The sky elder brother is very clear, Zhuo old man came today is to take for nothing, can't give any benefit, other people m country still can send two satellite free, Zhuo old man can do? Definitely not.

There is no free lunch in the world. Don't you understand this?

"Zhuo Ju, show your sincerity. In any case, I made great efforts to catch those spies and lost a lot. You can't give nothing and just want to get benefits from me."

The other side scolded: "what good is not good? Don't forget your identity. You are also a Chinese. It's right to contribute to the country. "

Ye Wutian does not deny: "yes, I am a Chinese and should also contribute to the country. Have you ever thought about Zhuo Ju? The spies in my hands are not coming to China to make trouble, but to my Hongyan island. "

Zhuo old man was choked, for a long time did not speak, ye Wutian is right, Hongyan island does not belong to Huaxia, only belongs to him ye Wutian.

"No more words? Do you think I have a point? " The sky elder brother is very proud smile way.

"You are right. Hongyan island does not belong to any country, but you are Chinese after all. If you give those people to me, I can maximize their interests and exchange a lot of benefits, which is of great benefit to the country."

"I understand. I will do it too. I'm going to do it. Zhuo Ju, I didn't expect that we would go together."

Zhuo old man is very helpless, no matter what he said, ye Wutian this boy is not into oil and salt.

"You don't want to give money, and you don't want to give it to others, boy. Why are you so young as to be an Iron Rooster? This can't work that way, can't you be generous? Don't forget that you are a man. You are in charge of such a large empire. Iron Rooster is not good. "

"Ha ha, I am an Iron Rooster? What are you, then? " Ye Wutian asked: "the lion opens his mouth and opens his mouth. You can always answer me. What are you?"

"Really disagree?" Asked Zhuo.

"There is nothing. I don't agree. How many weides can be sent by M country?"

"Are you going to promise them?"

Shrugged ye Wutian replied, "I can't find any reason to refuse."

"You want to let the tiger go back to the mountain?" Mr. Zhuo doesn't like ye Wutian's appearance of being an old slicker at a young age.

"Hey, let the tiger go back to the mountain? It's true that I let the tigers go. It depends on whether they can go back to the mountains. " Ye Wutian's eyes appear a ray of killing light.

Zhuo old man is astonished, from ye Wutian's eyes, he realizes what, this is the boy's character, he will not do things to let the tiger return to the mountain.

"You can deal with those in M country, and others let me deal with them, OK?" Zhuo old man is very clear, in front of Ye Wutian, you can never use the way of command, only use the way of consultation.

"I'm an Iron Rooster. I think you're the Iron Rooster. If you don't give anything, you just want to get benefits from me. You really have you." Ye Wutian disdains the way, completely did not put each other's identity in the eye.

"I'm for the country." The old man Zhuo, whose face was not red and his heart did not jump, replied.

"Bah! Don't use that trick to fool me. You can only cheat primary school students. "

At this time, ye Wutian's phone rang, took out a look, can't help grinning, "come, Zhuo Bureau, you see how refreshing people are, and immediately give a reply."

Old Zhuo was choked hard.

Ye Wutian connected the phone: "Miss Linda, miss me so soon? We just separated. "

"Well, I'll be right here."

After hanging up the phone, ye Wutian looks at Zhuo old man: "Zhuo Bureau, are you still busy?"

"Or not?"

Ye Wutian gently shakes his head. According to law, old Zhuo should be nervous, but he doesn't mean to be nervous at all. It's like eating him ye Wutian.

"I'll call you later."

Tian Ge crazy sweat, old man Zhuo calls to move the soldiers? This is the best joke in the world. Who is the old man Zhuo? Brother Guoan, do you still need to call for help?

Ye wudian doesn't know what other people think. Anyway, he can't accept it.

Zhuo old man also does not avoid, in front of Ye Wutian to make this call.

Zhuo, who made a phone call, only said, "he doesn't agree."

Ye Wutian is full of misty water and looks at each other suspiciously.

Zhuo old man just hang up the phone, after a while, ye Wutian's mobile phone rings, take out a look, Zhu Laozi's call.

Is old Zhuo calling Mr. Zhu?

Answer the phone with doubts, "old man."

"Xiaotian, Laozhuo is my own man." On the phone, Zhuo said something.

Hearing Master Zhu's words, ye Wutian understood that the old man Zhuo had just called him, and the old Master Zhu on the other side of the phone made ye wudian shake hard.

"Master, I see." After a few words in a hurry, Shuang convenient hung up the phone. At this time, ye Wutian Shen was a little complicated. After a long time of trouble, he was one of his own.My own people! Paralyzed, why didn't Mr. Zhuo say it earlier? If you tell him clearly, you won't make such a fool of yourself.

It's just that old Zhuo won't talk nonsense. Who will tell others that he is a faction?

"Zhuo Ju, it's really you." Ye Wutian sighed. "If you know it's your own, you should have told me in advance."

"The less people know about a lot of things, it's good for everyone."

Ye wudian nods, whether he admits it or not, what Zhuo said is true. Many things are not the more people know, the better.

"What? Can I have the man now? " The so-called June account is also fast, just or ye Wutian proud, now it is Zhuo old man's turn to be proud.

With a bitter smile, ye wudian said helplessly: "it's all like this, can I still not give it? But I have to stay with those m people. "

Old man Zhuo wanted to come over even those m people. After a second thought, he couldn't help it. He was afraid that the boy would go crazy, and he had to have some degree.

After solving the problem, Mr. Zhuo didn't stay long and left soon. With so many foreign spies in hand, he should be able to make a lot of things this time.

Ye Wutian returns to the conference room where Linda is. As soon as he enters, the other party doesn't have to wait to stand up: "did you agree?"

"It's all my business to answer or not, Linda. It's none of your business?" Ye Wutian looks unhappy at Linda. Master Zhu's words make him lose so much. Think of himself as a contribution to the country?

"You promised me."

"Well, don't talk nonsense. How was the discussion? I don't have that much time for you. "

"All the people in M give me a satellite."

Ye Wutian frowned: "Linda, I really want to smoke you."

"Two, at most, do what you send to heaven."

Ye Wutian directly pressed the phone on the desk, slightly lowered his head and said, "see off the guest."

"What conditions do you need?" Linda steps forward.

"Two, all to my designated orbit."

"Deal." Linda agreed, and as soon as she finished speaking, Li Feifei pushed the door and entered.

"Feifei, it's OK. You go out first."

After Li Feifei went out, Linda sighed with a sigh of relief: "Ye, you are not a good talker. You can't see the gentleman demeanor of your Chinese people at all."

Tiange is dumbfounded. Is this foreign girl satirizing him or something?

"A gentleman's demeanor can only be applied to one's own person, but not to an enemy or opponent. It will only seek death."

"Are you good to your confidants?"

"Hehe, I'm not sure whether it's good or not." Ye Wutian said: "these have to be left to them for comment. How good can I say it? Will you believe it? "

"Ye, if, I said if, if I wanted to hook you up, what would you do?"

Surprised, brother Tian almost didn't choke to death. If this foreign girl doesn't know Chinese, don't talk nonsense. Shit! What is a hook? It's too dumb, huh? It's a very interesting word to use.

"No answer? Or do you not want to answer? "

Ye Wutian asked with a smile: "think of a beauty scheme?"

"You are so excellent, and the beauty scheme is normal. Will you agree with me?"

Seeing Linda chasing after her, ye wudian suddenly thinks that the foreign girl is not serious, right?

In fact, why should she be so complicated? Direct that what a peel, and then lie down on the sofa, not everything is settled? People who know him know that he has never had any resistance in that respect.

Do you want to remind Linda?

"Do you know about me?"

"I don't care. They don't care. What do I care about? Don't forget that I am a citizen of M, and this aspect is more open than you. "

Ye Wutian said:

"Well, let's change the subject. It's not appropriate to talk about it."

"Why not? I think it's good. "

"Do you like me?"

"At least not."

"Hey, I'm not angry with you, right? You're not angry? Don't you hate me

Linda didn't like it: "there is a saying in your country that men are not bad and women don't love each other. You used to be angry with me, and I'm used to it. When I look back, if I don't get angry with you, I'm not used to it. I will think about you unconsciously."

I don't know what to say. I can only use one word to describe Linda, cheap! This foreign woman is also so cheap, there is a tendency to be abused.

"Is that all right?"

"Make a small one for me. Your old man will chop me alive. Don't forget, he is the biggest terror leader in the world. I dare not provoke him."

"You are not allowed to say that about my father." Linda is not happy. She can't accept ye Wutian's tone, let alone anyone say that about her father. "

As we all know, Linda's father is the biggest terror leader in the world. The difference is that people are legal and they try to suppress others under various flags."Let me in. Get out of here." Outside, I do not know who is roaring, followed by bursts of crackling sound, like what fell to the ground.

Li Feifei's voice sounded, "you can't go in, without the permission of the boss, you can't go in, Mr. Ouyang, if you do this again, I'll call security."

"Get out of here." The rough voice sounded again, and the next moment was Li Feifei's scream. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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