The Strongest Villain Personality At The Beginning

Chapter 103: Looking Back At That Moment

"I'm telling you, don't mess around, or I'll call someone!"

Li Wenxuan pretended to be calm and mustered up the courage to speak.

"Calling someone? It seems like no one here will come to help you, but what should I do, haha!"

Ye Muchen shrugged with a cold smile on his face.

"Okay, I'll drink with you. Can you let me go as long as you drink?"

Li Wenxuan was not stupid. Seeing that the other party didn't show any fear at all, she had no choice but to feel aggrieved.

"Huh? I suddenly changed my focus. I think I need to relieve my stress, you know!"

Ye Muchen suddenly pressed one hand against the wall. Their faces were so close that they could even clearly feel their fire-like breath.

"Why are you so scared!" Ye Muchen still laughed.

"What do you want? I am a member of the Li family. As long as you let me go, I can make as much money as you want, or whatever you want."

Li Wenxuan's eyes were slightly red and swollen. It was obvious that she had never experienced such a scene.

"Li family? Haha, you think I'm short of money? You said you can have anything you want, so it's not too much for me to ask you to be my girlfriend for a day.

Ye Muchen's cold face struck straight into Li Wenxuan's heart. In fact, if this guy wasn't a bit scumbag and didn't look like a gangster, he would be quite handsome.

"Why did you need to think about it for so long? Didn't you just say you wanted me to be your boyfriend for a day? Did you forget it so quickly?"

Ye Muchen raised his hand to lift the opponent's chin high.

"Do you know what I hate the most, trading! But I really like doing transactions. How much is your first night, I will satisfy you no matter how much you ask for it!"

Ye Muchen continued to speak, but the words seemed to hurt the other person's heart.

Li Wenxuan had tears in her eyes and choked with sobs: "I didn't mean it. Is self-esteem really that important? If you don't help, you won't help. There's no need to humiliate me like this, bastard!"

"Haha, what a self-righteous woman!" Ye Muchen suddenly turned around and walked to the sofa, continued to pour a glass of red wine and drank it in one gulp.

"You can get out!" It seemed that she could no longer arouse any interest in him at this moment.

"Why do I leave when you ask me to leave? I come when you ask me to come. But I won't leave. What can you do, you stinking scoundrel, stinking scoundrel?"

Li Wenxuan seemed to have her self-esteem hurt, and the natural willfulness and arrogance of a woman were vividly demonstrated.

Then he quickly walked to the opposite side of Ye Muchen, picked up the red wine and took a few sips.

The tears in his eyes couldn't stop flowing, more like venting his dissatisfaction.

Ye Muchen just watched her performance without any expression.

This is very realistic. Often the more you don't let the other person do anything, the more the other person wants to do it. What's the difference between her and her now?

"Does it taste good?" Ye Muchen asked lightly, without any intention of stopping her.

Li Wenxuan glanced at him fiercely, her face flushed, she opened her mouth slightly and said in a low voice: "It's up to you, I can drink it if I like. Anyway, what am I afraid of if you treat me!"

Ye Muchen suddenly put his hands on his hands and smiled: "It's become a bit normal now. People who don't know thought I brought a business secretary."

After hearing this, Li Wenxuan finally realized whether she had been fooled?

If he was drunk, might he take the opportunity to do something more intimate?


She couldn't imagine it, but her arrogance still defeated her childish thoughts, maybe they were realistic thoughts.

At this moment, under the influence of alcohol, she was completely addicted to her own world.

It was as if the Ye Muchen sitting on the sofa, whom she had just called a scoundrel, was her friend for many years.

Completely don't care anymore.

Thinking of this, her voice became a little heavy: "Aren't we drinking together? Why are you just watching me drink?"

Ye Muchen now completely understood what this girl was thinking.

It was obvious that he wanted to get himself drunk and then run away. If he had done this in the past, he would have felt helpless.

But how could he have such a bad drinking capacity now? It would be the worst use of energy to expel the alcohol.

It was a very simple thing for him with such strength, and he smiled and nodded.

I reopened a bottle of red wine, poured a glass and drank it slowly.

Li Wenxuan pouted with some dissatisfaction and snorted at him, saying that his way of drinking was not as good as even a girl like herself.

But he cursed in his heart, why didn't this bastard drink heavily? Otherwise, how could he leave here? If he hadn't been drunk, would he have left now?

Women are really contradictory. They will not even give up until they humiliate the other person and take revenge.

"To be honest, you look pretty even when you drink too much!" Ye Muchen didn't care about the cannibalistic look in his eyes and still went his own way.

Li Wenxuan's face was flushed with alcohol, and she became even redder after hearing these words.

But her expression was obviously filled with a bit of joy. I don't know whether it was because she was happy to be praised for her beauty, or because she was too deeply involved in the drama.

In short, she had never had such contact with a man, and it felt pretty good invisibly. There were too many firsts today that she could not forget.

The first time I wanted to drink to get drunk, the first time I wanted to numb myself with alcohol, the first time I wanted the help of a strange man, the first time I wanted to drink with a strange man.

Although the other person seemed a bit domineering just now, every woman has a little girly side in her heart.

Li Wenxuan was no exception. Thinking of this, she seemed to feel a lot more relaxed.

Li Wenxuan was obviously drunk at the moment. She fell directly into his arms after being pulled by Ye Muchen.

Ye Muchen picked up the wine bottle in the other person's hand and took a swig.

Li Wenxuan leaned against him and looked at him as he raised his head to drink. His eyes were shining, and he didn't know what he was thinking. His face was getting redder and hotter.

She just leaned against him quietly, and he held her waist. This situation lasted for a long time.

She didn't even seem to realize how ambiguous the current situation was.

After a long time, Ye Muchen suddenly stood up, hugged her and smiled: "We should go!"

When walking out of the door of Black Sunday, Ye Muchen quickly let go of his hand.

Li Wenxuan lowered her head slightly, pursed her lips and said nothing.

Perhaps it was because of the breeze outside that she sobered up a lot, with a slightly dizzy drunkenness.

He lowered his head and walked silently to where his red Ferrari was.

"Thank you!" Li Wenxuan suddenly turned around and said.

"Thank me for what?" Ye Muchen stood there and looked at her turned back and asked lightly.

"Nothing, can we still meet?"

Li Wenxuan didn't know where she got the courage to say what she wanted to say most.

"You are stupid, I am a gangster and a bastard!" Ye Muchen laughed at himself.

Li Wenxuan raised her head slightly, and their eyes focused on each other.

At that moment, time seemed to be distorted, and the entire space became stagnant and strange. Countless lights and shadows overlapped and surrounded each other in the endless space.

It is as if everything else disappears and becomes blurred in the distance between each other.

Only the figure of each other in the eyes of the two people is slowly enlarging and becoming clearer, and the scene they just experienced is constantly flashing towards the army.

The domineering and indifferent look at that time was implanted in her heart, as if ten thousand years had passed in one glance, and ten thousand years had passed since one glance!

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