The Strongest Villain Personality At The Beginning

Chapter 101: Uncompromising Measures

"Grandpa, I'm back!"

The atmosphere relaxed a lot as he entered, because their faces were all filled with happy smiles, which made him feel very comfortable.

"Come here Mu Chen, sit down!"

Ye Batian changed his usual majestic face with a smile, and continued: "I have seen it today, how many things do you still have that we don't know about? I can't even believe that the man on the stage can~ My grandson!"

Ye Muchen was embarrassed when he heard this and scratched his head. Why did this sound so awkward? Then he laughed.

"This is actually all due to grandpa. I just learned the broken pages of the Ye family that you gave me last time by luck.

"Huh!?" It's better not to say this. After saying this, everyone's face was filled with incredulous expressions. At least there were very few people in the Ye family who didn't know what the thing was.

But only Mr. Ye Batian knew that the broken page was related to the Ye family in the high-level area.

"Hey... aren't you kidding me? You said you understood those pieces of paper?" Ye Batian couldn't help but say something rude.

Yes, it is just waste paper in their eyes, Ye Muchen cursed in his heart when he heard it.

Damn it! It turns out that you always treat me like waste paper, and what kind of treasure did you say at that time, asking me to keep it safe...?

Ye Muchen's mind is full of dark clues. If the other party hadn't been his grandfather, he would have been helpless.

Ye Feiyun has been observing this nephew. Although he hasn't seen him for several days, he is still the same Ye Muchen, and he suddenly feels relieved.

The atmosphere in the hall became solemn again. Ye Muchen understood the fragments of the Ye family. Isn't it incomplete?

How did he do it? Is Ye Muchen so gifted in understanding?

Everyone looked at Ye Muchen with big eyes and small eyes, which made him particularly embarrassed, as if they were looking at some exquisite objects.

"Ahem!" Ye Batian coughed twice and then said seriously: "Mu Chen, what is your current strength? Hey, it's still combat strength. It's more natural this way."

Ye Muchen laughed when he heard this and said: "It's not much, but it's more than ten thousand battles!"

Naturally, he had reservations, it was just a careless look.

"What? Over 10,000 combat power!?"

There were waves of exclamations in the hall, and even Ye Batian couldn't sit still. This is my grandson...

Although they had prepared earlier, at least Ye Muchen's performance at that time was indeed impressive, but after confirming that this kid said it himself, it still seemed so shocking.

"I rely on my brother's strength to be incredible. You must know that there are not many warriors with over 10,000 combat power at this age. What is the concept of a strong warrior at the martial level who is less than 20 years old?

Ye Mo looked admiring, and felt very happy in his heart. This would make it much easier to pick up girls at Fengtian College in the future, because he had an awesome younger brother.

Ye Muchen really felt that it was nothing, it was just over 10,000. If they knew that his combat power at this moment could be said to be over 100,000, even if all of them had high blood pressure, it would be for their own good.

Ye Muchen was relieved a lot when he thought of this.

"Could it be that those scraps of paper from the Ye family are really so powerful? They are worthy of being passed down from high-level areas. It's hard to imagine that they can have such power if they are understood casually!"

Ye Batian pondered for a moment and started talking eloquently.

He naturally believed it. After all, people like them who had never really stepped into that area would not be able to understand the truth about the things in the advanced area.

Ye Ning Ye Muchen's uncle suddenly said: "You have such strength, but you didn't tell us earlier, which made us worry in vain."

"You know that when you came to power, your grandfather almost demolished the house. Hey, it's okay as long as you're fine. This is what our Ye family is like. I'm proud of you, and I'm proud of you."


"Who says it's not the case? I have always thought that Mu Chen is a good kid. Although he is a bit playful, my aunt naturally understands your heart as a man. Your uncle used to be a bastard than you. Why don't you let me train you now? So obedient!"

Xiao Qiujie said from time to time that indeed everyone in them was very good to Ye Muchen in the past. Maybe the big family members were not as mean as outsiders imagined.

Even if you are a loser, your family is your family after all. If you are a member of your own family, you can make small fuss and say a few words freely, but outsiders will definitely not be able to do it. This is the foundation of a prosperous family.

After hearing this, Ye Ning was unhappy and said: "Now we are talking about Ye Muchen. Why do you always mention me as a good man but not mention how brave I was? You don't know? What's more, the juniors are here, making people laugh."

"Ahem." Ye Muchen coughed twice quickly, wanting to break the beautiful atmosphere, and then said calmly: "Is this why you are looking for me?"

"Haha, of course not. I'm talking about your current situation. People with psychic weapons have come to see me. People from the military region have also come to see me. Even people from the King of Hell's Mansion have come. I hope you can enter their power. Of course I don't. I may make the decision for you, that is your business, I just want to discuss your opinion with you, after all, you are also an adult!"

…Please give me flowers………………

Ye Batian's expression became much more serious.

"Huh...Mu Chen is very popular now. It's a big deal to be invited by one party. But now he's invited by three parties at the same time. It's really a headache."

"That's awesome. When can I be like my brother? I'll be fine. But there will be a promotion competition for the Huahai Academy in a month. Brother, you have to work hard!"

"Are they really here? I didn't expect it to be so fast. As expected of the senior leaders of Huahai, the speed is extraordinary!"

Everyone in the hall expressed their feelings.

Ye Muchen had actually expected this, and it looked very ordinary to him and said with a smile.

"Grandpa, I have always wanted to ask you a question. If one day I do something wrong, will you blame me?"



Ye Batian was stunned for a moment and was a little confused, but after seeing the boy's very serious tone, he laughed loudly.

"No matter what you do, you are the descendant of our Ye family. There should be no right or wrong in this world, it is just rules imposed by others!"

"I understand, thank you!" Ye Muchen instantly became more determined about his future path, which was a path full of thorns.

He knows very well that if he wants to overthrow the rules of an era, he must create a rule! Breaking the constraints may be his purpose here!

"I heard that old ghost Duan Feihong said that you might go to the outskirts of the city for training in the next two days. Naturally, I believe you won't have any problems, but I still have to mention it.

"Aliens, even small and very low-level ones, are not that easy to deal with. It's not as easy as you think, so you have to protect yourself!"

"The outside world is very scary. It is deserted and people with psychic weapons are killed on the battlefield every day. Even many leaders died there. Counting the boundaries of the city's periphery, we can't even account for 5%. Go up, you will know how terrifying the world is now!"

"Not to mention those sea areas. I know that you students usually train your minds in the surrounding areas, but there might as well be some people who can cause harm!"

"I hope you understand that wherever there are people, there will naturally be rivers and lakes. Human nature is the least able to withstand the test. Only by protecting yourself is the foundation of life, and you can even resort to any means. What I want to teach you today is this!"

Ye Batian sighed loudly, and everyone in the hall fell silent. What he told Ye Muchen was not a reminder to everyone present!

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