The Strongest Villain Personality At The Beginning

Chapter 108: Forced Misunderstanding

However, just when Ye Muchen was about to get off the car.

But they saw several men chasing out from the door of the bar hall and surrounding Yu Jiawen who had just walked out of the bar.

These men don't look like good people at first glance.

They looked Yu Jiawen up and down with stern eyebrows, fearing that others wouldn't be able to see what they were thinking.

They all looked at her in front of them, their eyes full of hidden light.

Such a top-notch beauty, and she is still alone. The key is that she still looks drunk. It can be said to be a God-given opportunity.

"Beauty, you are worried about leaving alone. How about some of our brothers take you back?"

"How about it? You guys are all good people. The car is not far ahead. How about we take you there."

"Hey, we have been paying attention to you for a long time. We know that you are alone, so why don't we come here to see you off? Maybe the brothers can stay with you, haha..."

The malicious laughter in the mouths of several men can be said to fully express the nature of the ruffians.

Although Yu Jiawen was a little drunk, he still had some sense left. His face turned cold immediately, he glared at several people fiercely and ignored them.

She never imagined that something like this would happen in broad daylight.

The reason why she chose to come here during the day was just because she was afraid of encountering some other bad situations. 747 If it hadn't been for the conflict with her family and the lies she had told before seemed to be unstoppable, she wouldn't have chosen to come here to drink away her sorrows.

Not even the bodyguard chose to bring one.

She doesn't quite understand how sinister the black and white sides of this world are.

Although she had been warned more than once since childhood, she never imagined that she would actually encounter such a thing.

It seems that ever since I met that boy, all kinds of bad luck happened one after another. It seems that I and that loser are the nemesis, so unlucky to death.

"Get out of the way!" Yu Jiawen stared coldly at the man in front of him who was smoking a cigarette and blocking his way, and shouted coldly.

But the more she behaves like this, the more she arouses men's desire to conquer.

This obviously had the opposite effect. Seeing Yu Jiawen's appearance, they felt even more distressed and said they were very excited.

"Beauty, don't be so arrogant. As long as you have fun with your brothers, I will let you go."

"Not to mention, each of us is quite capable. I'm afraid you won't be able to bear your brothers leaving when the time comes, haha..."

"How can I think clearly about this little beauty? Look at this figure. It's really an eye-opener for me!"

"Hehe, as long as you are obedient, we will satisfy you as much as possible. This can be said to be the same joy!"

The filthy words coming out of the mouths of several men simply became more and more outrageous and outrageous.

He was even prepared to grab Yu Jiawen's arm and drag him away.

Such a move made Yu Jiawen's expression change, and tension and uneasiness suddenly surged into his heart.

Ye Muchen sat in the car and looked at the scene, feeling secretly happy.

It’s time for her to suffer some hardships, otherwise she really doesn’t know what the other side of society is!

However, the next scene surprised Ye Muchen.

I saw Yu Jiawen raise his kick and hit the man in front of him directly in the red heart, causing the opponent to immediately lose his fighting ability. It can be said that it is a perfect score!

Then he turned around and kicked again, knocking down the man behind him instantly.

Then a roundhouse kick perfectly eliminated the two people on the side, and then grabbed the arm of the only man blocking the way and twisted it hard.

"Crack!" The sound of broken bones sounded instantly, and the next moment there were miserable howls, which echoed in front of the bar door.

It seemed that several gangsters had not had time to react before they collapsed completely [the ten eyes were filled with shock.

"I just want to imitate others in teasing girls, and I don't even know that I'm from Fengtian College. They are a bunch of idiots, and they are so stupid, and they are such hooligans! It's really embarrassing for you all."

The coldness and mockery on Yu Jiawen's face simply made the gangsters present who had just uttered arrogant words feel ashamed.

Just when she turned to leave, she was surprised to see a very familiar figure walking towards her.

In an instant, I was so drunk (bcfg) that I seemed to have sobered up a lot.

"You, you, why are you here? Don't tell me what a coincidence you think I will believe!"

Yu Jiawen shouted to Ye Muchen in surprise.

But then she seemed to think of something again, and said through gritted teeth.

"They must have been invited by you, right? There are so many gangsters here in broad daylight. Are they trying to stage a drama of a hero saving a beauty? But I never expected that my sister is not a free gift." You are disappointed!"

"Idiot!" Ye Muchen replied lightly.

However, the men who fell on the ground suddenly thought of something, and one of them shouted respectfully.

"I'm sorry, boss, the mission failed. We will return the money to you truthfully!"

After Ye Muchen heard this, a smile appeared on his lips, but his eyes became even colder. Was he really using himself as cannon fodder? Without saying a word.

"Bang bang bang!"

In the blink of an eye, several kicks flew to their foreheads, causing blood to fly everywhere.

Their bodies slid a long distance together, and suddenly they all lost consciousness and passed out.

Ye Muchen casually patted the non-existent dust on his body, looking indifferent.

"Tch, it seems to be true. Why do you still want to kill people and destroy evidence here? Let me tell you, I have seen people like you too many times. You are the only loser who wants to pick up girls. Wake up."

"I have to remind you that your routine of heroes saving beauties is outdated!"

Yu Jiawen's eyes were full of disgust. His impression of him was just average at first, but now it's not much better.

"You think too much. You are really a self-righteous woman. I just came here to tell you that I have received the car. Haha, Santana, I owe you 2000 for thinking it through. If you think it is fun to insult others, then you can continue. I Too lazy to care about you!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked back the way he came.

"Tch, you actually dislike the car I gave you? It's really ridiculous. If you have money and need me, a woman, to buy you a car, a man like you can just have fun if you can have a car, and you still have the nerve to accuse me of you. Scumbag!"

Perhaps it was because she was under the stimulation of alcohol that her words seemed extremely venomous.

Ye Muchen stopped, turned around and narrowed his eyes: "What do you mean by this? Are you insulting my character?"

There was a look of disgust in her eyes, and she said coldly.

"Stop pretending. Did you do it on purpose last time? You wanted to attract my attention to you, and then today you hired some unscrupulous gangsters to play a hero-saving trick. Do you think this will make me pay attention to you?" Are you impressed? Save it, poor guy!"

Normally Yu Jiawen would not say this, after all, he has had good tutoring since he was a child.

But at this moment, the reaction is naturally a bit slow under the influence of alcohol.

Or maybe she couldn't keep up with her thinking, which aggravated her suspicion and disgust, and she impulsively said such unpleasant words.

Ye Muchen's reaction to this was a faint smile, and then he walked towards her very forcefully. .

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