I decided to watch the video when I went back to the lobby.

Looks like you can see the final opponent's match on a small screen in real time.

What about that match card?

Lydia from Elemental Mage: Light.

Against is dungeon pilot Gavi.

We always have the same party.

Read back the comments on the videos sent in the message so far.

Lydia was up against that half-solovard decker.

Gavi is up against Dongyun.

Not yet for Lydia.

Gavi will be beating Dongyun.

How did Gavi, a lightweight and speed fighter, fight against Dwarf and tough East Cloud?

I wanted to watch it, but now let's see this one.

Lydia, as an example, holds a bow with a spike sword on her hips and an arrow barrel on her back.

Gavi is a little sword.

But there is also a throwing knife on the shoulder belt.

Dive through ranged attacks with bows and arrows, how close can you get?

It's going to be such a battle.

And Lydia has the continuous use of martial arts by the Spike Sword.

There is also a dedicated spell, Alias, for Elemental Mage: Light.

How do you get there?


It will surely be a battle for speed.

What about Lydia vs. Gavi?

Faster than expected!

I thought it would be settled early, but unexpectedly it was settled by a time-out decision.

We definitely know in each other's hands that the match has been judged, but it will be late.


Looks like you don't know what's going on without watching the game from afar.

As for me, I would have liked to have seen the attack since I approached him, but there was very little.

I think that's where we can find the cause of Gavi's defeat.

Because in melee it was obviously advantageous but I couldn't pack up the distance.

Still, it looks amazing how it outweighs the attack of Alias' identities!

I was surprised that he was towed with a throwing knife, and that the dagger of his gain was also a throwing specification.

Plus, the spell of space-time magic, he keeps fighting while retrieving it in the sport.

[Chanting Discard] If there were, the results might have been reversed.

And is it Lydia's victory?

Whichever wins, it doesn't make a big difference because I'm the one who decides to play heel.

Lydia's opponent in the final!

Be aware of accidents.

No, it's the accident that happens even if you're careful.

Please, God.

May there be no accidents!

If daily deeds are good, I'm sure my wish will come true.

That should do it.

Okay, again.

Let's also see my semifinals match.

Do you have any reflections?

There is.

I'm aware of it.

From start to finish, it must be terrible.

And I enjoyed it the best.

I want to taste that feeling.


I wanted to beat each other up in the final as well.

I just have to give up now that the other person is Lydia.

Too bad.

"Oh, Keith. Happy finals."

"Guys. Did you win that one?

"Well, somehow. After all, it was hard and hard for the fishermen and brothers to find each other."

I have Shelvi in front of me.

After all, did you win?

Nevertheless, as always, Shelvi's beauty is amazing.

A body that wants to surpass a masterpiece.

Then the whole body, fully armed with metal armor.

The square shield is thick, and the mace you're holding in your right hand is not a good size to hold with one hand.

What is the status value?

And is it really a woman, a mystery?

It's horrible and [identifiable].

"Who's in the finals?

"Looks like you've made up your mind now. A squad team."


Those guys.

It's a cosplay squad that only seems to be kidding if it's just the outside.

The contents are not like that.

Use authentic standing moves, especially in martial arts style pink.

Yellow is inside if you fight it together.

I'd like you to spare me the criterion becoming a fight.

"Don't be alarmed, okay? Oh, I see it, it's strong."

"I know. The type is just different, right? Who was Keith's opponent more than that?

"Looks like you've become Lydia."



I wonder what that reaction would be?

"What's the time?

"You're on the C-side of the new squad at 1: 45 p.m."

"It's on the B-side at the same time, you're not going to be able to watch the game slowly."

"More than that. Earlier reaction, what happened?

Shelvi tilting her neck.

My gaze is swimming a little, but what's up?

"Never mind. I just had a feeling something was going to happen."

"A hunch?"

"Yes, she looks unhappy."


"I'm sorry, it's an ops meeting now. Good luck."

Shelvi laughs and shows off her deception.

Looks like he started the meeting with a luxuriously one-handed Mace on his shoulder in a circle with his buddies.


Unfortunate physique?

That Lydia?

If I'm unhappy, I don't think I can beat the finals.

I wonder what that means?

What does it have to do with the accident that happened?

Whatever it takes, how do we fight the final?



Absolutely not!

Disadvantaged to deal with that mobility even for heavyweight gains.

If you want to use it, I'd like a long pattern.

A rivalry with Gavi suggests.

Certainly alias spells are troublesome.

With the exception of the [sealing] spell, the only effective measure is to crush the disfigurement.

Let's focus on the sub-ice snow dragon spear and the broken steel bird Kukri knife.

I like throwable weapons.

Lovelandes of Daedalus, also has the hand that

No, I can use the Sports spell anyway, and a kukuri knife that I'm used to throwing at is enough.

I don't think the opponent will come to try a melee on his own.

If I don't stop my legs, I'll just put this one at a disadvantage.

But don't worry.

With a normal heart, challenge.

If you're going to use martial arts, let's use martial arts.

If you're going to use a spell, let's use a spell.

That's fine.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's the final! Everybody to the game venue!

It's time.

Looks like we'll be playing the other finals at the same time.

Me and Shelvi are the only ones in the understatement here.

I guess the faces that made it to the other finals are in a different modem.

"It's the final."


"I wish we could win each other."


"Honestly, I'm glad you're not in a team fight."


Honestly, when I look at Shelvi and the others' parties, I can tell they're not easy opponents.

Well, that's it.

Now you should focus on your rivalry.


I want to say that it is made, but my mind feels a little uneasy.

'Cause there's gonna be some kind of accident!

Individual fight indiscriminate match venue is side C.

The game venue for the team match non-discrimination class is on the B-side.

The expanded new squad will have a total of eight sides, and these two matches will have the chicks taking their privileged seats.

On the A side, it would be the final of the Individual Battle Junior, and on the F side, the Final of the Group Battle Junior.

On the G side, it seems to be an individual battle intermediate final, and on the D side, a group battle intermediate final.

Are you going to finish the final once and for all?

Well, fine.

The audience is full, as it should be.

I also saw Mr. Fina and Adele in the side seat of the chick.

Attention, noted.

What if there's an accident here?

No, you shouldn't think about it.

It's really a pattern of accidents, this!

Lydia is on the diagonal of the playing field.

Half with his helmet, his expression is hidden, but I know his gaze is poured.

Are you alert to the spear of the subicy snowdragon I'm holding?

I want you to be on your guard.

Certainly would have inferior hitting accuracy compared to bows and arrows.

However, the range is fine if it is the size of this playing field.

Powerful, this way is up.

Without the spell of the sport, you can only attack once!

I'd like to settle it off-site if I could.

I have a feeling it's going to be terrible no matter how you attack it.

Otherwise I would be flirted with by that maneuverability and continue to be attacked by arrows.

I already have some grasp in my hand.

How are you gonna attack me?

I'm assuming there, but now I can think about it.

Ordinary mind.

With a normal heart, come.

Step forward and stand at the corner of the match venue.

to each other.



Keep the spear in your hand and forward.

Shortly after the start it becomes the range of each other's gains.

In my case, I can't expect hitting accuracy without using martial arts.

So forward, I'm going to pack the distance.

What about Lydia?

It doesn't move.

Move, say he's not here?

You prioritize spell chanting?

Then don't hesitate, let me take the lead!


Throw the spear.

And I'm going to pull out the Kukri knife on my hips.


Apparently you've been waiting for this one to throw a spear?


What Lydia has in her hand is not what she expected.

Spike sword in your right hand.

But it's not backhanded.

On the left hand side is a cane.

Is that it?

What happened to the bow and arrow?

The spear of the subicy snowdragon comes off as a matter of course.

Where's Lydia?

Trying to get around from my right side.

Apparently, he wants to push it off with manoeuvre.

What are you after, throwing away the bow and arrow interest?

She is Elemental Mage: Light.

If you want to earn damage, you should want to use the attack spell somewhere.

But would you simply use an attack spell?

There's no reason for that.

It moves in a way that directs it to the corner of the playing field.

Come on, what do we do?


Now they took the distance.

Again confront each other in a diagonal position.

But now I don't have a spear for a subicy snowdragon in my hand.

Just Kukri knives.

"True demon fighting!" "Enchanted Breaker!

We'll do the same if we're going to use martial arts.

Go pack the distance.

You're not moving this time?



I thought you were coming!

It's still different when you actually see it.

I hear it's a complete separation.

What are we gonna do?

"Magic Fortress!"

(Physical Enchant Fire!)

(Physical Enchant Earth!)

(Physical Enchant Wind!)

(Physical Enchant Aqua!)

(Mental Enchant Wright!)

(Mental Enchant Dark!)

(Cross dominance!)

(Gravity Mail!)

(Psycho Pod!)



(Boyd Sphere!)

(Dark Shield!

(Fire heels!


What? I'm sorry.

Looks like they took precautions like they knew we were going to use the spell first.

Well, it wasn't an attack spell that I used, it was an enhancement to myself.

Did you direct this from the beginning?

Both Lydia had replaced their canes with bows and arrows.

And the Spike Sword goes backwards.

I see.

I'm gonna use that hand!


Two Lydia scatters left and right.

Cheng Cheng used it from the Spike Sword and Wand to make this happen.

I wish I had used it from the beginning.

I didn't mean to interrupt.

But that's it?

There's no reason for that.

There isn't, is there?

"Rainbow Chain!"


Oh, shit!

I haven't been able to capture it yet.

Lydia seems to have reached level 86.

A nasty spell, I'm here to detain you in Rainbow Chain.

If I hadn't fortified myself with spells, it would have been a big deal.

Still, there is a drop in agility.

Oh, my legs are heavy!

Not only is the body indistinguishable from the body, but the collaboration is brilliant.

And fast!

Gavi's been dealing with this a lot!

There is still a huge difference between watching the game and actually fighting it.

Gavi was holding him back with a throwing knife while crushing him with an attack spell, regardless of his stature or body.

Do you want me to do that?

No, let's do this.

(Ice Field!

The playing field freezes at once.

But only on its surface.

Naturally, it's not meant to cause damage.


Take measures to see the situation so I don't slip either.

The arrows have not flown in.

And the spell.

Divided into a body that fell under the influence of frozen ground.

Throw a Kukri knife at those close to where you managed to get up.

Straight to the left shoulder!

It is unclear whether that is the main unit or not.

Still trying to attack, but my unleashed left high kick was firing straight ahead.

Feels good.

I couldn't add or subtract it.

I can't adjust because of Rainbow Chain.

If we don't shoot him in with all our strength, he won't move properly!

Was the Lydia the one with the split body or disappears as it were?

The only thing left is the main body.

Come on, what do we do?


Looks like she chose to fly.

You're right about Icefield in a way.

Oh, my God, they're coming in this way!

Spike sword in its hand.

Is it a special attack?



The tip of the sword was through my side.

It could have been plundering.

It was a failure to take it.

If I had jumped on short jumps, I would have ended up off the spot on my own!

I was thinking about that while rolling with Lydia.

Target the guard position as you roll around an unintended body.

I should have targeted him, but it was his head that pinched him with both legs.

Reflectively grabbing the right hand with the Spike Sword and pulling it in.

Triangle squeeze.

Grab your wrist again and go decide on your elbow joint.

And I strangled my legs deeper together.



This won't come off anymore.

That's right. You'll get a gibberish without taking long.

It could be a little terrible.

But I feel like I'm losing something.

I wonder what?

Game over! Please stop the fight!

Did you win?

Maybe I'm winning.

Unsqueeze the triangle, and when I get up, Lydia's already standing in front of me.

Right hand, are you okay?

She takes her helmet off with her left hand.

Clearly angry face.

But half of them look like they're crying.

Uh, do you regret losing or something?

"Oh, oh, you! Oh, oh, get the girl's face, here, on her groin!



That being said, yes.

But, you know, there's no choice!

I was supposed to put my torso together in a guard position!

It is a coincidence that we have been triangulated.

Coincidence, huh?

"You pervert! Pervert! Pervert!

"Oh, you know, calm down"

"Nooo! You're acting weird again!

Now I'm crying.

Oh, what am I supposed to do?

You should have been angry with me.

I hear booming from the audience.


Wait for me!

I'm innocent.

Get me a lawyer!

Alliance officials rushed me to both sides of Lydia.

They're both women.

I hope you'll forgive me somehow.

Young officials look at me with great eyes.

Oh, are you treating me like a criminal anymore?

"You have won Game 8 of the Prize and the Finals! Congratulations!

"The winner will add 5 points to the bonus points. That brings us to 59 points."

I don't congratulate you on everything.

The booming doesn't fit.

And the bonus points haven't reached their goal either.

All you need to gain [All Resistance] is 60 points.

Really sad.

"There was a terrible final."

"That was an accident! It's definitely an accident!

"Now, don't make excuses! The result is not everything!

When I got off the game field, there was Lady Guerta.

That gaze increases and is tough at all times.

I got smashed in the head with a cane in my hand.

"Idiot. Restore your gear and restore your Lord, so be quiet."

"Ha, ha"

The guild clerk retrieved the sub-ice snow dragon spear and the broken steel bird Kukri knife and gave it to me, though.

There is room for that attitude as well.

No, all the male employees are half laughing.

Lady Guerta is laughing at an invisible angle.

How about that?

Apparently, I've done something I can't take back.

Screwed up.

No, this is just me getting caught up in Lydia's unhappy physique!

"Because there are also words of His Majesty. Be quiet here."


As Lady Guerta told me, I decided to wait upright and immovable.

Teamwork indiscriminate matches still continue on the next playing field.

This position is the same for the privileged seats.

I have a sense of being a exposed person, but let's take it spoiled.

Keep watching the game.

What about the squad party?

Obviously wins with manoeuvre.

In addition to its strong defenses, Shelvi's party is also highly destructive.

The sharing of roles is clear and the collaboration should be brilliant.

That's it, it's collapsing!

Because you're shooting in the wedge.

Its useful actors are Pink and Black.

No way, using a spear like a bar-high jump over an avant-garde, or whatever the hell that means!

Pink, who approached the rear guard with Black, took two rear guards off the scene one after the other.

He took the dungeon pilot naked from behind and replaced it with a shield.

Shelvi and the others were also disarmed of the rear guard and fought remarkably.

As a matter of fact, we fought five of them for three, and we continued to show them the battle that seemed like each other!

But I couldn't fill the number of disadvantages.

Shelvi was the one who kept fighting until the end.

The squad party was down to three.

After a tremendous drain on each other, Shelvi's movement finally stops.

It had been fitted into a pitfall.

Without support, it makes sense that this happens.

But the winning squad party, the three remaining winners, seems terrible.

There's no room for everyone to make a decision.

Red has an HP bar in combat exclusion thread and pink has a status anomaly.

Black has lost spears of gain, and Shelvi both have fallen to the bottom of the pit.

This makes a sight I don't know which one is winning.

The audience cheers.

Are you out of your mind that it sounds completely different from the match between me and Lydia?

No, it's not.

Absolutely not, is it?

"Is something wrong? The venue looks weird though."

"No, never mind"

"Maybe, Lydia?

Mr. Shelvi.

Landmines, mines!

Awards ceremony at the end of all finals.

Continuing exposure in a way, but there's only one way to endure it here.

There must be Lydia behind me at the semi-finals.

I'm afraid of its presence.

I'm afraid I'm going to eat a spike sword in the medulla oblongata.

You must be staring at me with great eyes.

"Anything wrong?

"Don't tell me."

"Lydia? What are you looking at!

I'm afraid Lydia's silent.

Oh, I want to get out of here already!

"I did it."


"It was an interesting game."

Alliance length in front of you.

Don't say anything unnecessary!

He's gonna kill me!

"You know my room, don't you? Come as soon as the closing ceremony is over."


It was probably the winning prize that was given to me by the guild chief.

I know it's in a sachet, but I guess it's not a gem by weight.

I wonder what it is?

I want to enjoy it later.

Let's push it into the shoulder belt compartment.

Usually that's the designated seat for the mana potion.

The guild chief is speaking to the winner, the semi-winner, and giving away the prize.

I am restless.

Wouldn't it be over soon?

Look at the top of the chick.

"Give a round of applause to the victors!

Her Majesty's voice echoes loudly in response to the audience's voice.

Thank you. I hear the speech begins.

I hope it doesn't take long.

Sometimes a long speech invites me to sleep.

My neck is cold now and I'm not there.

"So, Keith. I'm talking about something else."


"Prepare for battle. Shouldn't you?

The color of vigilance contained in Shelvi's voice is dark.

I know what you're trying to say.

Because there are people on the chicks who should lighten up.

It may be the same pattern as the previous demon raids.

"I knew it, you think?

"I don't think you're gonna have to."

"I don't mind any time."

The squad party also seems to agree with Shelvi.

Everyone seems to be getting more alert.

"Where do we set it up?

"After all, the prince is destiny?

"All the court magicians and all the ones behind you."

Sometimes it seems like there's nothing.

"In any case, the hunch of the event!


I agree with that opinion.

Lady Guerta is also on guard.

Both the master and the guild leader, even Mr. Juna.

Besides, there are crystal dragons and bronze dragons swirling over this lemt while alerting.

It's not a half-breed force.

Naturally, the pattern of entering the battle assumes.

But half of them?

I'm in trouble.

With the masters, the level of experience I'm likely to earn drops dramatically.

That's really, really troubling.

If you don't stay, Lemt could fall.

What about Queen Sabine's speech?

Looks like it's over with shorter.


Her Majesty didn't seem to be a hypnotist.

I'm not sleepy!

"Let's end the fight!

The tournament ended with a declaration by the guild chief.

They don't congratulate the princes.

I also feel uncomfortable with such details.

They're calling me after this, aren't they?

What is there?

"Looks like nothing happened."


'I thought the guests who were at the chick stand would be demons. Hazy, huh?'

"I don't think I can be alarmed yet."

"In any case, I'll try to stay in Remt for a little bit more, depending on how things are going."

"Copy that. I might get back to you."

Turn off the telepath with Mr. Fina.

Looks like there were a lot of players in the audience looking forward to the event.

The closing ceremony is over, but I can see you're still standing in the audience.

I see a line of princes disappear from the chicks, and their appearance diminishes.

Okay, let's get moving, too.

The new Adventurer Guild Builder is also close to the new practice field here.

The whole town of Remt will be crowded.

Maybe we should hurry up a little.

"See you later"

"Next time I see you, I'll make sure you win the match and show it to me! Remember that!

"Yes, yes, over here! Gavi's waiting for you."

Shelvi and the others broke up in front of the modest room.

Thank God you grabbed Lydia and took her with you.

Otherwise it would have been an immediate match.

Worst case scenario, it's Lydia's dark fall.

It could kill me for real.

I'm heading for the other way out.

It is a shortcut to the guild building, and mainly the staff come and go.


What can I do for you?

I'm concerned.

I'm curious.

"Oh, are you here?"

"Ah, master."

In front of the guild chief's office is an armed guild clerk.

And there was also a master.

Looks like they're paying for it.

"What is this?"

"I'm visiting. This is how quick it is for an uninvited guest to explore sincerity."

"Are you an example prince inside?

"Uh-huh. But you're still good."

"Are you an apprentice?

"Hmm. Did you hear that?"

I can't stand the look on my master's face.

How many bitters are you chewing up?

"It's not my house. It was originally made with him."

"So what was the master looking for?

"That's him. If it's for a purpose, don't choose the means, you're a man in trouble."

"Is it going to be a hassle"

"In court magicians in other countries, it is also possible to serve them in a far-fetched way. Trouble."


I can't handle it easily even though I'm in front of you.

You'll also want to gather bitters and chew them up.

"Lord, come inside, come with me."


"Well, that's kind of intimidating."


I think it's enough for me to have a master.

But you should obey the master's words.

I never refused to go inside.

Give a gentle grace and raise your face, checking inside the office.

Queen Sabine is the seat that the guild chief has always used in his executive duties.

Behind it stands Lady Guerta on the guild leader.

In front of a simple but splendid desk is a sofa in a face-to-face fashion, with a table in between.

Sitting is a court magician to the example prince.

Two law knights stand behind it.

These guys throw their gaze at me, but the color of vigilance floats in their eyes.

Probably because I was watching the fight.

And I can't be alarmed at all.

Because the lower back position dropped slightly.

Fight back if you seem to be attacked, it looked like that kind of move.

Encouraged by the Master with his eyes, he stands alongside the Master on the front side of the Law Knights.

Naturally, but behind the couch.

Sitting on the couch in front of me is Dragon Knight Rafen, plus Mr. Juna.

Prince, and be in a form that is directly opposed to the court magician.

Each other, there seems to be a restraint using only gaze.

The air, heavy!

"I'd like you to understand. There is no way we can forgive the influx of demons. He said it was the royal mission to appease the people by crusading."

"That would not be a good reason for us to invade royal territory!

"An invasion is terrible! We're going to help the demon crusade, aren't we?


Is this diplomacy?

As much as things are, say, a guy with one thing in his belly, the rhetoric tends to be a beauty phrase.

Similar to a con artist's M.O.

But diplomacy seems somewhat different.

We can read each other's bellies.

Use that hand to take their word for it.

You have that impression, don't you?

"The forces that are coming near the fort in Tanya will be withdrawn to the other side of the lava land. As soon as possible."


"I really do."

"But you're in trouble. There's no way you're leaving without a fight."

Now will you take out your convenience and go?

I can see that it also contains enough flavor.

"There are demons in your territory, too. Why don't you come back?

"It is clear that the origin of the demon is on your side. I'm here to break the roots."

"You should have come a little earlier. We've already ruled out the demon base in our territory."



I can see the atmosphere alone exploring the intentions we're trying to hide from each other.

No, I haven't hidden it out.

I try to pick words carefully so that they don't take their word for it.

That's the way it is.

Indeed, the Imperial Castle fell, and it seems that the people and soldiers who were there have lost most of it.

They are trying to understand the decline in national power, but they are probably being nursed.

If there's a deal and there's a merchant coming and going, it's not strange to have information.

That said, there would be a problem with attacking me.

The dragons in the Valley of Guardianship.

In accordance with the pledge exchanged with the royal family, if you turn to interception, dispatch forces are not the only option.

Who's after you?

Effective control.

It's not an act of aggression, but in reality it's an M.O. to reside the forces of war.

You shouldn't acquiesce or compromise. That's an occasion.

"So what do we do?

"Let us march out of our territory. If we stay, we'll see it as an invasion!

The Lawknights' atmosphere changes to the tone of Dragon Knight Rafen.

I also dropped my hips slightly.

What do you got?

I can fight enough without it.

All you have to do is jump behind your back with a short jump.

"I agree with you that if demons appear and are distressed, we will cooperate."

"Master Juna?

Juna said something unexpected.

Wouldn't you like to take a word for it?

"Oh! Because you can agree?

"Yes, let's first destroy the demons and demons that are rampant in your territory."

"Master Juna?

"Are you in trouble? I'd love to work with you. Let's go, too."


Silvio, the court magician, finally spoke.

The look I could afford tightens all at once.

"I think the dragons we protect the royal family can help, right? I thought it would help a lot."

"Oh, wait!

Suddenly the prince wolves.

Have you noticed?

This is Mr. Juna's blackmail.

Hatter, I can say.

I also smelled that I was willing to march across the border.

Whether it is possible in the context of the royal and patron valley pledges is irrelevant at this time.

We're talking about possibilities.

Well, let me tell you something, Juna alone is going to be a terrible disaster.

"Once you're back, make your decision. May I?

There was no reply to the words of the Dragon Knight Rafen.

The prince only takes a peek at the complexion of a court magician sitting next to him.

At the heart of it, this?

Thank you. You seem confused by the unexpected way of returning it.

This can already be called a diplomatic defeat.

"I need to talk to my own country. It takes time."

"We need you to leave immediately."

Mr. Rafen is nice, too.

Yes, I think you should be strong there.

There was strength in the word.

Confident, unwavering like a rooted tree trunk.

I have that impression.

The prince said he still said something, but left plenty untrained to take a seat.

Mr. Juna also takes a seat.

"I'll send you, Your Highness."

"That's not true."

"Oh, will you drop me off? Demons can't be relieved if they still have demons."

What the hell was Juna's look like?

Prince, and the faces of the law knights are pale.

You want to see it?

I don't want to see it.

It must be a nightmare.

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