The Strongest Villain Personality At The Beginning

Chapter Ninety-Nine: The Messenger Of The Underworld

"Haha, it seems to be getting more and more interesting, but next, I will play with you. Let's consider today as an opening. It will be very interesting in the future. My name is Chou Emperor, because you also belong to the Soul Clan. , I hope you understand, hee hee!"


Swish... In an instant, everyone's figures disappeared in the air and on the top of the building above the arena.

However, a sharp and harsh sound like laughter echoed in the air.

"This is your first meeting gift. The reason why I'm here is just because you have the ability to communicate with the ghost world. Naturally, you are the opposite and may be a potential threat to our soul clan. I admit that I am little I saw you! I hope you can come to the underworld, and I will give you another big gift!"

"I'm serious!" A clown-like smiling face slowly formed in the clouds above Lingtian, and then disappeared.

Is Ye Muchen's secret passage that title?

Messenger of Yin Cao?

He didn't even pay much attention to these things, but how did the other party know that he had this ability to communicate with the soul?

Ugly Emperor? This is a bit too weird, but it’s not a bad thing.

It means that the road ahead is still very long, and then a strange smile appeared on his face, looking up at the sky and not knowing what he was thinking!

After leaving, Shen Ran asked with some confusion: "Why are we leaving, Mr. Chou Emperor? You must know that although the brat is pretty good, but..."

"Haha, you are too immature. Our goal is just the Emperor's Sutra, but it is obvious that the boy has already understood it, and our king has lost interest in it!"

"Do you think those old guys in Huahai won't appear out of thin air, or do you think psychic weapons and military personnel won't suddenly come here? That kid, the King, personally said that he might have psychic abilities!"

"Although it is incredible that there are people with psychic abilities among human warriors, it is almost impossible for the king to deceive. After all, those super-powerful beast-level monsters can clearly feel that there are human warriors who are about to attack. Open a contract with them, we are here just to confirm the answer!"

The Chou Emperor shrugged and galloped through the clouds over the Huahai Sea, and the figures disappeared into the sky.

Everyone was silent for a moment, looking at Ye Muchen who was smiling alone and looking up at the sky. His tough face had already left a huge shock to them.

Under the guidance of their instructors, the students of Jida Academy lifted the bodies on the ground and followed the other gloomy-looking elders into leaving the place.

Although many people were unwilling to give in, everything seemed insignificant in front of the opponent's powerful strength. After a long time, he said helplessly to the people behind him: "Let's go, it's over!"

Now only Ye Muchen is left in the field. Looking at him who is constantly dusting himself, everyone in Lingtian is silent for the first time, and their hearts are shaken by today's result.

Ye Muchen, who has always been regarded as a useless person without any strength by them, is called a playboy.

But it was at the most critical moment that he helped Lingtian College win today's hard-won victory, and in such a stunning manner.

It can even be said that Lingtian was saved!

Dean Duan Feihong and Meng Tu stood aside and stared at Ye Muchen with complicated expressions. The strength and courage that this boy had just exploded far exceeded their knowledge of the students.

Such people only want to be students in Huahai, but they show such a side in front of them. It's like a slap in the face!

Mengtu wanted to come forward and say hello, but he quickly rejected this approach. After all, he should rest more now. Although he couldn't see any discomfort, how could he not be tired.

At this time, Ye Jingyi, Mu Qingxue and others couldn't tell what they were feeling in their hearts, but no matter what they thought, Ye Muchen naturally didn't know.

Lan Ruoxi left with some reluctance, but as a student of Jida Academy, she had no reason to stay.

Wu Xihong seemed to read his sister's thoughts and then said with a smile: "Go back, I will take my eldest brother back as a guest in a few days. Don't worry, I don't know what your little thoughts are!"

"Really?" Lan Ruoxi suddenly smiled when she heard this.

Ye Zhe glanced at his sister beside him and said: "Come on, you still have a long road ahead, and you have many enemies. As a brother, I can't help you much, but I think grandpa can definitely help you." .”

"Humph, besides, what are you thinking? I am not as shameless as she is!" Ye Jingyi replied fiercely with a rosy face.

Ye Muchen walked to the field and patted the stunned group of people, laughing: "Let's go, what are you still looking at here? Everyone has dispersed if you're not watching?"

"Oh! Okay!" After Ye Jingyi reacted, she excitedly jumped to Ye Muchen's side and followed behind Ye Muchen.

Ye Zhe, Mu Qingxue, Wu Xihong, Mu Yunhao and others also chased after him.

But before he walked a few steps, he saw Duan Feihong waiting for him not far ahead.

"Your grandpa just called and asked you to go back. Ye Muchen, you really surprised me. Even I can't see through you. And when did you start to meditate on the Emperor Sutra? How come I don't know at all?" , that old ghost Ye Langxing never said which bookstore you went to, who is the dean?"

Although Duan Feihong's tone seemed a little helpless, his face was full of a kind smile, which was rare in the past.

Ye Muchen nodded after hearing this, but more and more Lingtian students gathered over, and they all seemed to want to say hello to Ye Muchen, especially many girls, with heart in their eyes.

Li Xueman kept staring at Ye Muchen's figure, and beside her were Chen Kexin and other students from Class 102.

"Teacher, do you think he will appear in our class again in the future?" Chen Kexin asked lightly with a somewhat disappointed look.

"Maybe, don't think about it, no matter what, he is Lingtian's pride!" Li Xueman forced a smile.

The surrounding students all started thinking thoughtfully. The gap between them and Ye Mu (Wang's) Chen was really huge, like a star to a sun.

Shi Jin, a chubby little guy, had a very happy face, because he felt that he was getting closer and closer to his dream. You must know that Ye Muchen was in the back row, and he could make a lot of money from any interview.

After Ye Muchen exchanged a few words with Ye Jingyi and others, he left the college early and walked towards his parking space. After all, he still had to go home, so he knew what was going on without even thinking about it.

Ye Muchen is now regarded as the most popular figure in Lingtian. On the way out, students from both the senior and junior groups nodded at him.

This situation was impossible to happen in the past, and some of it was just suppressed by the identity of the Ye family. It is different from today. Everyone knows that Ye Muchen is going to take off. This is an indisputable fact.

However, there are many top 100 colleges in Huahai. Can Ye Muchen really lead them to successfully advance to higher education?

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