Liandong Street, once a prime location, now seems to be filled with ruins everywhere within reach, and the scene is extremely poor.

Many people even thought they had come to the wrong place. All the media and gossip reporters came to inquire and wanted to see the elegance of this place.

This is a great way to gain first-hand information.

At this time, many high-level officials from the psychic armed forces have arrived. If the people from the military region are not here, at least this kind of thing is not under their control.

Duan Qing took his troops and looked at the dead Ran Qi, Ying Dong and Du Hao, with no change in his expression.

Then he brought Luosha and Ling to Mr. Ye.

At this moment, everyone present at Yejia was already surrounded. Among them, a middle-aged man, two young men, and four women attracted the most attention.

The whole body is uniformly blue, with the word "Psychic" embroidered on it, fluttering freely in the wind.

"Old ghost Ye, I'm afraid your Ye family won't be able to leave safely today. You know how many people are trying to kill you now. If you hand over Ye Muchen, we will consider sparing your lives. I, Yan Jun, Personal guarantee!"

The middle-aged man's voice was loud and he spoke slowly while looking at Ye Batian.

However, Yan Jun's words were interrupted by Duan Qing, who snorted coldly and smiled.

"I'm afraid this place is not under your control in the north. I will make arrangements for the Ye family. They are innocent, mainly Ye Muchen. You should know it very well!"

Yan Jun didn't feel angry when he saw this. He looked unhappy, but he didn't dare to do anything when he saw the other party's love-struck young master.

At least no one knows Duanqing's status and strength in Huahai.

"Lao Ye, please go home and rest in peace. Recently, the psychic armed forces may arrange a few guards for you. There is no need to worry about anything else. I have everything under my control. My name is Duanqing!"

Duanqing looked at Ye Batian, Ye Changsheng and Lin Meiru, and their faces became much calmer.

However, Ye Jia was particularly shocked. What was shocking was that the rumored love-broken young master was really what Mu Chen said.

Who is Duanqing? He has been the most evil warrior in Huahai since he was a child. He has a great reputation and terrifying strength.

And he will never be sloppy in doing things. If he wants you to die at the third watch, he will never postpone it until the fifth watch. This is his motto given by Huahai's psychic weapon!

Then Duan Qing signaled Luo Sha to take care of the Ye family from today on.

Countless psychic armed personnel present stood on the spot in surprise. Young Master Duanqing, this is...

Ye Batian nodded slightly when he heard this and laughed loudly: "Then I'll help you little brother."

Yan Jun snorted angrily when he heard this, and shouted to the people behind him: "Clean up this place and send someone to catch that kid back for me immediately!"

"Yes!" Several people behind the man nodded and quickly retreated.

Duanqing suddenly looked up at the sky and thought to himself.

"That's all I can help you. It's up to you in the future. You are indeed different from me. Maybe I will never be as decisive as you!"

Luo Sha grinned sinisterly and said: "Young Master Duanqing, from now on we will be..."

"Wait for him to come back!" Just four words represent countless meanings, and each meaning can even bring people infinite reveries.

Zero's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, and he knew something in his heart.

But he didn't reveal it, but it aroused his curiosity about Ye Muchen. At least he had never seen him before!

Ye Muchen walked to the entrance of the Huabin Martial Arts School, silently, and walked directly to the front of the Martial Arts School.

The way to enter was also a bit special. Instead of pushing the door open, the door of Huabin Martial Arts School was kicked open with a strong kick.

There are martial arts students on duty in front of the martial arts hall. The former martial arts practitioners on duty bowed and saluted the plaque when they saw other students passing by.

It was like a salute to him, which doubled his sense of superiority. He enjoyed this feeling very much, and even looked like he was enjoying it.

So when they saw someone breaking into the Huabin Martial Arts School, their faces instantly turned livid, and they shouted angrily: "Stop!"

Of course, Ye Muchen knew that the other party was shouting at him again, but when the other party saw Ye Peichen's body covered in blood, he couldn't help but scream.

I suddenly felt a little less confident in my heart, but I still had to bite the bullet and shouted: "Are you looking for trouble? I'm afraid you picked the wrong place."

The fierce sound of anger caused many warriors inside to be alarmed, and their eyes were looking not far away.

Seeing the young man still striding towards the center of the martial arts hall, many people were stunned.

There are still people in Huahai who dare to break into the Huabin Martial Arts School?

This person may have gone to the wrong place.

This made many martial arts students around them look a little ugly, and they attacked Ye Muchen without saying a word.

They are all warriors who have participated in battles all year round. This attack is naturally very powerful, which makes many other students feel palpitating...

However, Ye Muchen didn't even look at any of them, and his aura suddenly surged with a wave of his hand.

Then no one could see clearly what happened, and the warriors who had just attacked flew out one by one.


The bodies of several people directly hit the inner door of Huabin Martial Arts School. The two doors of the Martial Arts School could not withstand such force.

It exploded with a loud click, smashing out dust on the ground and flying in the void.

Ye Muchen's fierce eyes glanced at the eighteen or nineteen young people around him, and he shouted coldly: "If you don't want to die, you'd better get out of here!"

Someone actually dares to smash the signboard of Huabin Martial Arts School?

Many warriors stared blankly at this scene, rubbing their eyes from time to time.

They were finally convinced that what they saw before their eyes was true. If such things were spread, no one would choose to believe them.

Let’s not talk about the background of the martial arts school, nor the people in it.

In terms of the relationship between the Prince of Hell's Mansion and the Military Region alone, no one dared to bring trouble on their own. But what did they see today.

Nowadays, everyone is afraid that the people in Huabin Martial Arts School will find trouble for others, but there are people who are so blind and dare to make trouble for them.

It is impossible to describe what this person is thinking.

However, there are still some sharp-eyed Cangma looking for trouble, and they may think they have a long life.

He should have strong self-confidence. Combined with the fact that he just raised his hand and waved, he knocked 5.5 martial arts students away heavily. It is obvious that this young man is very strong!

Thinking of this, countless students in martial arts schools opened their mouths in shock.

What did they see? It seemed that this guy was Ye Muchen from the Ye family. His deeds had already been reported on the Lingtian Queen News last time.

If it was really him, there would undoubtedly be a bloody killing here today!

At least these people know something about his strength from the media.

"Ji Gui, get out of here and die! I will only say this once unless you want to see more people buried with you!"

A roar, like thunder on the spot, suddenly sounded in the hall of the martial arts hall.

The sound was accompanied by waves, which continued to spread to the surroundings.

Everyone felt the endless anger ignited in this voice, which was undoubtedly undying anger.


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