Ye Muchen recently smiled contemptuously and shouted loudly: "Come out, if you don't want to, just disappear from this world!"

The seven members of the team who were standing at the balcony of the supermarket looked at each other, and then jumped down from above as Li Hui suddenly stood up.

The remaining six people also walked out together. They were all so nervous that their hearts were in their throats. They shrank behind Li Hui and did not even dare to face Ye Muchen's cold eyes in front of them.

"Haha, I just have some questions to ask you. Just answer me obediently. That way you may be saved from death!"

Ye Muchen's cold voice greatly reduced the tension in the hearts of others, but they would not take it lightly. After all, the people here are different from the outside world, and every sentence has multiple meanings.

If you don't know how to distinguish forms, you won't know how to die.

Li Hui was very nervous, but as the captain he couldn't show that kind of panic.

At least in their eyes, the opponent is a high-level alien species. As we all know, high-level alien species are actually no different from human forms. Unless the true form is revealed, it is difficult to distinguish.

Several people nodded in agreement to what Ye Muchen just said.

"Where is this place located now?" He was very concerned about this point. At least the behemoth and the green anaconda just now didn't look like ordinary alien species.

"This is the City of Flowing Corpses. The name before 470 is no longer clear, but it is now named like this by the military personnel stationed here. It is considered a dangerous place on the periphery. Generally, few people come here, but is it true that you really Not sure?"

Although Li Hui answered the other party's questions, he was also full of curiosity. Could it be that he was not a mutant? Otherwise, why would he not even know where this place is located?

However, before Li Huijia could think about it, he was knocked out by Ye Muchen and slammed into the supermarket behind him. A large mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

It was very difficult to stand up.

"I said don't ask any unnecessary questions!"

Then he glanced at the other people, and each one quickly moved back. Some were unsteady on their feet and fell to the ground, not daring to look directly into each other's eyes.

"How many people are there in your surprise team? Why are you here, and how much do you know about the effectiveness of the new virus!"

Ye Muchen spoke word by word, fearing that the other party could not hear clearly.

However, his words made some of them even more timid, and it was easy to see the nervous timidity all over their bodies.

None of them knew how the other party knew the name of their team, and they didn't even mention it.

Horrible... Who is this guy!?

"Ahem, we came on a mission and were trapped in the supermarket for three days. As for the new virus on it, we don't know much about it. That's not something we can deal with."

Li Hui still coughed and gasped for blood, and answered with difficulty.

"You can get out!" After saying this, Ye Muchen turned around and left. Several people could hardly believe that the other party let them go like this.

Are all alien species doing this now?

All of them were speechless, looking at Ye Muchen's slowly leaving figure with extremely empty eyes.

"Brother Hui, I think we should meet up with Brother Chuang as soon as possible, and then discuss whether to leave. You have also seen that high-level alien species have appeared in the periphery now, and it is obviously not that simple."

Xiaoliu was really frightened by Ye Muchen's previous performance and the piercingly cold eyes just now. He didn't want to stay here for a moment. Leaving was their only choice.

"Ahem, maybe that guy just now is not a heterogeneous species, otherwise a lot of things don't make sense, but Xiao Liu is right, we can't stay here now, we must first meet up with Wang Chuang and then go to the military area to find shelter, otherwise it will be difficult for me to leave. Got it!"

Li Hui wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and had already thought of the current countermeasures. He just hoped that he would never see that guy again. It was too terrifying and he couldn't bear it.

After leaving, Ye Muchen walked aimlessly towards the unknown road ahead. Now he seems to regard this place as a test to improve his strength.

Far faster than the strength improvement brought to him (bccj) by the city center, the endless devouring can be completely transformed into his own energy. He has never experienced such a beautiful thing before.

How could he be in a hurry to leave, not to mention that he likes to face challenges, unknown things and dangerous situations.

After Ye Muchen walked out of the abandoned place, he looked at the alien species in front of him and it was obvious that he seemed calmer now.

The alien obviously didn't notice his arrival, and was still eating the corpse greedily, unaware of it. Through the corner of his eye, Ye Muchen saw that the corpse had been chewed out with shredded meat residue and dense white bones, and his eyes became even sharper.


A crisp sound suddenly sounded at Ye Muchen's feet. Under his feet was a broken garbage bag. The sound was particularly pleasant in this apparently silent road.

Ye Muchen knew very well that the other party had already noticed his arrival. The alien slowly turned his head, and his neck looked extremely twisted.

Ye Muchen shook his head helplessly, and he rushed forward suddenly, bursting out with unparalleled power, and the black claws evolved on his arms slashed horizontally.


Ye Muchen struck out, then turned around and kicked the alien in the chest, causing the chest to explode like a sack.

Countless viscous liquids sprayed out and scattered all over the floor, carrying a rancid smell. Ye Muchen quietly left after slowly absorbing the opponent's energy.

However, before we made any progress, what we saw was the scene of an abandoned city, with lights from time to time indicating signs of man-made signs.

Ye Muchen is very sure that there are human warriors living or existing among them, because when they came here, the number of alien species was obviously decreasing.

It was even hard to see, which made him feel as if he had finally arrived in the area where humans live, even though he had just met a team of seven people.

But he knew that he would not survive long if he stayed there. The important thing was that the resources were obviously running low, and none of them had any inner arrogance.

Although it is unclear how they survived in the past, it is obvious that such people will not survive long in the alien area.

Maybe it's to catch a leak, this is Ye Muchen's current idea. The reason why he didn't express anything is just that his goal is to improve his own strength by using alien species.

He was standing on a high place looking at the abandoned city in front of him and the bright lights. He knew very well that he was gradually entering the environment where he lived in the alien area.

However, his goals are obviously different from those of the people living there. In order to become a powerful person who changes the laws of this world, he has to make appropriate changes.

Making himself even more indifferent and ruthless, perhaps the environment he lived in before molded him into the person he is today, and he obviously has no mercy for the helpless people. .

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