???? Lv.32

Waiting for Sammon Master

Stand at the corner of the playing field and wait for the game to begin.

The only thing I've got is a tomfer of god stone on my left.

Hyodor-kun also stands at the corner of the game field on the diagonal.

[Identification] should also be completed.

So, Hyodle, I'm showing you how restless I am.

It's okay.

Make sure you entertain me.

That's where the key is.

to each other.



Previous at the same time as start.

Come on, how do we get out?

Gravity Mail!


There was no spell chant.

But you heard only the spell name?

[Chanting Discard] I guess that means you got it.

This is getting more and more alarming.

(Physical Enchant Fire!)

(Physical Enchant Earth!)

(Physical Enchant Wind!)

(Physical Enchant Aqua!)

(Mental Enchant Wright!)

(Mental Enchant Dark!)

(Cross dominance!)

(Gravity Mail!)

(Psycho Pod!)



(Boyd Sphere!)

(Dark Shield!

(Fire heels!


If you're going to use a spell, so is this one.

I can't give it back twice!

"Gravity Prison!"

My body feels heavy all at once.

Gravity Prison is a cage of gravity.

I have a lot of eating to do, but I don't have much chance of eating it.

But there's no reason for any of them.

There was nothing to panic about because I had that few experiences.

The arrows are unleashed one after the other, but Boyd Sphere's spell is active.

The immediate attack will invalidate the sphere of darkness.


More, you can attack me.

"Holly Prison!"


You're trying to stop me, aren't you?

Good call.

Hyodor-kun has a piercing sword in his right hand backwards.

Example procedure, do you want to do it?


Come on, I'm here!

It has to be.

Continue the attack while keeping your distance without stopping your legs.

I guess that's the basics.


Yes, that's right.

I don't use sealing spells.

Instead, we'll use another means, right?

(Short jump!

I clash with Hyodle on the jump.

Are you surprised all of a sudden?



An elbow shot to the left hits the side of the head directly.

I went on and slammed my left knee into my belly.

I immediately turn around behind me and hold my head.


Keep jumping and pinching your torso with your legs and rolling to the ground.

Come on, what do we do from here?

Hyodor-kun moves to remove both my arms, which he has locked by letting go of both his left hand bow and his right spike sword.

But you know what?

It's too late.

I can put my strength into my spine.

That was it.

Hyodle is tapping with his right hand.

Is that it?

Are you surrendering already?

Game over! Please stop the fight!

As it turns out, it's me.

Second kill.

Then Hyodor-kun's HP bar has cracked half a lot.

No, there's 10% left?

Are you kicking your knee into an elbow shot, continuing and getting that much less with bare strangulation?

I'm not too upset considering the heavily armored dwarf was tough.

Is this the elf?

It would be easy if I caught you.

It's too easy.

A little more, I wanted you to stick!

"Can you stand?

"Yeah, somehow."

Hyodor-kun seems fine.

On its right hand side is a knife.

I hear you were going to fight back.

That attitude is fine.

You have to seem to scratch to the end.

Because if you have a knife, you can aim to reverse it.

Return to the diagonal with each other.

Thanks again.

"We have reached Game Six of the Prize and the Quarterfinals! The sixth round is scheduled for 10: 30 a.m. today, on the E side of the new squad."

"You will be awarded 1 bonus point due to a WWV breakthrough. That brings us to 51 points."

Have you won no damage?

It was not even necessary to repair the equipment by the guild staff.

I'm sure the result was a second kill, but there were times when the response was accurate.

Not bad in content either.

It's not as bad as indigestion.

I just wanted you to stick around a little longer.

"The next game venue is on the E side of the new practice field, right?


"Time is 10: 30 AM. It's next door, and it helps to secure seats."

I made contact with this flower on the telepass and decided to return to the depot.

There's time until the next game, but it takes time to get through Remt's whole town.

Let's keep quiet in the pantry.

"Oh, it's separate, but I'll also message you the video."

"Oh, thank God for that."

You have three fights left to win.

I want to watch videos of players who may compete.

I don't like collecting information on bulletin boards.

You should be thankful.

I will be guided to the desk.

Check out the video as soon as you sit in the deepest corner.

There are also videos leading up to WWIV.

You won't have time to wait for the next game.

I'm watching indiscriminate personal battle, WWV.

All of it, I don't think it's over, but I can watch the featured cards.

All interesting.

The opponent of the masterpiece is a standard warrior.

I was shielded by a one-handed sword, but this was pretty promising.

It is not the usual skill to outperform that attack many times.

Again, this is a fierce battle you're going to pay back!

I guess this is it if you want to vote for the best bout at the moment.

I lost, but I want to applaud my opponent's warrior a lot.

The profession is Braver.

Sounds like a different warrior profession to Battlementor.

There was also a Lydia game.

The opponent is a spear-held warrior.

The profession has become an assault piker.

Heavy Lancer's top position, I guess?

The match effectively used fast travel while holding the example Spike Sword backwards.

The opponent was also moving to cleverly use a long-pattern spear to inhibit high-speed travel.

It fitted into the pitfall, and from there it became completely one-sided.

Too bad.

I had a couple of chances to capture Lydia.

From the results, I don't think there was a big difference.

Anything else?

I also watch team fights.

Zeta-kun has successfully won the sixth round.

However, Game V would have been a thin ice victory.

Magic jobs fight in the avant-garde, so it's natural to be targeted by intensive fire.

But you know what?

I don't deserve to go in there.

There was none.

"Mr. Keith, is it time?

"Oh, yes."

Would it be time if I watched my fifth round?

Who will they be?

I'm pretty sure he's not an individual contestant in the same booth.

There is no sign of a masterpiece in the pantry.

That's what I'm expecting.

It doesn't have to be the final.

You can expect that, right?

???? Lv.7

Waiting for Dragon Night

Being on the diagonal is not a masterpiece.

Dragon night.

I guess it's the top position in the Dragon Trooper.

You look low in your profession, but you're winning indiscriminate personal fights.

I'm not a good opponent to be alarmed about.

What do you got?

What you're holding is a long spear.

It is the sword that hangs on your hips.

I could see a throwing knife-like substitute on my shoulder belt.

I don't have a shield.

And leather armor doesn't look like it's made of metal.

Colour on familiar texture.

It would be the leather armor of the Big Ice Snow Dragon and the matching armor.

Heavy equipment, does it feel more balanced than that?

For being leather armor, movement would not be so greatly inhibited either.

I really think it's Dragon Night with Dragon Riding.

What happens in ground warfare?

They are playing against the Dragon Knights.

Whether the experience will be leveraged.

It would be ruined if they used spears on their stuff.

What do I get?

What about with the long spear of the Binary Serpent God?

I've checked the martial arts tournament before, but I'm not using it that much.

Fair enough.

Spears with spears.

Sword with sword.

I hope so.

If I were to use a sword, I would be a Vajra pestle.

Let's compromise there.

Stand at the corner of the playing field and step forward.

to each other.



Run out at the same time as the start.

Who's there?

I'm twisting my body, in a throwing position.

No way.

It was a spear!


I didn't use martial arts.

The spear tip passes like a sharpener on my right shoulder.

There is an impact.

This shock, this disfigured me where I was running!

The opponent had already pulled out his sword and was approaching this way.

I still have some distance.

How do we intercept?

You can use the spear to fight, though.

What I want is a melee.

More desirable is fighting.

Why do you keep holding the spear?

I can't find any significance.

Throw out the long spear of the Binary Serpent God you had in your hand and you will have the Vajra pestle on your hips.

Expand the blade.

It was light magic that set it up.

It stayed in use in the fight against the undead dragon, but it's fine as it is.

Sword with sword.

That's fine.



Swords to each other.

But I'm the one winning the trick.

The sword itself is different, so I can't help it.

Vajra pestle is light.

That's where the difference is.

On the other hand, it's inferior in the weight of a blow.

It is clear that if we continue to receive it properly, the Vajra pestle will eventually break.

That's why I think I keep my time, and I think I'm swinging my sword.

You don't have much chance of riding a dragon and using your sword.

All I can say is that this skill is brilliant.

Probably due to the player's own skill.

I haven't used martial arts or spells since the beginning of the war.

Is that the pattern?

I don't intend to use it either.

Are you enjoying yourself?

I'm enjoying it!


You got my shot right, okay?

But what about in terms of cutting it off and connecting it to a counterattack?

It's just a safety precaution, I think.

It's a different trick, so you can step in somewhere and turn to attack as you wish.

But it's not funny to keep this offense going forever.

Let's make a difference.

Kick right back of knee when away.

Approaching again, now he put a kick in the back of his left knee to hold down the sword pattern.

It would be the first time we could see each other's expressions.

The power difference is historically higher for the opponent!

But not as much as I assumed.

That was surprising.


Release a high kick to the side head while inverting the body.

I give in and get avoided.

You didn't see it from out of sight, did you?

So are you used to attack at this distance?

How about that?

Don't laugh.

I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy this more than I imagined.


Aren't you going to let go of your sword?

I'll let go of the Vajra pestle, too.

Look, all right?

Fighting, can't you?


He shoots the pattern into my side of the head from close range.

He let go of the Vajra pestle while avoiding it at critical intervals.

Place palm bottom on left elbow for back.

He held his torso in and lifted and threw his opponent as he turned backwards.

Back throw.

It may look like a prowl move, but it's a backthrow.

It's a backthrow.

Don't get me wrong!

The opponent had a sword in his right hand, even if he was thrown.

But with one hand.

Kick the patterned head off and take the sword.

Come on.

Fighting's fine from here, right?

Isn't that nice?

Come on, it's a beating.

Enjoy it!

Game over! Please stop the fight!

What about the beatings?

I didn't enjoy it that long.

After tapping his right elbow into his side head, his knee kick shouldn't have hit him directly in the jaw.

All at once, the battle is over.

Hi. I think I passed out.

Oh, my God!

A little more, I wanted you to stick!

Only I return to the diagonal this time.

Opponent Dragon Night was being transported to Alliance officials, but are you okay?

What am I gonna do?

I decided to leave the playground with my thanks.

"We have reached the seventh round of the main race and the semi-finals! The seventh round will be held at 0: 30 p.m. today on the B side of the new squad."

"You will be awarded 1 bonus point for breaking through WW6. That brings us to 52 points."


Did you win but add 1 bonus point?

Not enough.

It's not enough, is it?

It seems the operation is not going to satisfy my greed.

'Is the next match venue on the B-side of the new practice field?

That's what's happening.

'You're on the chick's side. The general audience is small, so it's definitely crowded.'

"You know who's the member who made it to the semifinals?

"Mr. Keith is the only person in the indiscriminate class of individual battles to be confirmed. I'll let you know if I know. '


Come on.

Semifinals next.

What I expect is that the masterpiece will win.

The previous beating with Dragon Knight ended in a slight, incomplete burning.


I want to beat you up asexually.

I don't want to!

"Since the semifinalists have meals to prepare. Speak up anytime."

"Copy that. Quick. Can I have it?


I know.

I know it's early for lunch.

But, you know, you should avoid strenuous exercise right after you eat.

Let's say you finish your meal early before your next match.

The meal prepared by Adventurer Guild was a delicious vegetable bread with medium flavor, but there was a big problem.

Not enough.

I can't help it, so I'm watching the video as I roam my cell phone meal.

It was sent in Adele's message the other day.

We had all the videos from the sixth round of indiscriminate personal warfare.

I was watching the other three games after my sixth round.

I'm a little worried about whether I can expect it.

The masterpiece has made it through Game 6 and is in the semi-finals, which is fine.

The other two are in trouble.

Lydia, and it's Gavi.

What do you think of this?

I'm afraid against Lydia.

I'm afraid there's going to be another accident.

Gavi wants to be a little shy, too.

I'll look like a bad guy in the match because I only look like a little girl.

Booming is a must.

I still like the masterpiece.

Be that as it may.

If my daily behavior is good for me, I'm sure it will come true.

What's the plan?

There is already a basic policy for each.

Besides, there will surely be more to it than assumed, and more than assumed.

Enjoy it, including there.

Oh, come on.

I want to play the game fast!

And who's your opponent?

Who are you gonna be?

"It's time for the semifinals. Are you ready?



It's already done.

I'm desperate to contain my feelings from the first moment.

The game field is on the B side of the new drill field.

Become the front of the chick bed with the C-side.

The faces on the chicks also looked good.

To Queen Sabine and the Dragon Knights, Mr. Juna.

I kept my eyes open.

There are guild chiefs and Lady Guerta, but there are also masters next to them.

Is that it?

Have you finished your business around the Royal Castle site to the east?

The expression is soft-faced.

The problem is the unfamiliar old man and the young honored man next to him.

One was wearing a simple but pure white robe that looked elegant.

Mustache on short pruned head.

He looks at the playing field with interest.

The other guy is wearing a fancy robe, but if you look at his face, you'll see.

I'm drunk.

I'm drunk.

I don't feel the character even if I can feel the intelligence slightly on that red face.

I think he's a good man if he's not drunk.

It is several fully armed warriors who refrain behind it.

Law Knight Baron Giovanni Lv.6

Holly Night on alert.

Duchess of the Knight of Law Farah Lv.13

Holly Guard on alert.

All the warriors thought it was just the Guardian, but only two are different.

I don't feel pressure.

But the emotions that arose in my eyes were obvious.


All I can say is yes.

court magician silvio????

Watching Pope

Prince Frederick Lv.8

Watching Kingsguard Staff

All these people, NPC?

I associate something with it.

That's the king's brother.

Common in that they are different types but don't feel good.


Now it's the opponent's confirmation.

Who's standing on the diagonal?

It's a masterpiece.

Huge axe in its hand.


Thank God!

Maybe it's because I did good on a daily basis.

Oh, I can't.

But now it's a choice.

With an axe for an axe.

You have selected Perex for Daedalus.

The problem is to strengthen the spell.

You want me to use the physical enchant fire?

If not, I can handle it, but I won't allow it.

If you want to fight that power properly from the front, you should.

Fair enough.

Let's keep it flowing, let's keep it flowing.

Stand at the corner of the playing field and look directly ahead.

This is a masterpiece with an axe in your right hand.

Yeah, we're almost there.

Soon, I can fight like I'm gonna bump everything.

It would be a great experience.

to each other.



At the same time as the start, he runs forward with Daedalus' Pelex in his shoulders.

Come on, what fight is it gonna be?

I'm sure it'll be an unprecedented, terribly nice fight.



Huge axes bump into each other.


Not each other.

It looks like a mutual battle somehow because it uses the whole body to shoot in as much as it wants.

I think it's a big risky move.

There must be gaps everywhere.

Axe and axe clashes are awesome.

It's hard to get back on track, but there's each other.

Ginseng is quicker to rebuild your posture just because you have a good physique.

To keep him from attacking there, he is shooting the next attack with a move that uses the weight of an axe, even from a collapsed position.

It's an easy move to read, but doing so only fills the difference between power and stature.

And Perex of Daedalus.

I think there's some help from this guy.

You didn't think we could shoot each other!

"Shh, shh, shh, shh!"

"Cheyenne, cheyenne!"

The blow I shot in with my body spinning was unprecedented and intense.


The Daedalus pelex in my hand is shattered!

View the masterpiece.

The two hand axes in that hand had a large bent part of the pattern.

I don't think I can use it.



Previous to each other.

We have nothing in each other's hands.

Looks like we were thinking about it together.

Don't let them use subwebpons.

There is an axe on the waist of the masterpiece.

My waist belt, but there's a Kukri knife in the back.

Instead of getting a score from each other, we were moving forward to keep the score from being used.

Receive the low altitude tackle of a masterpiece in half.

Not directly in front.

Float your body and collide.

I could rotate over the back of the masterpiece and turn it backwards.

Kick him with his left foot in the face where he looks back.

It's blocked, but I don't care.

It's where you're losing shape.

Keep attacking him!

Head poking at the flank at the same time as landing a kick leg.

They held my neck, but I don't care.

Flip the body while planting the plug with your right foot.

Back throw on the brink of whether the masterpiece will lock my neck.

I managed to roll it but couldn't chase it.

I've already rebuilt myself and set up an interception.

Jujitsu standing.

But I don't mind!

You won't find a gap in how much you separate the battle.



Jumping knee kicks directly at the face.

But they held me right after and threw me backwards.

Throw, not drop.

Plus, I'm on weight.

It's dangerous!

I get slapped from my back to the ground, but I pay my legs and aim at my right knee.

Pinch it with your right leg and spiral guard.

Go on. Aim for the ankle?

After a short tour, he was weighing in on the right leg of the masterpiece.

Let me!

Dive deeper and kick the belly of the masterpiece on the right sole.

I can't get weighed up and fight with my sleeping moves or anything!!

I twisted my body and now wrapped my left leg around the right leg of the masterpiece and fastened my ankle with my armpit.

Heel Hold, can we go?

But unfortunately.

The masterpiece that woke my body is kicking me off.


Are you that muscular idiot demon?

Do something lame!

The gift is already in front of me when I get up on the rolling tip.

Now the kick flies in my face.

Keep your body low so that you can lay low and stay forward.

He held the right leg of the axial foot and rotated it every time.

It's not a prowl move.

Give me my arm back.

I'm just applying that with my legs.

Oh, my God, it's not a screw!

Target the mount position when covered over the rolled masterpiece.


Shocked in the back, blew up just like that?

Is that a kick?

But I can't afford to check.

The masterpiece has already risen.

Oh, no.

How long has it been like this?

Fighting each other without martial arts or spells.

There is still a feeling of paralysis in the body through the attack with the axe.

On top of that, fighting now.

Every single one of the pain makes me love you.

Come on.

Shall I share further pain?

Is that it?

Are you laughing?

Nice smile.

But let's turn it off right away.



Now we're beating each other up?

That's good, too.

Stay like this till the end, let's hang out.

No, I hope the time goes on like this all the time.

I seriously think so.

Game over! Please stop the fight!

Oh, you idiot!

Not yet.

You can still go on, can't you?

Out of time?

Are you out of time?

It's a hallucination.

Three more minutes!

No, just one minute!

Give me more time!

"Judging by the expiration of time!

"It's a shame, I wish you'd let me go on and on until I settled on more!

"I agree."

I unload my arms, which I stood in the uprights.

He also lowered his arm, which stood on his back.

Here, is it over?

Exactly mindless.

Really out of time?

Shake hands with each other before heading back to the corner of the game field.

Thanks again.

"[Both Hand Axes] have leveled up in the current battle victory!

"We have entered the eighth round of the main race and the final! WWVIII will be held at 1: 45 p.m. today on the C-side of the new squad."

"Two points will be added to the bonus points due to WW7 breakthroughs. That brings us to 54 points."


Is my victory the result of the judgment?

But it would be a triumph of thin ice.

I'm sure there was a difference in stature and power, but there's also a clear difference in protective equipment.

My protective gear is made of Axe Wulong leather armor and matching materials to consolidate all my protective gear.

In the case of masterpieces, it is the leather armor of the Big Ice Snow Dragon and its matching protective equipment.

If it was the same, the judgment was reversed and not strange.

"Let's have an unscrupulous fight"

"Ah, guys."

It was Lady Guerta who repaired my gear.

Looks like I'm about to say something.

"On the chicks. Have you noticed?

"Is it some royalty, that? Except for Queen Sabine, I thought the princess had been killed."

"I'm not wrong about being a prince. We are not royal princes."

"So you mean foreign?

"Special Envoy," he said.

According to Lady Guerta, here's the deal.

The unfamiliar people at the chicks' altar seem to belong to another royal family east of the Guardian Valley.

The surrounding countries also seem to only try to make them call themselves' royalty 'to emphasize that they are legitimate kings.

They say this is already a tradition.

Sounds like diplomacy is going to use names that show each other's personality.

For the sake of Queen Sabine, the Belgic family.

It seems to be saved because it will be a long time when it becomes an official name.

In diplomacy, she will be Queen Belgic, Sabine I.

Likewise, the prince on the chick floor has a diplomatic name.

The Conti family.

In the case of that prince, Frederick, Prince of Conti, he said it would be.

Well, is this for the record?

The problem is why they came.

There's a demon inside their territory, and it seems to be an influx from this side.

He also says his master confirms that he is letting his forces stick along the border.

The royal castle is such a thing, and the power of the state is greatly diminished after the demons continue to occupy the royal castle in the first place.

I'm sure there are Dragons in the Valley, but they're not attacking us to invade.

The problem is that everywhere we come under the banner of a demon crusade.

It may aim to keep its forces stationed and secure vested interests.

That concern is high.

Lady Kerta says there have been several wars with the Conti family in the east in the past.

Though the ceasefire agreement has been respected for the last 50 years or so and the deal has been quite flourishing.

Personally, I don't care about them.

"Because Her Majesty is good?

"Master Juna is here. Don't worry about it."

The gaze of Lady Guerta turns to the chicks.

I have a tough face from time to time, but it looks tougher.

I don't know how rare this is, but that court magician won't be alarmed.

"You know what?

"Mm-hmm. I'm a disciple. For Olennew, too."


"And it will be Master Juna's apprentice."


No way, it's an addition to a master or Guerta lady-class monster?

It's a subtle position this time though.

"Not the people behind us. What would your lord think?

"Two people, you want to fight. Others seem a bit less fun to fight."


I wonder why.

I'm afraid of Lady Guerta's smile.

"When the final of the personal battle is over, Olennew, meet Master Juna."


I wonder what.

It seems to include.

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