The Strongest Villain Personality At The Beginning

Chapter 107: It’S Scary To Think About It Carefully

"Ding, how is the host feeling?" the system asked seemingly concerned.

"Ha! Very good." Ye Muchen replied coldly and fell silent.

"Ding, the system will be updated. Please be prepared, host!" A mechanical silver bell ringed in Ye Muchen's ears.

He only felt a bunch of miscellaneous notes appear in his eyes for a moment.

After about two seconds, it disappeared completely.

"Ding, congratulations on the successful upgrade of the host system. I will fully enable the host prompt sound and provide the additional function of locking the character's location only once a day!"

Ye Muchen sneered when he heard this, and then shrugged: "Lock Yu Jiawen's location!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successful locking. Yu Jiawen is currently at the Second Paradise Bar in Huahai City and will leave in about ten minutes!"

Not bad, can you really lock the location of others? It seems that the system update and upgrade are quite wonderful. Compared with the Demon Eye Technique, this function is more practical. At least the Demon Eye Technique has not been upgraded to the top level.

"Ding, prompt the host to go or not!"

Ye Muchen's current changes have made the system feel a little strange.

"I know!" Ye Muchen replied calmly and ignored the system.

This made the system surprised for a moment, and another thought emerged in his mind, and he asked: "Did you know that you would enter this stage in the future?"

Ye Muchen sneered and did not answer the system's question and answer, which was regarded as acquiescence.

"It seems that everything just now was in your calculation. You knew from the beginning that the man just now was going to die! And you never thought about the life and death of others? Or really save him! Because you had already sensed it? "

The system seemed to suddenly become more spiritual.

"Oh, maybe, but the real relationship between you and me is just to use each other. This has been destined for us from the beginning. Naturally, you have to remember that I am your master~°!"

"You may be surprised that in the eyes of your system you can really see through everything about me, but don't forget that you are not me, you can just understand one of my thoughts!"

"On the contrary, you need to understand what the priorities are!"

The cold words in Ye Muchen's mouth sounded very harsh.

This made the whole system feel a little scared. No one would believe him if he told it. He never thought that Ye Muchen had been plotting against him from the beginning, but he never revealed it!

"According to the host's words, you seem to know me very well and everything you are about to face?"

The system still doesn't believe it, and even feels a little scared.

"Yes, I know that the man who was driving just now will die, because I have already seen through the answer. The reason why I hesitate is because I know that what happens next may trigger my latent human nature, but now it seems that is not the case. in this way!"

Ye Muchen's nonchalant words confirmed his extraordinary intelligence.

"Ding, is this possible? The reason why the host does this is because you know that you will have no empathy one day in the future. You only need an opportunity, and then carefully calculate step by step, so as to use the system to achieve your evil goals. Purpose!?"

Even as a system, it was completely shocked. From this moment on, it truly realized the horror of this host.

In other words, the host is a different kind of existence!

"Of course, you have always thought that you are the system and can improve my abilities. This is true. In fact, it is just that I have been using you! It is only because of my existence that you can survive!"

"Do you know why I didn't kill Chu Yuntian that night? It's because I wanted to know if I would gain other abilities or improve my strength in that case!"

"But then I discovered that the tasks you posted were all hidden tasks that could only be completed and triggered based on killing someone. [From that time on, I was sure that your system was just a way of raising the bar!"

"Including that I never really chose who to kill before, it was all about personality transformation to get rid of the other party, because I know very well that if I kill them, more personalities may not be able to be split. This will help me improve my ability. It’s not a good thing.”

"Do you really think that I can't use my abilities without the integration of personalities? You're naive!"

"I've known from the beginning that I have the ability to perceive and use the abilities between personalities, so it's difficult for them to come out of my heart. It's not that you gave me such abilities. It's just that I have a strong heart and I'm just I’ve just been cooperating with your performance!”

Ye Muchen's cold tone made the system feel very uncomfortable.

"Then why did you choose to confess now?" The system is increasingly unable to see through the current host.

"It's very simple. My goal has been achieved. Now I can say that I have truly stepped into the darkness. When I know that my death means your disappearance, you should clearly realize that I am the constraint." That master of yours!”

Ye Muchen replied coldly.

The system didn't understand until now that it was not impossible to have never spoken to him before, it was just that it didn't want to, but it seemed that the host knew its meaning from the beginning.

It turns out that everything has been carefully planned by him. No wonder I chose him. He does have the potential of a villain. This is already very clear. I am afraid that it is difficult for others to do this because of his careful thinking.

Although it makes it feel uncomfortable, the reality is often crueler. Maybe no one would believe that as a system, he can't even fight against a human being.

His wisdom has long exceeded its imagination, and it is often more difficult to control this kind of guy than to reach the sky.

Should I feel silent condolences or honor for such a person as his enemy? Being his friend is naturally much better than being an opponent. He does have such a terrifying way of thinking and calculation.

"Okay, you can get out, I'm going to the Second Paradise Bar! If it's too late, that damn girl will have left long ago!" Ye Muchen said coldly.

When Ye Muchen arrived at the parking space not far from Second Paradise, the timing was just right.

Following the car window, one could see the beautiful figure of Ling Jiawen staggering out from the entrance of the Second Paradise Bar.

What Yu Jiawen wore today was a bit fresher, less free and easy like the uniform before, but she still had the same blond wavy hair as usual, and paired with her beautiful face, she looked elegant and refined.

Her snow-white skin looks very dazzling, and she is wearing a white tight-fitting casual outfit. There is a saying that a beautiful woman is the center of attention no matter what she wears, wherever she goes. .

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