned around and took Anna away.

And when the two figures disappeared from sight.

Irene also quickly turned her head to a guard, and immediately convened the Human Race Alliance Council in the capital. Said: Go, immediately issue the Queen's order to gather all the high-level officials, I have important orders.


The voice fell.

The order was delivered quickly,

At Irene's call. Soon a large number of people came.

No wonder.

After all, with the downfall of the Second Kingdom, Irene is now the strongest, and all royal families must strictly obey Irene's command.

if not,

Waiting would be a very severe punishment.

About ten minutes after the order was issued, all the people who called for the meeting had arrived.


Irene doesn't have any plans to call a meeting.

Instead, he sat in his original position and waited quietly.

A heavy atmosphere surrounds the heads of the crowd, watching this scene, some people also beat the drums, guessing what is important about Irene summoning them.

Then call them in a hurry!.

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