Ye Muchen looked at the abandoned city ahead, the flashing lights in it seemed so sudden, and the bright light seemed to be patrolling the surroundings.

The entrance to the city has long been covered with various metal-like instruments, including sharp spears, barbs, etc., although they appear to be of little practical use.

But it will also reduce the progress of the invaders. There should be some kind of new order in this seemingly abandoned city!

Ye Muchen thought to himself, then jumped down and galloped towards the entrance to the skyscraper crazy city.

When Ye Muchen came to the gate of Ferris Madman City, he looked at the black ban paper that had been damaged, his eyes filled with coldness.

From the outside, it looks very dark and strange. Perhaps because of the sparse population, you can easily feel the smell of humidity mixed with the city. "In short, it is very uncomfortable."

Skycracker City is located in a desolate place. There are obviously no signs of other armies or human warriors stationed around it, and it is surrounded by high mountains.

If you hadn't looked at the strange font on the bloody sign that said Skyscraper City of Madmen, you would have been mistaken for a huge prison city!

With a "crunch" sound. Ye Muchen pushed open the iron fence like a heavy metal gate, and had already entered the skyscraper city.

However, entering it seemed even darker, with gusts of cold wind blowing past Ye Muchen.

There seemed to be no signs of human beings. Could it be that he was overthinking it? Ye Muchen thought about it.

Just as he walked into the city, waves of numbness spread from the soles of his feet to his whole body, making his whole body tremble slightly.

Ye Muchen felt a slight numbness coming from the soles of his feet. His vision was still in dark shadows, and the surrounding sky seemed to be slowly surrounded by a thick fog that could not be dispelled.

Coupled with the dim scene in the sky, it felt like entering a desolate ghost town at this moment.

After gradually slowing down for a while, some of the surrounding scenery could be vaguely seen, which is enough to show how weird this place is.

From slowly adapting to the continuous darkness, even with the ability of the Demon Eye Technique, people will feel a little uncomfortable for a moment.

Ye Muchen didn't hesitate at all and walked slowly towards the depths.

The dim and swaying lights on the ancient-style buildings in the city can be vaguely seen.

The center of the city is obviously darker and denser than the outer edges, and there are even strong winds roaring continuously from time to time.

The voice of resentment, like the howling of ghosts and wolves, made people feel their scalp numb.

Perhaps because this city has long been abandoned by humans, the surrounding area is already desolate and full of alien species.

It adds such charm to him that any movement on the streets here can be clearly heard, and there is a faint echo.

"Ding, host, please be careful. This place is very strange!"

The system prompted.

You all know, how could I not understand? Ye Muchen sighed in his heart from time to time while listening to the sound of the system.

If you look closely at the building closer to the Sky City, you can see that it is a strange red color, as if it is dark, cold blood seeping from a rotting corpse.

The two points of heaven and earth are closely connected together.

No matter it is day or night, the sun and moon here are still hovering alone over the building. The light is very dim, as if a woman is carrying tears of resentment in the corner of her eyes.

Because there is no such thing as day and night in the alien area, it makes this place even more terrifying!

The tall building seemed to be blurred by the dim light, losing its original edges and corners. From a distance, it seemed like countless doors and windows were pieced together into a bloody face.

Suddenly it began to rain lightly in the sky, and the pattering rain fell on the dim city, making the ground here look extremely humid. The trees, flowers, grass and soil that grew in the city were rotten in an instant.

There was a suffocating smell of dampness in the air.

As we all know, abandoned towns are generally places with very strong yin energy, and there will inevitably be negative energy in them. It seems that few people choose to enter such places.

No one knows what terrible thing is hidden here.

"Ding, host, please be careful, maybe we have been noticed!" The system couldn't help but remind again.

Ye Muchen is not in the mood to think about this at the moment, just because the feeling here is too depressing for him, and he firmly believes that there are signs of the existence of human warriors here.

Because he saw it very clearly outside just now, but when he entered here, it was a completely different scene. However, his strong mental power and intuition would not deceive him!

…Please give me flowers…

Ye Muchen quickly arrived at one of the buildings. As soon as he walked outside, lightning and thunder began, as if it was some kind of warning, or describing the involuntary fate here.

In short, the originally dark city streets quickly fell into disintegration, and the scenery became extremely pale and dark in an instant.

As soon as I walked in, I was greeted by a strong and pungent smell of blood. Ye Muchen had no discomfort with blood.

Although the taste is very strong, I got used to it very well.

The light inside was dim, and there were traces of blood flowing everywhere. Bodies could be seen everywhere, including the corpses of many staff members wearing various coats.

Their eyes were wide open, as if they had experienced something that frightened them, and they refused to close their eyes.

Judging from their clothes, they should have been scientific researchers here in the past. Could it be that this was once a place where warriors from the military region were stationed?

With the help of the Demon Eye Technique, he quickly noticed that there was an image of a figure upstairs that looked like it had been scanned by infrared. It was moving from time to time, and the deep footsteps could even be heard vaguely downstairs.

"It seems that there really are still human warriors out there!" Ye Muchen looked around cautiously and muttered to himself.

The aura emitted from the opponent's body is not weak, and his strength seems to be extremely strong, but it gives people a chaotic feeling, which is not the energy practiced and used by orthodox warriors.

As Ye Muchen went up to the second floor, there was a rustling sound on the ground in the corridor.

Looking for the sound, I saw an area slowly walking out from the end of the dim corridor.

A man who looked very tall, with his neck tilted, was holding a huge electric saw in his hand, but it was obviously different from an ordinary electric saw. This may be the other party's tool!

The whole body was filled with splattered blood, giving people a very cold aura.

The expression changed from ferocious to silly, as if he had seen some delicious food, and his eyes were empty and lifeless, as if there was no trace of white in the endless abyss.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" The man's life-threatening voice slowly echoed in the corridor. .

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