"Don't move!" Seeing

Tanjiro get up and try to rescue Youdouko, the man said in warning

There was a strong sense of pressure all over his body, and Tanjiro's legs couldn't move.

"My job is to kill ghosts, and of course to take down your sister's head.

Tanjiro clearly remembered what Saburo's grandfather had said, and the person in front of him was a ghost hunter.

"Wait a minute, you didn't kill anyone!"

Tanjiro pleaded desperately to save his sister,

"My house has another smell that I've never smelled before! Tanjiro

couldn't bear to say the word "kill", and he felt even more heartache when he thought of his family who had been brutally killed, and he still couldn't fully accept the message that all his family members were dead.

"You're different, though I don't know why she's like this... But!"

"It's simple. The

man interrupted Tanjiro

, "When a wound touches a ghost, it becomes a ghost, and this is how cannibals increase their kind." "

Your beans don't eat people!"

"You dare to talk nonsense, you were almost eaten just now." The

man told the truth straightforwardly, but Tanjiro still

didn't give up, "No! You Douzi should still know me

!!" Your Douzi still let out a terrible roar, trying to break free from the man's restraints, but the man's knuckles tightly clasped your Douzi's hand and didn't let go, "I won't let

her hurt anyone! I will definitely heal her! Let her turn back into a human being!"

If you can't cure it, once you become a ghost, you can never turn back into a human being.

"I'll go find it!" I'll definitely think of a way, so don't kill her!" No

matter how much Tanjiro shouted and pleaded, the man's face still didn't change, although he didn't know how to convince the man in front of him, Tanjiro could only continue to shout.

"I'm going to grow the guy who killed my whole family! I'm going to take care of it! So..."

The man silently raised the katana in his hand, as if to say that he had no intention of listening to Tanjiro, who was muttering to himself, and aimed the blade at Youdouzi

, "Stop!! "

Please, God, don't take anything more from me."

Tanjiro knelt in the snow on the spot, lying on the thick snowflakes and kowtowing to the man.

"Raise your hand... Don't kill my sister..... Please... Please..."

Tanjiro hoarsely pleaded for mercy, trying to get the man to open up to his sister, in exchange for a loud rebuke from only the man:

"Don't let others have the power of life and death!"

Tanjiro was frightened by this angry rebuke and raised his head, seeing that it was a man who had always remained calm and indifferent to anything, but at this time he distorted his face and stared at him with raised eyebrows.

"Don't fall on your knees pitifully!! if it works, your family won't be killed! In this era of either exploiting others or being exploited, you can't even take the lead, and a weak person like you still wants to cure his sister? Find an enemy? Laugh to death!"

said the cold-faced man disdainfully.

"The weak have no choice, they don't have any rights to speak of! Even if they try their best, they can only be oppressed by the strong!"

Tanjiro looked up at the man in confusion, his words becoming more and more intense, and his words became more and more sharp.

"There may be one of the demons who knows how to heal your sister!, but don't think that the demons will obey your wishes and requests!" every

word pierced Tanjiro's heart like a knife.

"Of course, I won't respect you!That's the reality

!" The man brandished his glowing blue blade

, "Why did you pounce on your sister just now? Do you think you can protect your sister in this way?Why don't you use the axe in your hand!Why do you turn your back on me!" You caused your sister to be snatched away, and I could have killed you and my sister together!"

Yes, this man is right. He can still survive because this person did not kill the killer.

If the other party was a ghost, he would probably have died a long time ago.

What to do, what to do?


Tanjiro's tears blurred his vision, and the man looked at Tanjiro with tears in his eyes and a blue face.

"Don't cry, don't despair, this is not what you should do now!" the

man whispered in his heart

, "I know that you have been devastated, not only have your family been killed, but your sister has also become a ghost, you must be in pain, and you want to vent all this loudly, I know it."

"If I had arrived half a day earlier, your family might not have died, but time cannot be turned back, and reality cannot be changed. "

Even if you apologize to the teenager, it doesn't make any sense, and all you can do now is question the teenager's qualifications.

"Be angry, if you have time to lie down in the snow and cry in a daze, it is better to be angry, the murderer who must not be forgiven, this strong and pure anger will be a source of power to motivate you to act.

"A fragile consciousness can't protect my sister, it can't cure her, and it can't avenge her family.

But the boy didn't move, and the man withdrew the blade, pulled the struggling Douzi into his side, and stabbed her in the left chest.


the boy jumped to his feet and threw something at the man, which was a pebble he had grabbed from the snow.

The man effortlessly flicked the stone away with the hilt of his sword, and the boy took the opportunity to run into the cedar forest beside him, throwing another stone at the same time, and this time the man dodged with only a slight tilt of his head.


"It's an emotional stupid attack"

The man is disappointed with the boy's performance, and if this doesn't work, the boy will eventually achieve nothing.


the man cursed inwardly, and slammed the hilt of his knife on the boy's back, and the boy fell to the ground without saying a word, apparently unconscious.

The man stared at him coldly, and the next second he found that the axe in the young man's hand was missing, and he had just seen the one in his right hand.

Where did the axe go?

, and with a bang, there was a sudden sound of something cutting through the air above his head.

The axe spun and fell straight above him, and the man narrowly avoided the axe at the last moment, = the axe sank deep into the cedar tree behind him.

At this time, the man looked at the axe that was only a few centimeters away from him with bated breath, and if he hadn't found out a second late, his head would have been split.

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