The Strongest Villain Personality At The Beginning

Chapter 131: The Weak Have No Right To Speak

The three heads on Li Zhengqi's huge body shook from time to time, looking very shocked, and then said helplessly: "I accept your invitation! But I have a condition.

"Weak people are not qualified to negotiate terms!" Ye Muchen said coldly. Just as he was about to raise his hand, he saw the other party suddenly stood up and said hurriedly: "I agree!"

"Haha, very good. From today on, you are a member of the Qingchen organization. Naturally, there will be various species in the organization that you can't imagine in the future. This is the meaning of my existence!"

Ye Muchen raised his hand and waved the barrier to shatter. Upon seeing this, Li Zhengqi quickly returned to normal, but his surprised face looked so shocking.

The reason is that the other party never took this barrier seriously from the beginning!?

According to this calculation, his strength is comparable to that of ninth-level aliens or higher. This is just Ji Zhengji's conservative estimate at the moment!

"Stay well at Huabin Martial Arts School. I will issue tasks to you when necessary. Naturally, I have to deal with my affairs!"

Ye Muchen finished speaking, jumped up under the gaze of everyone, and disappeared in front of everyone.

Li Zhengqi looked at the direction Ye Muchen left and sighed from time to time. It was really embarrassing for him to be suppressed by a human kid as a mutant. It was really embarrassing to spread the news.

Several people with psychic powers in the mountains in the backyard of Huabin Martial Arts School knew very well what had just happened in the square. They sat in front of the pavilion and chatted with each other.

One of the military region generals couldn't help but said: "Do you think Mr. Ye can really kill the commander-in-chief of Huahai East? Should we go and see, or help?"

After hearing this, Leng Yao pouted and stuck out her naughty little tongue and said with a smile: "You think he needs others to worry about, I think you should worry about yourselves. At least when you deal with that kind of person, you probably don't know how to die."

Duanqing heard Leng Yao's words and for the first time a smile appeared on his face, seemingly agreeing with what he said.

At least he knows very well that Ye Muchen never plays his cards according to the rules, and his strength is even more so. It is difficult to describe what kind of person this guy is.

In short, the prince of the Ye family, the leader of Qingchen, and the future king of Huahai cannot be wrong.

After leaving, Ye Muchen rushed towards Ye's house. Time is money. If there was nothing urgent, he might not be in such a hurry.

When they arrived at Yejia Manor, a psychic armed guard blocked Ye Muchen's way. Just as the other party wanted to question him, he saw an ugly-looking man slowly walking out from one side.

Ye Muchen knew that this person was the Luosha around Duanqing, and his strength seemed not to be underestimated.

Looking at the other party, there was a thin young man next to him. His temperament seemed to be indifferent to everything, which made Ye Muchen slightly amazed.

"Why are you blocking me from going home?" Ye Muchen asked indifferently.

"I don't dare, I just want to confirm, young master, please!" Luo Sha slightly motioned for Zero to leave, and made way with the psychic guard just now.

When Ye Muchen came to the door, he started to walk in as the door opened to both sides.

Luo Sha looked at Ye Muchen's back and showed a cold smile. However, before he could turn around, a pair of scarlet eyes came into his eyes.

He randomly entered the darkness, and what followed was a bone-chilling sound.

"I hate that look in your eyes, I will kill you next time!" Ye Muchen's figure gradually appeared in the darkness of nothingness and then disappeared.

When Luo Sha came to his senses, he felt a chill all over his body. There was no figure of Ye Muchen in front of him, only the closed door of Ye's house.

Everything seemed like a dream, and he didn't even know if it was real. It was too weird anyway.

As Ye Muchen entered, countless servants of the Ye family were first surprised, and then their eyes became red, and tears rolled in their eyes.

"Young master, you are back." One by one, the servants of the Ye family hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"Well, I'm fine. I've made you worry. You go down and do your work first. I still have things to deal with. n

Ye Muchen felt warm in her heart, maybe she would only be so peaceful when she went home.

When the news of Ye Muchen's return spread, Ye Batian and others had already come out to welcome him. Ye Ruoxi looked at her brother and rushed forward, wrapping her hands tightly around Ye Muchen's neck.

The unstoppable tears seemed to have opened a valve, flowing loudly and sobbing uncontrollably. It was obvious that she was worried about this brother.

Although Ye Changsheng and Lin Meiru didn't know why their son came back so soon, didn't they agree to go out for a while?

But it's good to come back. They can't control that much anymore. As long as the family can be together, the members are better than anything else.

"Mu Chen, what are you..." Mr. Ye couldn't help but ask. He knew clearly what Ye Muchen must have been thinking, otherwise it would be impossible for him to say goodbye and come back.

"Hey, it's nothing. I just miss you a little. I thought about what you would do if I really left. How could I teach my family to outsiders? But I still have to go out. I will go back to the room to get my things. Don't worry. I'll be back soon, and I guarantee that no one will dare to cause trouble for our Ye family in the future!"

Ye Muchen's unwavering gaze made everyone in the Ye family feel warm. In fact, in their eyes, only Ye Muchen was good.

"Are you going?" Ye Changsheng was a little worried about his son. After all, he seemed to hear some other charm from the words he just said.

"Go to the psychic armed forces and military regions in the east and have a heart-to-heart talk with the so-called commander-in-chief of the east. Don't worry!"

Although Ye Muchen's words seemed to be understatement, everyone knew that it was not as simple as a heart-to-heart talk, or that the boy did not want them to worry.

Ye Batian looked at his grandson Ye Muchen in surprise. He didn't know what to say for a moment. You must know that it is not an inconspicuous guy who can get the position of commander.

It is inevitable that the strength must be super strong. The Ye family has no way of touching that kind of person, so Mr. Ye doesn't know who that person is.

It's just that many aristocratic families have rumors that the eastern commander of Huahai rarely shows up. He is an old man and his whereabouts are unpredictable. The generals around him are extremely powerful.

Especially the three generals Jiuxuan, Kouyu, and Wang Gou are very powerful, and the senior leaders of the psychic armed forces are also very tyrannical. Can Mu Chen really do it?

You must know that it is not that easy to kill those guys in the east of Huahai!.

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