Ye Muchen naturally understands the truth. Perhaps what he should really control is the so-called dark side of this world!

Do things that others can't do, and find the true value of your own existence! There is no such thing as justice in this world!

After Ye Muchen exchanged a few simple words and had dinner, he drove to a bar. The bar didn't look big, but the content made the man feel extremely comfortable and crazy.

Black Sunday

Ye Muchen used to be a regular customer here, and almost all the ladies and service staff knew him, but no one knew his true background.

Of course, no one here will care about that, they are all just getting drunk, and Ye Muchen also likes this very much.

After ordering a cocktail, I casually shook the glass in my hand and took a sip.

Looking at the chaotic and noisy scene of the demons around him, he found a sense of resonance.

"Handsome, is there anyone here?"

A woman with delicate features, "Seventy Three", came slowly, and the sound of her high heels clicking under her feet was particularly pleasant.

Ye Muchen looked at the seat next to him and shook his head.

Wenxuan sat down without hesitation, then she leaned into Ye Muchen's ear and whispered softly: "Help me, I'm being targeted, pretending to be my boyfriend for a day, I'll pay you afterwards!"

Ye Muchen sipped the wine glass and then hugged the woman in his arms: "Your old-fashioned way of picking up conversations is outdated for beauties."

Wenxuan was surprised at first and then said angrily: "Everything I said is true, I didn't lie to you."

"I believe it, haha!"

Ye Muchen pushed the woman away and then smiled at the burly men not far behind him: "Take her into my room!"

Wenxuan's face turned pale and she almost fell to the ground, looking at Ye Muchen in horror: "You...are you together?"

"Don't say that to me, I'm not familiar with them, but they will gladly accept my proposal, believe me!"

Ye Muchen was still shaking the red wine glass, stood up instantly, and walked towards the sly-looking men not far away.

Seeing this, several big men looked respectful and pulled the woman into a VIP room without saying a word.

There are almost all kinds of supplies on the table.

These people are none other than the bar security guards who help VIP customers select their prey.

They all have their own complete system, so naturally they can tip a lot, and they are much more than before. The dark side here is not something everyone can imagine.

It is in stark contrast to the city's glamorous appearance.

Wenxuan's eyes were full of anger but her body was honest. It was a sign of her timidity because she was really afraid.

She had just finished arguing with her parents and wanted to go out to get drunk. When she came here, she noticed someone looking at her in the dark.

"I just said that you are in the same group, damn it! If you dare to do anything to me, I will never let you go!"

Wenxuan looked very nervous but her momentum could not be lost.

"Don't worry, I have no idea about you. I'm just helping you. Believe it or not, I can see that you don't come here often and don't even understand the most basic rules. The women here are all men's vassals. You don't seem to Understand!"

Ye Muchen's expression was very plain, even surprisingly plain, and he didn't look like a loose boy.

After a simple scan, I roughly know the identity and background of the other party. Maybe the way women get drunk nowadays is so special.

"Li Wenxuan, the president of Hongda Foreign Trade Listed Company, has a hot temper. She is still unmarried and has never even had a boyfriend. She just had a big quarrel with her family over this matter and then came here to get drunk. I'm right!"

Ye Muchen opened a bottle of champagne and muttered to himself.

"You, have you investigated me?"

Li Wenxuan looked surprised, which aggravated her panic at the moment and regarded Ye Muchen as a perverted stalker.

"You can do whatever you want with me. Why don't you go have a drink with me now? I'm single like you and I broke off my engagement with my fiancée. Maybe we have something in common. You don't have a boyfriend and I just broke off our engagement. Don't you think this is God's will?" !”

Behind the playful smile on Ye Muchen's mouth was an extraordinarily cold look.

"Why should I listen to you? What does your breakup with your fiancée have to do with me? I think you are just a lunatic and a pervert!"

Li Wenxuan couldn't control her emotions and wanted to walk out, but no matter how hard she pushed, the door didn't respond.

"You don't have to drink, but I'm sure if this is the case, maybe your family will appear on the headlines of Huahai News tomorrow!"

Ye Muchen leaned on the sofa behind him, crossed his legs and shook the wine glass in his hand, speaking indifferently.

Li Wenxuan turned her head and stared at him angrily, and shouted word by word: "How dare you threaten me? Do you know what will happen if my brother knows what you said just now? I advise you to let me out immediately, otherwise you will Don’t regret it when you go to hell and get skinned and cramped by the King of Hell!”

"Haha, I don't know if I will go to hell and be skinned and cramped by the King of Hell in the future! But you are about to be stripped and pantsed by me. I think this is true.

Ye Muchen tasted the red wine slowly and said calmly.

Li Luoqing's pretty face turned red from suppressing her emotions, and she stared at him fiercely.

But he knows that there is nothing he can do against him at this moment... This is simply a gangster? Why is there such a dirty and dirty existence in this world...

After Ye Muchen drank down the glass of wine in an orderly manner, he stretched and shrugged, stood up slowly, and came directly to Li Wenxuan.

Li Wenxuan suddenly realized that this man was so tall, at least ten centimeters taller than herself.

Although I am over 1.7 meters tall and wearing high heels, I still feel a little short compared to the man in front of me.

Ye Muchen stood in front of her and looked down.

Even without speaking, she could feel a sense of oppression coming from the top of Mount Tai, causing her to take a step back unconsciously.

Ye Muchen followed closely and took a step forward. After moving two steps, Li Wenxuan was pushed against the wall until her entire body could no longer move.

She suddenly realized that something bad was about to happen to her... Was she going to be raped by this gangster here? ... Or was she a scumbag in society?

A trace of panic and fear finally appeared on her face.

Ye Muchen looked down at her with interest, and suddenly said playfully: "I can't tell, you will be afraid, haha! She is really a very nervous woman."

Li Wenxuan bit her lower lip tightly, and finally there was a hint of pleading in her eyes.

Ye Muchen suddenly sneered and continued to say playfully: "You will be very boring if you do this. Just now you were like a fierce horse. Only when you tame it like that can you feel conquered."

But now look at your white lotus-like appearance, what’s going on?”

"Shameless, what are you going to do? Let me tell you that my brother is a senior student at Fengtian Academy with a combat power of no less than 7,000. If you want to do anything to me, I guarantee that he will beat your brains out!"

Li Wenxuan forced herself to calm down. She was really scared and didn't want to be insulted by this scumbag like this.

"Sounds good, haha, but I'm very interested to know, since your brother is so powerful, why are you so weak!"

Nothing good will happen to anyone who looks at the curved corners of Ye Muchen's mouth. .

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