Ye Muchen chuckled: "That's a good suggestion!"

After hearing this, Li Zhengqi showed a bright smile on his face, stood up and leaped to the square in front of him. Ye Muchen walked slowly backwards and came to the center of the square.

Then a layer of sealed barriers slowly enveloped Ye Muchen's head from all around the square in an instant, and the surrounding barriers were more like a cage, but a truly closed cage.

The noise around them gradually started to sound. It was just that the people present could not see clearly what was going on inside, and they did not even know what was going to happen. This was not as simple as what Li Zhengqi said just now.

Ye Muchen was not surprised. This was no different from what he expected. And looking at Li Zhengqi's face, the skin began to fall off and even turned into fragments.

Like a combined monster, two more heads suddenly grew out of his neck, exuding sinister laughter from time to time.

The suit and clothing on his body were stretched to pieces, his bones were obviously several times thicker than before, his face gradually changed, his forehead was raised high, and his deformed face was very eye-catching.

Li Zhengqi's voice has also become much rougher, and he is nearly three meters taller. Compared with before 590, such changes are really unacceptable. You can vaguely see the organs in the other person's body beating continuously.

The two arms were covered with barbs, and his huge eyes stared at Ye Muchen, roaring in his mouth.

"Now I know why I am like this. Hehe, I do not belong to human beings, let alone from the military region! How can such unconventional forces be compared with our alien species?

When Ye Muchen heard the word alien again, it seemed as if he had opened up something new.

The fiery aura on his body instantly filled his whole body, and he sneered: "What you are seems to have nothing to do with me. The important thing is that you only have two choices, one is to die here, and the other is to join my organization!"

That's right, he needs such a creature right now to help him understand the outside area.

Li Zhengqi seemed a little angry because the human being in front of him looked too calm. Even if he was exposed to the other person, he looked ordinary. How could this not surprise him?

Then he shouted: "You are not afraid?"

Ye Muchen snorted and replied: "As early as just now, I knew that you are not human, but as a heterogeneous species, I am really curious (bcbg), but I am more curious about why you appeared here without being discovered?"

Two of Li Zhengqi's three heads were laughing non-stop!

"Why do I appear here, a joke, in such a dark place of killing? You humans want to deprive us of all our survival resources and occupy the place that already exists. Why do you think we can't penetrate into the place where you humans live? "

Li Zhengqi looked at Ye Muchen viciously and roared.

Ye Muchen knows that aliens and souls are actually different, maybe there is no difference except their appearance.

However, the alien species' demand for blood is somewhat different, and they are only interested in rotting corpses, provided that they place the dead bodies after killing them!

Ye Muchen paused for a moment and suddenly laughed wildly: Haha, as long as you choose to follow me, of course I can let you go. "

Almost at this gap, Ye Muchen began to cast the soul! The complicated process, under Ye Muchen's exquisite control, seemed very easy, almost easy to do!

The next second, Ye Muchen completed the last complicated action. The moment he pressed his palm to the ground, countless tadpole-like black liquids spread like spider webs in all directions.

Then Ye Muchen jumped up into the sky and shouted: "Shadow Soul, Shadow Attack!"

The countless black shadows under his feet rushed toward Li Zhengqi almost at the same time as the black liquid on the ground.

"Boom!" Li Zhengqi's huge body did not change much, but just waited for Ye Muchen's attack to come. The moment it came into contact again, an incredible sun appeared.

I saw Li Zhengqi flicking Ye Muchen's shadow away instantly, and the tadpole-like black mucus could not enter his body at all, as if it was a huge barrier blocking the air.

Ye Muchen wanted to test the opponent, and it turned out that the high-level aliens were not afraid of physical attacks as legendary.

The body itself is very strong, and the weaknesses of each alien species are different. It is very difficult to find their vulnerable parts.

In Ye Muchen, even urban areas can harbor alien species. It is impossible for some people not to know that alien species are incompatible with humans after all. This is very revealing.

Although the alien species do not have the abilities of human warriors, their martial arts value is astonishing. For example, they are as strong as the body and soul among humans. However, the difference is that the force test is not comparable to humans.

But the abilities of high-level alien species are more comprehensive and very similar to humans.

The low-level ones are very ordinary, a bit like zombies, but they almost all have minds, but they are not advanced, except for those third-level aliens and above!

Ordinary aliens almost all fight with brute force, Ye Muchen still knows this in his memory, and this barrier is obviously the built-in barrier of this square, which has been arranged long ago.

Li Zhengqi was particularly angry at Ye Muchen's actions. He roared and jumped up. The huge force trampled the square into dense cracks.

The huge fist slammed towards Ye Muchen.

Ye Muchen quickly ducked down and leaped away. As a black shadow descended, Ye Muchen quickly jumped up again.

With a sound of "Bang!", billowing white smoke rose up, almost covering the entire square, filling the air like a miasma that could not be driven away.

Ye Muchen raised his eyebrows slightly. Through the mist treatment, he could vaguely see a particularly huge black spot, which was already running towards him again at a very fast speed. The barbs on the opponent's arm were grazing his clothes. And passed.

His coat was pulled to pieces in an instant, and then he punched Ye Muchen's face again. The corner of Ye Muchen's mouth curled up, and it was time to stop.

From the pupil, you can clearly see a huge black spot slamming over.

Ye Muchen raised one hand slightly, and with a bang, he grabbed the opponent's huge fist. Countless black shadows spread upward from the opponent's fist until Li Zhengqi couldn't move an inch.

The bluestones on the ground in the square were shattered by the aftermath.

The huge shaking sound made everyone outside look very ugly. They didn't know what happened inside.


Ye Muchen suddenly raised his foot with slightly focused eyes, directly knocking the opponent's huge body to the ground.

The surging force rolled through the enclosed space, making a loud rumbling sound. Suddenly the sky and the earth were filled with light, and people outside had no idea what was going on inside.

"Surrender or die, you have only one choice, because I need guys like you to help me do some cleaning work!"

Ye Muchen tilted his neck and looked at Li Zhengqi, who was lying on the ground dying, and smiled. .

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