Ye Muchen quickly walked out of the college and walked towards his black supercar.

With the scene just now being recalled in his mind, it seemed that he had to find time to test his ability to communicate with the soul.

After driving into Ye's villa area, he was hurriedly stopped by security guards.

"Master Ye." A middle-aged man in a security uniform said respectfully.

"Is something wrong?"

Ye Muchen felt strange that someone actually stopped his car?

"No, it's okay. Someone just gave you a car." The security guard's face was full of embarrassment.

"Oh, just send it to Yejia Manor, I understand!"

However, before Ye Muchen could finish speaking, he heard again: "Master Ye is's just that car, don't you take a look, it seems to be a Santana 2000.

"Oh, hmm? What...what did you just say?"

Ye Muchen was so amused that he couldn't believe his ears.

It seems like it is indeed a parallel world, but that car has been discontinued even on Earth, right?

"Don't tell me that the person who delivered the car was a girl. What else was she called Yu Jiawen?"

Ye Muchen suddenly seemed to remember something, and forced out a sentence through gritted teeth.

"Master, do you know everything?" The security guard immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that the 777 is really here. Isn't that car discontinued? How did she get it? It's so inhumane. If you then ask someone to drive the car to the door of Yejia Manor, someone will come and pick it up!"

Ye Muchen said helplessly and drove the vehicle in.

The whole person feels bad, haha, damn, she really thinks of herself as a beggar. Although it is an ordinary car, it is still... Just wait, Yu Jiawen, right, this matter Never finished.

Even if you don't give me a car, it doesn't matter. Ye Muchen didn't care about that at all. He didn't take it seriously and just thought it was a bit boring that day. At least that woman was really uneducated and she was so confident when she hit someone.

But right now this is too damn irritating. Is my life worth a Santana 2000?

When Ye Muchen returned to the lobby on the first floor of Ye's house, many servants inside greeted his young master respectfully when they saw him coming back.

Many of the servants were even surprised by their young master, if not for any other reason than that the battle at Lingtian Academy was being played on almost every screen in the Ye family today.

Everyone's face was filled with joy. Although it was unclear whether the young master's speed of improvement was unreasonable, it was always a good thing.

In their eyes, strength is not as important as the safety of their own young master.

"Young Master, you are back. If you don't come back, I'm afraid they will have to catch you. Master and the others have been waiting for you upstairs. The fifth floor is near the lobby inside."

Uncle Qin gave Ye Muchen a vaccination with a smile on his face.

"Okay, Uncle Qin, I'll go up right now."

Ye Muchen responded briefly and stepped onto the elevator. It seemed that the battle was not small, otherwise how could he use them, but he didn't think much and luckily stepped into the elevator.

Ding, as the elevator reached the fifth floor, Ye Muchen walked out of it. He looked at the empty corridors around him, except for a few people making noises, there was no other noise, and he couldn't help but secretly thought.

It seems that Yejia really pays attention to it. At least there is no sound inside. The atmosphere must be extraordinary. You don't need to think about it to know the atmosphere.

Ye Muchen said to a maid beside him: "Grandpa and the others are all in there?"

"Yes, the young master is all here, waiting for you." The servant knew that he was aware of the changes in the young master and did not dare to say anything more.

All in all, the atmosphere at Yejia today was very strict.

Just as Ye Muchen was about to walk towards the fifth-floor hall, he felt his eyes go dark, and then a woman's soft voice interrupted Ye Muchen's subconscious actions.

"Guess who I am?" Ye Ruoxi shouted softly in her pink pajamas.

"Stop making trouble Ruoxi, who else but you dares to tease me like this? Why aren't you sleeping? Don't you need to go to (bcc) martial arts class tomorrow?"

Ye Muchen asked softly. He naturally knew that no one else in the Ye family dared to treat him like this except his sister.

It seemed that he seemed so relaxed only in front of this sister.

"No way, I took a few days off and promised to take care of you, but it seems like you don't need any care at all.

Ye Ruoxi pouted and seemed a little unhappy.

"Of course, your brother and I have already recovered, and there's nothing serious about your health. Don't worry. By the way, grandpa and the others are still waiting for me. I'll go over and check it out, so as not to make him unhappy again. Please remember to get ready soon." Rest, you hear me?"

He returned his hand and rubbed Ye Ruoxi's nose with a doting look.

"I know, I know, then go ahead, brother."

Although Ye Ruoxi was a little reluctant to leave, his face was full of smiles, because he found that his brother seemed to have really returned to that very warm time with her.

She originally wanted to test Ye Muchen, but now she found that her brother seemed to be a little different, but it wasn't a bad thing anyway.

"By the way, are your parents here too?"

Ye Muchen asked curiously. After all, Ye Muchen really didn't know how to answer when facing his father. It was just that his grandfather was easy to handle. He asked tentatively.

"It seems they went to Mo's house and may not come back tonight."

Ye Ruoxi kept her voice low, for fear that Ye Muchen would be a little excited.

But surprisingly, Ye Muchen's face didn't change much, he just said casually.

"Brother, please go quickly. Grandpa and the others have been waiting for a while. It seems that uncle and the others are here. I will go back to the house and sleep first, otherwise I will definitely be told again, brother, come on, sister supports you, and you must always teach me in the future. Practice, good night, okay."

Ye Ruoxi blushed slightly and looked a little shy, and ran away quickly.

Ye Muchen looked at his sister and shook his head helplessly. Maybe he was really changing slowly, and couldn't help but murmur to himself.

"It seems that she also knows, but why doesn't she ask herself? This may be a family-like feeling. In their eyes, caring is sometimes more important."

Ye Muchen took a deep breath and pushed open the closed door of the hall. He was still a little nervous inside.

When the door was pushed open, no less than a dozen middle-aged men and women and some junior youths came into view.

Ye Batian was sitting in the upper seat, and on his right were two middle-aged men in their forties, who he thought must be his uncles. The so-called seven aunts and eight aunts seemed to be like this. .

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