Ye Muchen's right hand suddenly moved, and a white light appeared. The huge bone blade instantly drew a beautiful arc in the air. The cold light sped up out of thin air. Although Du Hao was frightened, he was not without the ability to fight back. force.

He actually reacted the moment the bone blade cut through it, and used his hands to form a protective shield on his chest with astonishing speed. Ye Muchen had a disdainful sneer on his face, and even with this kind of strength, he wanted to defend me.

The white bone blade in his hand shone brightly in the next second, penetrating the already vulnerable defense in his eyes, like chopping melons and vegetables. Amidst a scream, brains mixed with blood spattered out. .

Du Hao's head was neatly cut into two halves.

Tens of thousands of people just stared blankly at the movements of Ye Muchen's hands. No one dared to step forward. Ye Muchen turned around and ignored the fear in their eyes.

Walking towards Ye's family and others, a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face and he said, "Grandpa, I rescued my uncle!"


Tears overflowed from the eyes of everyone present in the Ye family at that moment. Everyone knew that Ye Muchen made such a reckless move for the sake of the Ye family.

Even regardless of his own life and future life path, he originally had a good future, but now it is no longer just as simple as offending the psychic weapon.

They all knew what this meant. Ye Batian didn't want to hold back his grandson. Now everyone knew how powerful Ye Mukang really was.

Ye Changsheng hugged Ye Muchen, and Lin Meiru also hurriedly stepped forward and the three of them hugged each other. The strong arms told the dignity of the Ye family and the arrogance of the man.

Everyone knew how much pressure Ye Muchen had in the past, and they never cared about the ridicule of others. As Ye Muchen's family members, they all knew that he was just afraid of causing trouble to the Ye family.

Ye Changsheng said more than once why his son was so weak and had no dignity as a member of the Ye family. At this moment, he seemed to understand everything.

It's not that his son is weak, but that his father doesn't have the strong heart he has. Ye Ning said with tears in his eyes: "It's all uncle's fault, it's me who hurt you."

Ye Batian and Xu Cang said with smiles on their faces: "There are no cowards in the Ye family, they are fearless even if they die!"

Ye Yuntian laughed loudly and said: "We are proud of you. Do what you want to do without any restrictions. The family is not your restriction. Use your strength to tell the world that there are no cowards in our Ye family!"

Lin Meiru changed from crying to laughing, and choked with sobs: "I am proud of being the wife of the Ye family, and proud of my son. It's great to have you!"

Countless people who watched this scene were infected. At this moment, they understood that Ye Muchen is just for family. What is family? Family is standing by your side when you need it most, telling you, don’t be afraid that everything will be okay. I!

Ye Muchen suddenly raised his head and said: "I'm going to a place. You can go to the Psychic Armed Forces to find a breakup. If you mention me, he will definitely help you. It may take a long time for us to meet again in the future. Now I will definitely be labeled as a defector." , I swear everything will change when I come back, Huahai will be led by the Ye family!"

"We're fine, don't worry. Don't underestimate our Ye family. There are still people above, but I'm afraid it won't be that simple for you, Mu Chen. They will definitely try their best to catch you, and you will be declared a traitor. , so you have to be more careful!”

Ye Batian looked at Ye Muchen very firmly.

"Don't worry, Grandpa and Mom. I'm fine. There's nothing wrong with being known as a defector. It's just a code name for me. But the Ye family will definitely be under surveillance. They don't dare to touch you, because if you don't know anything about it, Regarding my whereabouts, they don’t have the courage! I know this very well!”

Ye Muchen is very sober, and Duan Qing will definitely protect Ye Jia. The reason is simply that the answer was already told to him during the last battle.

The answer is to invite him to become a member of the organization he will establish in the future! Because Ye Muchen knew that this day would come to him sooner or later, but he never thought it would be so soon.

"Honestly, what is your boy's strength and lack of fighting ability?" Ye Tian asked curiously.

"Not much, more than 100,000!" Ye Muchen smiled self-deprecatingly.


After hearing this, everyone in the Ye family even felt a little unsteady. One hundred thousand combat power? What does this mean? No one knows it better than Mr. Ye.

"That's it!" Ye Batian sighed.

Ye Changsheng and Lin Meiru opened their mouths, knowing that their son is not weak now, but he is also ridiculously strong. Even those who are talented and evil cannot reach the height of 100,000 stations even if they practice continuously every day!

Is this really the son I gave birth to every night?

…Please give me flowers…

Ye Ning didn't faint after hearing this. Damn it, Ye Muchen's nephew actually has a fighting strength of 100,000. Fortunately, he had just seen his fighting skills, otherwise he would be the one who fell at this moment.

Ye Yuntian felt as if he was suffocating. There has never been a warrior with a strength of over 10,000 in the Ye family. Now Ye Muchen himself has a strength of over 100,000. Your sister is so fake. Emma is still worried about him. I think Let’s just worry about ourselves.

As the messy footsteps sounded in the distance, Ye Muchen used his keen hearing to detect the people who were constantly coming around him. He smiled and said softly: "I'm leaving, you guys take care, don't worry about me." I'll go kill Hua Hai. Capture the remaining remnants of my uncle’s gang!”

As soon as he finished speaking, as the blood flow rose, the whole person disappeared in place like a ghost!


This is exactly the benefit brought by Blood Soul. Now he naturally does not need to hide the abilities he possesses!

He can fully possess the abilities of all current personalities, which he made clear to the system before!

Ye Batian and others were so shocked by Ye Muchen's hand that they couldn't speak. They disappeared? Just disappeared out of thin air, and then everyone's faces showed unconcealable smiles [With such ability, there is no need to worry about his safety] .

When Ye Muchen appeared again, everyone was already on the street of Huabin Martial Arts School.

Huabin Martial Arts School is ranked high among the hundreds of martial arts schools in Huahai, not only because there are some strong warriors in it, but because its owner is well-known and has the title of military general. , can be regarded as the first strong man with dual identities in Huahai!.

Although in the eyes of many people in Zaihuahai this place is not a desirable place, after all, practicing martial arts in the martial arts hall is all practical courses, and injuries are trivial matters. Failure to protect them will result in loss of life. There are too many chilling things in it.

The academy is protected by instructors and law enforcers, but the martial arts school doesn't care about you.

But for warriors who want to become powerful, this is undoubtedly the most suitable place for them. In addition to the teachings of the academy, the martial arts hall also provides many preferential conveniences.

Every member of the Huabin Martial Arts School is proud to be a member of such a martial arts school, as if they have been brainwashed. Every student will bow and salute to show awe when they leave the door of the Sui Martial Arts School.

But it was such a place that welcomed an uninvited guest Qian today. .

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