"Quack, there is a letter, quack, a letter to the branch, Lord Ye Wen!" Chanel

, who was sitting on the verandah basking in the sun, stretched out her arm to catch the crow and took the letter from its feet, and then the crow noticed that she still wanted to touch herself, and immediately flapped her wings and flew to the wall.

Chanel was still expressionless, and went into the house to find Ye Wen and handed him the envelope.

"Let me go and see Purgatory Maki Shoulang, and by the way, tell him that his new position is a branch, Yaoya, he can't call someone now

, it's useless for me to go!" Ye Wen picked up a string of Mitarai dumplings and handed it to Chanelhu, this time Chanel accepted it without flipping a coin, which shows that in Chanelhu's heart, Ye Wen was also included in the trust list.

"And I have a lot of orders on hand, some time ago let Yin help deliver the goods, by the way back to the shop to collect some reservations, it's too busy. "

Master, are you really doing your job?" you are the only one in the butterfly house resting leisurely!" Butterfly

Shinobu was holding the folded quilt in the hallway, and happened to hear the conversation between the two (although Chanel did not speak), so she stood in the doorway and accused.

"With Master's forging speed, those should have been completed a long time ago, and it has been like three days of fishing and two days of drying nets, which is why they are piled up so much.

"Tsk, then you can also talk about Chanel, isn't she also resting?"

"Chanel only helped others do stretching training in the morning, and Chanel has never learned the breathing method, Master, if you are empty, please hurry up and help, Yin's speed and physical strength may not be as strong as those wounded."

Ye Wen listened to the butterfly and couldn't help but talk a lot, originally thinking that he could be idle in the butterfly house, it seemed that he would be kicked out of the house if he didn't find something to do

, family, who knows, the old master is going to be expelled from the house by his lovely disciples.

"Speaking of which, I really didn't say a word to Mr. Purgatory, Tian Yuan, and Xing Ying when I returned to the Ghost Slayer, and I plan to visit them today.

Ye Wen grabbed the remaining strings of Mitarai dumplings in the saucer and ran out, Butterfly sighed and called Chanel, who also wanted to go out with him, to help him share some of the bedding in his hand.


"You and Senjuro don't have any talents, don't daydream!! Yanzhu of the Purgatory Family has come to an end in my generation." "

Standing outside the door of the Purgatory Mansion, I heard a noisy sound in the house, which sounded like Maki Shouro's scolding, and he was quite angry.

Tuk Tuk

- Squeak -

The gate revealed a gap, and Ye Wen only saw the empty front yard inside.

"Well, I'm sorry, but the house was a little noisy just now, who are you looking for? A

very childish voice came from under his crotch, and when he looked down, he saw that it was a small and cute red and yellow owl...

"Ah, are you Senjuro? I'm here to find your father, Maki Juro, and Yaoya has asked me something to talk to him about in person.

Senjuro's eyebrows resemble those of his mother's purgatory, which makes his entire face look less resolute and calm than Maki Juro.

"That, there's a bit of a situation in the house right now, can you..."

"It's okay, they're all old acquaintances, I heard Maki Jurou just now, it's in the east."

Seeing that Qianjulang wanted to refuse himself, Ye Wen immediately put his foot against the gate, pushed the door open with a force from his waist, and held Qianjulang, who almost fell to the ground.

"How can you break in like this, wait a minute.

Ye Wen ignored Qianjulang's obstruction, and strode in the direction he had just heard.

"You can't become a flame pillar! Human abilities are predestined at birth!" Even

at home, Maki Juro did not take off his ghost slayer team uniform and the feather weave with a flame pattern on the end, which only Yan Zhu was qualified to wear, after all, the announcement of his official resignation had not been issued for a long time, and he could only complete his mission to a minimum.

But with a scruffy beard and a hint of drunkenness, he is clearly depraved.

Leaving Xing Shoulang who was standing in place, and was about to go back to the house to have a drink, he bumped into Ye Wen head-on around the corner.

"Pain, pain

, who!" "Why is there suddenly another person in the house, was it Chijurou who put it in?"

The two touched their red noses at the same time and looked at each other.

"Ye Wen?" "Maki Shoulang!" Seeing that it was Ye Wen

, Maki Shoulang's

face immediately became gloomy.

"I'm not a pillar anymore, you don't have to sharpen my knife anymore, ah, speaking of which, you're not a member of the Knife Forging Village for a long time, are you a waste like me, are you here to see me out of trouble?"


"Didn't you come to see my joke? You already recognized the pair of earrings so many years ago! And let me look for it, I found it from the book collection at home a few years ago! He, the breathing method used by that villager is the origin of all breathing methods, the earliest breathing method, although I didn't see the legendary magic technique, but all your actions back then proved everything!"

The next moment Maki Shoulang finished speaking, he threw Ye Wen to the ground, and raised his fist and was about to smash it on Ye Wen's front door.

"All breathing is just the aftermath of the initial breathing, all of them imitate the clumsy breathing methods that cannot be used at home, and all the breathing methods are no exception!"

"There are only a few proud sons of the sky, and the rest are mediocre talents!

Ye Wen took this punch easily, tsk, but the strength of this punch is estimated to be almost the same as Xing Ming, is this the Yan Zhu that has been passed down from generation to generation, and the strength is exaggerated enough.

"Maki Juro, you're not in a very good state. Pressing

on himself, he looked more carefully, and saw that the other party's eyes were full of bloodshots, as well as heavy eye bags, and he looked almost crazy.

Ye Wen only exerted force on his feet, and pressed Maki Shoulang's whole person to the ground.

"I think it's better for you to sleep first!"


Maki Shoulang was surprised that the skills and strength that Ye Wen had displayed just now were not weaker than himself, and he was about to say something, when he saw a fist covering his entire field of vision.

"Father-sama!" *2

Kyojuro and Senjuro, who were standing on the side, reacted and stepped forward to pull the two apart, and Maki Juro was already unconscious, and his eyes began to glow blue.

"You are..... Brother Ye Wen?"

Xingjulang still remembers that when he was very young, the other party once came to the house as a guest, and at that time his mother was still alive, and Senjuro had just been born.

"Oh, you remember me, Kyojuro.

"Anyway, let's carry him in for now, it's a bit aesthetically pleasing. It

sounded a little strange, but the two of them helped carry Maki into the house.

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