"Brother Ye Wen, if there is no praise from everyone, if no one acknowledges my talent, if no one praises my ability, then am I not even allowed to have a dream?"

"A person without outstanding talent and strength, the effort to achieve his dreams, and the sincerity of wanting to protect others, is there no value?"

Xing Shoulang looked at his father lying in the futon, thought of today's conversation with his father, and subconsciously asked Ye Wen for advice.

And after confirming that Maki Shoulang was only unconscious, Ye Wen and Xingjuro sat on the side to wake up with him, while Senjuro went to get tea and snacks to entertain him.

"Dreams belong to you, no matter what others say, you can't take away them, only you can take away your dreams, do what you want to do.

Seeing that Xing Shoulang was already wearing a pitch-black ghost slayer uniform, Ye Wen knew that the other party had passed the final selection.

"And even if you ask, you already have a guess in your mind.

Following Ye Wen's gaze, Xing Shoulang also understood that the other party was alluding to the clothes on his body.

In the same way, he remembered that he had saved two swordsmen of the same period in the final selection he had participated in not long ago, and one of them had expressed his desire to be as strong as him, so that he would have enough strength to protect his companions.

"I want to be as strong as you, to protect my companions and others like you, and to prevent the demons from continuing to mutilate others, and not to let anyone die, absolutely not!"

"Okay! I'm not a pillar yet, and I'm not a great character, so I'm embarrassed to say that, but let's work together..."

Even if he said that he hadn't become an official team member like them, he originally wanted to comfort him but hesitated to say it, and on weekdays, he and his younger brother Chijuro were talking about "come on" at any time, but it was like a fish in his throat, because in Xingjuro's opinion, the boy who wanted to be to himself was not very hard.

He was the same age as himself, and when he was found in the final audition, he was trembling and holding a knife that had been broken by a ghost.

“...... Let's work together!"

and !!then

he said goodbye to the two of them and returned home.

"So the reason why my father is so cold to our brothers is that he doesn't want the two of us to die?"

Although I don't know how Kyojuro understands it, I should be relieved anyway.

"Probably, Maki Juro's true thoughts are known only to him.

After the tea and snacks were finished, Maki Shoulang didn't wake up, and Ye Wen's back began to sweat, but fortunately, the brothers didn't notice it yet.

During this time, he and Kyojuro and Senjuro also talked a lot about the Demon Slayer Team, including the current only four pillars and the technique of breathing.

"Speaking of which, I'm going to breathe a little bit of fire, so I can talk about it next time I have time. "

Really! That's great, I ask Brother Ye Wenge to give you guidance." "

Well, there's also Senjurou who needs to train seriously! Maybe when you both become pillars, Maki Jurou will recover and get back on his feet!"

Ye Wen couldn't help but rub the little owl's hair, then looked at Maki Shoulang, who was still breathing steadily, and sighed.

"In short, I have also said all the rights and obligations related to the 'branch', and when he wakes up, you can convey it, I won't stay here longer, you also have to take care of your body, especially Xing Shoulang, you must pay attention to the surroundings when doing tasks, and when you encounter a ghost, you must find out whether the other party will use blood ghost magic....."


Looking at Xing Shou Lang full of confidence, his eyes are bright, and his state of mind is like a flame, no wonder he can rely on his self-learning to the level of the pillar, if Maki Shou Lang guides him well, he may not lose to the third brother.

"Mr. Makijuro, whether you're pretending to be asleep or not, I can't tell.

Ye Wen deliberately pronounced the word Mr. very seriously, and continued:

"Compared with geniuses and ordinary people, perhaps people's abilities may be limited, but people's willpower is unlimited, which is also the reason why the Ghost Slayer Team has been established since then. The same is true for the breathing method, those who are exhausted will return to the same place, not that the strongest is the most suitable for themselves, but that they are the strongest when they are tempered to the extreme. In

the afterglow of the setting sun, the Purgatory brothers sent Ye Wen away, and at this time, Kyojuro also received his first mission, and asked Chijuro to take care of his father and embarked on a journey.


"Oh, is it a new reinforcement?"

The old man, wearing a strangely shaped hat and carrying his hands in his pockets, sat on the mountain path, which was the only way to the top of the mountain.

"It's just you, it's really hard. Rest assured, you won't be lonely, your companions are waiting for you on the way to the Santu River. At

this moment, the old man also revealed his true appearance, like the vertical pupils of a beast, and two sharp teeth at the corners of his mouth, which proved his identity - ghost.

"You see, one, two, three... There were nine corpses of ghost hunters who fell to the ground!"

That's right, on the steps at his feet, people wearing ghost slayer uniforms were scattered and lying down.

"There are five children who died after the old man devoured his internal organs... Oh, there is another one who is not dead, that girl is guarding tightly before she dies, but forget it, you just love each other, hand in hand, and cross the Santu River together!"

The old ghost pointed to the pair of men and women at the bottom of the steps, the female team members still maintained a protective posture for the children, and the male team members maintained a fighting posture with their backs to them.

These were just his hors d'oeuvres tonight, since the vacancy of the lower string land position three years ago, he and a few other ghosts had been chosen without misery, and whoever could devour the rest first could become the new lower chord.

And he is one ghost away from devouring yet, and before the final battle, he must eat more people to ensure his probability of winning. In other words, his current strength is infinitely close to the lower string.

"My father used to tell me that the other day I had a companion with whom I was talking and laughing, and it was common for you to die in the blink of an eye.


Kyojuro's anger was speechless, and now he just wanted to cut off the head of the demon.

The old man flipped into the air and dodged the attack, took out his flute out of nowhere, and blew it vigorously.

At the moment when the flute sounded, Kyojuro covered his ears in time, and two hungry wolves also appeared out of thin air next to the ghost.

"Humans are really not free, if you hold a knife in your hand, you can't completely plug your ears, but if you put down the knife, you can't fight. The

flute ghost watched the comical scene unhurriedly.

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