"I see, I see, before I hid, the boy threw a stone at me, and then threw the axe into the air right behind the tree? "

I saw the boy hiding his hand behind his back, so I thought he was holding the axe all along, but I didn't expect that the axe was no longer in his hand at that time, and he hid his hand behind him to hide it with the sleeves of Haori, so as not to let me notice the fact that he was unarmed.

"The boy knew he had no chance of winning, so he rushed at me with all sorts of flaws, hoping to defeat me if he was taken a chance... This guy....."

The man looked down at Tanjiro, who was already unconscious, and at this moment, Youdouzi roared, struggled to break free from the man's hand, and took advantage of the situation to use a roundhouse kick.

"Oh no! it's going to be eaten!"

the man stepped back in time to slow down the attack of this kick, and by this time Youdouzi was already running towards his brother Tanjiro.

However, the man witnessed an unbelievable scene next, and the ghost girl spread her arms as if to protect her brother, glaring at the man angrily.

The girl still has eyes that belong to a ghost, and there are fangs on her mouth, but her expression exudes a spirit that is determined not to let anyone touch a finger of her brother.

"Your beans are different, she won't eat people!"

This scene seems to confirm that what the young man said is not false.

"Someone said the same thing in the past, but they were still eaten... Ghosts in a state of hunger, even if they are parents or siblings, ghosts will be killed and eaten, and Yewen humans have a high nutritional value for them, especially family members who have the same bloodline. "

I've seen too many things like this all along..."The

man looked at the wound that You Douzi had just been stabbed by his own knife and had not yet healed

, "This ghost girl is seriously injured, and it takes physical strength to treat her injuries, and when she becomes a ghost, she should also consume a lot of physical strength, but now the actions of protection and intimidation of yourself, indeed, this brother and sister may really be different from others." At

this time, you want to learn from Tanjiro, so you fly towards the man, and the two men reward you with a knife with their free left hand.

"How's that coming, are these two brothers and sisters, Tomioka?"

the voice came from the tree, and Tomioka looked over his head to see a man in a tawny suit jumping steadily on the snow, the whole process as light and silent as a leaf.

"Mr. Yewen, why are you here? Are you injured?".

Tomioka quickly noticed that Ye Wen's left hand posture was a little awkward, and the sleeves were also a little damaged, and he quickly guessed something.

"Ah, well, suddenly on a whim, I came to Yuntori Mountain and walked here, I know this young man, I met when I was guiding the butterfly ninja and them, it is a famous charcoal seller on Yuntori Mountain, in fact, I also know his father, it has been about twenty years ago, twenty years ago..."

Ye Wen also wanted to explain his wonderful relationship with the Zaomen family, but was ruthlessly interrupted by Tomioka Yoshiyong.

"Ah, this, you see I'm all injured, so I should know that the other party is not easy to deal with.

Ye Wen bared his teeth and asked with a grin.

"Could it be that the other party is an opponent that even Mr. Ye Wen can't defeat?Is it the winding?"

"It's the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable, I actually ran into the ghost king, I really don't know if it's misfortune or luck

....."What! Wu Miao's whereabouts, where is he now!"

Tomioka Yoshiyoshi didn't know how many times he was shocked today, as if the shock of a year was used today.

"Don't get excited, the most important thing in the breath of water is the state of mind, you have to be as calm as water, you are not conducive to cultivation like this. "

Mr. Ye Wen, I treat you like a senior, but please tell me about Wu Miao's whereabouts!"

The Dafa of Attention Divergence, which Ye Wen skillfully mastered, actually had no effect in front of Tomioka Yoshiyong.

"The ghost slayer team can't hurt each other, and now you're pointing at me with the knife I forged, isn't it a bit too much?

Seeing that Tomioka Yoshiyong was still holding a blue Richakra knife aimed at him, Ye Wen also knew that he would not be able to leave if he didn't come out today.

"I don't know his whereabouts either, because we're just fighting each other in the dark. "

Just last night, when Ye Wen arrived at the cottage of the Zaomen family, he happened to meet Wu Miao, who was standing at the door admiring his masterpiece.

He was wearing a black suit, but in the wind and snow, he looked at the place where the person came like a black cloaked death.

The [Steam Breath, Three Types, Fog Ring]

shot was Ye Wenxin's self-created sword technique, and the entire blade was shrouded in mist, making it impossible to see the true direction of the blade, but it was such a move, and he was directly caught off guard, even he himself did not expect that in such a remote place, there would be a strong enemy far beyond the pillar.

The first move of the meeting was to cut off the head of the miserable.,It's a pity that as the ultimate boss, he has completely overcome one of the weaknesses that most ghosts are afraid of.,The neck was cut off by the Nichiren knife.,And he was able to recover almost instantly.,Successfully connected to the severed head.。

The moment the head of the [Blood Ghost Technique: Black Blood Citrus Thorn]

was cut off, the blood ghost technique that belonged to the miserable was also launched, and Ye Wen, who was hidden in the mist, was also shocked, even the second child mill who had fought by himself did not have such an excellent reaction ability.

"This move can only be resisted hard

" [Steam Breathing, Wanton Type, Blazing Steaming Dragon]

It's a pity that the time left for Ye Wen is too short, and the sword skill can only emerge before a dragon head is ruthlessly torn apart by black thorns, with this power, Ye Wen quickly retreated in the air, just the last section of thorns still cut his left hand

, "You are very strong, are you a new pillar?" The misty attack,It seems to be called Kasumi Pillar in the information gathered.,It's very good.。 Ye

Wen didn't say a word, and kept wielding his sword skills around the woods around Wu Miao, and soon this battlefield was completely shrouded in fog.

"Children's tricks, do you think you can really defeat me in this way? In the face of real strength, all cleverness is nothing.

Wu Miao kept looking around with his blood-red eyes, guessing where Ye Wen would attack him.

But the next moment, he almost exploded.

Because a human figure slowly appeared in the mist, the eyes of the hair could not be seen clearly, but he had a high ponytail, and he was dressed in a feather-woven style that did not belong to this era, and there were rectangular paper ties on his ears that were shaking.

"How is it possible, you can really live to this age? Impossible, is it your descendant?"

"After so many years, what do you think of life


?" Anyway, I haven't fought.,It's too strong.,At least it's stronger than me.,In the end, it took some small means to escape.,Well,No miserable escaped.,But I didn't expect him to better turn your beans into a ghost.,It's really... Alas. Ye

Wen and Tomioka were busy working in the snow not far away, still discussing what happened to him.


I'm sorry to leave you behind, Tanjiro."

Tanjiro's ears rang with his mother's voice, and Takeo, Shigeru, and Hanako looked down at Tanjiro worriedly.

"You'll leave it to you.

Tanjiro suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a cold touch of snow under him, and he clenched the thing in his hand, which was the Haori of your beans, who was lying on his back, and whose face had been stained with blood had been wiped clean by someone, and his mouth was still covered with mouthparts made of bamboo tubes.

"I told you to be bigger, but if you don't listen, squeeze over there.

"Are you awake?"

Tomioka's voice came, Tanjiro suddenly got up and hugged your beans tightly, he saw that the man before was sitting with Ha Wen in a small igloo, and there seemed to be a fire burning inside.

"Brother Ye Wen, why are you here, that man is very dangerous

!" "Ah, it's a long story, I met him by chance when I was passing by, so I stopped him, otherwise you would probably be dead at this time!"

Ye Wen deliberately distorted the facts, and looked at the reactions of the two with a playful mind.

"I didn't.

"Thank you very much!"

"I'm joking because he decided to let you go." "


Haven Nunu mouthed, signaling Tanjiro to continue to listen to Tomioka's next words.

"At the foot of the Mt. Sasagiri lives an old man named Scales Left Konji, go find him, and say that he was introduced by Yoshiyoshi Tomioka. "

Is this the man's name?"

"There is no sunlight now, so there should be no problem in theory, but don't let your sister shine into the sun."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tomioka turned around and wanted to leave.

"Tanjiro, I'll accompany you on a trip, it's also my responsibility to say it, but there would have been no such thing since the early time of incense.

Ye Wen snapped his fingers, and a wooden box slowly appeared in the air, which he first carried on his back to hold the Yuan 10 type and various weapons, and later he didn't use it much after he had the king's treasure.

"It's an ability I've never seen before, like blood magic. "


"Well, use this box to pack your beans, and when the sunrise fog clears, the sun will shine down, and if the ghost is irradiated by the sun, he will die instantly!"

Ye Wen opened the largest room in the wooden box, and the capacity inside alone was enough to stuff the beans in their current state.

"Wait, Mr. Ye Wen, don't you go back and get back to the lord? There is information about Onimai Tsuji, and I need to share it with everyone.

Tomioka Yoshiyoshi was also shocked by Ye Wen's special ability, but he quickly reacted that Ye Wen had just said that he would escort this kid to the Narrow Fog Mountain, and it would be at least half a month since he went back this time.

"Hah, I've said everything I need to say, it's okay for you to go back and recover your life by yourself, besides, there is anyone in the team who is stronger than me now, if your strength hasn't grown to a certain point, it's better to see the ghost king walking around.

Ye Wen yawned and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, It didn't look like he had a big battle with Wu Miao at all.

But when Tomioka Yoshiyong thought that he was forcibly pulled over by Ye Wen for rehabilitation training after being injured, a strong man with that overwhelming strength should disdain to lie about such a major right and wrong.

After thinking for a moment, Tomioka turned around and disappeared.

"Huh——, is finally gone, Tanjiro is leaving, let's go and bury your family properly.

Tanjiro hugged Youdouzi, who was still in a coma, and looked at Ye Wen blankly for a long time before finally getting up slowly.

"Brother Ye Wen, you're right, after I bury my mother and younger siblings, let's go to the Narrow Fog Mountain..."

The two of them worked together to carefully stuff your beans into the box, and Ye Wen taught Tanjiro how to use the mechanism hidden in the wooden box, and by the way, he put the axe and some replacement clothes and money inside.


"I'm so sorry to have you carrying this box on your back."

Tanjiro held the box behind Ye Wen with both hands, for fear that the beans inside would bump into it.

"I was negligent, I only thought about the mechanism and space, and didn't consider the material and weight, and you're only 13 years old this year, and it's time to grow your body, so let me do this kind of trivial thing.

After Ye Wen and Tanjiro returned to their original house and buried everyone, Ye Wen whispered in front of Tanjuro's tomb:

"I'm sorry, Tanjiro, I've broken my trust, Tanjiro's joining the ghost killing team is his only ray of hope, and my disciple has also become a ghost, and I also need to become a human medicine or a medicine to become a perfect creature." A

few days after going down the mountain, the snow disappeared, and Tanjiro and Ye Wen walked in the mountains, although Tomioka Yoshiyoshi said not to let his sister shine into the sun, Tanjiro, who originally planned to only travel at night, now and Ye Wen can continue to travel even during the day, and the normal routine is not so hard.

"So Brother Ye Wen, are you also a ghost hunter?"

"Ghost hunter? Strictly speaking, I am a knife forger, specializing in forging knives for them, don't you also know that the knives I forged are very popular? It's just that when you walk in the world, you always have to have some strength.

"Does Brother Ye Wen know how to turn a ghost back into

a human?" "This, it's not very clear, at least I haven't seen it yet, but it's also unique to be able to become a ghost like You Douzi and still be able to maintain consciousness for the first time, and the ghosts I have seen who retain consciousness are basically the kind of very high-level, so that they will have the memory of the human period and the thinking ability far beyond that of humans." "

What do you mean?"

Tanjiro heard the implication of Ye Wen's words, that is, your beans are also very special in the group of ghosts.

"Well, so you can't rule out this possibility, you have to improve your strength so that you can get useful information from the mouths of those high-level ghosts, and ghosts who are too low-level will only have the instinct to hunt for food, just like wild beasts.


"Tomioka Yoshiyu recommended you a very powerful cultivator, that is, specializing in cultivating ghost hunters, in addition to the sunshine, there are other ways to defeat ghosts, in addition, all the ghost hunters in the island belong to the ghost killing team, and you will have to join when the time comes..."

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