Outside the voice, ye Wutian heard clearly, who is it? So rude?

No matter who the person comes, ye Wutian doesn't like it, and ye has already known who the person is. Li Feifei has already said the identity of the person in a sentence of Ouyang.

Ouyang, who dare to be so rude in Hongyan group, is not much, only ouyanghao, who has always seen him unhappy.

Sure enough, in a moment, ouyanghao rushed to open the door and came in.

After ouyanghao, Li Feifei walked in with pain, and she took a turn and supported the wall. The reason for the pain filled her eyes with crystal tears, and a pair of people saw the expression of pity.

"Ye Wutian, what do you want?" Ouyanghao roared in and didn't notice that there were guests in the meeting room.

Ye Wutian eyebrows a pick, the eye cold glanced at ouyanghao, but did not immediately speak, instead of bypassing ouyanghao, to Li Feifei.

Li Fei Fei was afraid of Ye Wutian's expression. When she saw him come over, she thought she wanted to blame her and blamed her for not stopping ouyanghao.

"Boss, I can't stop him." Li Feifei is very pitiful. She dare to joke with ye Wutian in the ordinary day. At the key time, she is still afraid and dare not provoke ye Wutian.

Ye Tiantian walked to lifeifei and squatted down, and reached out to touch Li Feifei's left foot in front of the crowd.

So gently touch, pain Li Fei Fei cold air pour pumping, pain cold sweat DC.

She twisted it, even though she was wearing stockings, she could see a red and swollen left foot wrist.

Regardless of other people's unusual eyes, ye Wutian picked up Li Feifei, scared Li Feifei screaming and continuous, the first reaction is what ye wudian wants to do? He is a man besides a boss, and more importantly, he is a senior coyote.

What is she he wants to be in front of someone else?

Li Fei Fei dare not think down, the face red fluttering, can not say lovely attractive.

Linda and ouyanghao are also surprised. Wondering what ye would do, openly flirting with subordinates in their own company?

It was so sudden that ouyanghao forgot the purpose of his trip today.

Under the shock, Li Feifei naturally responded by holding the leaves' neck tightly with her hands, afraid of falling down.

Ye Wutian will Li Fei to the sofa gently put her down, then squat down again, left hand clenched Li Feifei that one twist to the left foot, gently for Li Fei Fei off shoes.

Li Feifei, who saw that she was not more red in face, was held up by the wolf boss, so she was afraid. Now let him take off her high heels, and make her shy.

Several times to draw back the foot, but he Ye seems to have no intention to let go.

"Don't move. Your feet are not light." Ye did not look up when he spoke.

Li Fei Fei understood the intention of Ye Wutian. She had been trying to help her heal for half a day, and she wanted to be crooked.

After understanding the reason, Li Feifei is more embarrassed, ashamed to find a hole to drill in, what are you thinking? I think about some kind of mess.

However, the wolf boss seems to be very handsome when he works seriously.

Tiange, I know Li Fei wants so much? At this time, he rubbed Li Feifei's ankle and wrist carefully, secretly carrying Xuanyuan Qi to rub it for her. This sprain is not a big matter, but if not handled well, the consequences will be serious, and there will be future problems if it is not handled well.

Li Feifei felt a heat attack, the pain disappeared a lot, that kind of comfort made her very shy, comfortable to call out.

Li Fei is not unfamiliar with the electric shock like comfort. Instead, she is familiar with it. He often tries to enjoy it when he is in the bathroom.

Li Fei Fei does not know when she can bear it, maybe she can't help shouting out the next second.

Next to Linda stood there, looking as if she was thinking, and the blue eyes revealed a complex look.

"Ah!" Li Fei Fei called, ye Wutian suddenly forced a twist, let her control scream.

Goblin wants to knock herself into a dizzy, she does not know whether the sound is crying because of pain or because of comfort, anyway, it makes her ashamed.

"Well, don't use too much in an hour. And, first, wear slippers." Ye Wutian claps his hands and raises his head. However, when he looks up, his eyes can not help but see something that should not be seen.


There are stockings across, and brother Tian can also find black.

So squatting, angle just good, not slanting to see.

Someone has not come back for a long time, while Li Feifei on the sofa has found herself walking, and hurriedly press and hold her hands.

Although he used to dance to show him, it was a different thing, not to mention that he did it in front of outsiders.

A wolf is a wolf, and it will never change.

Poor brother Tian did not know, he was at random, let him in lifeifei heart image fell, just for her treatment, it is not easy to have a little good feeling, now, all disappeared.

Unfortunately, Li Fei Fei should be so good today without stockings.Reluctantly, he stood up and turned to stare at Ouyang Hao. This guy changed his expression in an instant, "what are you yelling at? Push what? Ouyang Hao, is this the place where you can be wild? "

Ouyang Hao was not afraid and said in a deep voice, "why do you arrest my people?"

Ye Wutian is curious: "when did I catch your man?"

"Not yet? They were captured by you on Hongyan island

Ye Wutian was stunned: "are you among those spies?"

"What spy? Ye, don't be so ugly. "

"What do you want people to do in Hongyan island?" Ye Wutian asked: "Ouyang Hao, I regard my forbearance as incompetence. If I don't clean you up, it's for your grandfather's sake, for Ouyang's sake."

Ouyang Hao said coldly: "don't do this, ye. Don't think everyone will be afraid of you. I'll tell you that I'm not afraid of you. If you're sensible, you'll let people go immediately. It's good for everyone."

"You threaten me?"

"Now you are threatening me, surnamed ye, and no one will be afraid of you."

"Well said, answer me, why send someone to Hongyan island? What is the purpose? "

Ouyang Hao sneered: "where do my people want to go? I want to buy Zengshou pills when I go to your Hongyan island. In addition to that, what's the fun of going there? "

Ye Wutian held out his finger at Ouyang Hao: "you'd better not let me find out what I'm sorry for, or the king of heaven can't protect you."

"I'm so scared, I'm really scared. Ye Wutian, ye uncle, please let me go. Don't scare me."

Although Ouyang Hao said that, he did not mean to be afraid.

"Get out of here!" Ye wudian is too lazy to argue with Ouyang Hao. If he doesn't look at monks' faces or Buddha's noodles, he should take it for the sake of master Ouyang. Anyway, Ouyang Hao is also a descendant of Ouyang Hao. In the future, Ouyang family will need Ouyang Hao to carry on the family line.

"Let go."

"Ouyang Hao, at least you are a returned overseas student. You are very aggressive. Do you want to fight?"

At that time, Ouyang Hao was very angry with the secretary.

"I haven't settled with you about the fund." It should be Ouyang Hao's good fortune not to touch Ouyang Hao. However, the boy did not know what to do, and he came to him three times and four times.

"Don't talk about things without evidence."

Ye Wutian sneered: "evidence? You need evidence? Well, I'll give you proof. "

Pick up the phone quickly dial a group of numbers, "you come to my company immediately."

Ouyang Hao doubts, who is ye Wutian's phone call?

"Do you think I'm afraid?" Ouyang Hao expressed disdain: "intimidate who?"

Ye Wutian is very helpless. Ouyang Hao doesn't give up until he reaches the Yellow River. It seems that the boy's courage has increased. Where does he come from? Who has the courage? Ma Feng?

"If you go on like this, you'll die ugly sooner or later." Ye Wutian said, "we should be on the same front, understand? You're tearing down your grandfather's platform

"I will never be on the same front as you. You are you. I am me. I have nothing to do with you. Don't get involved. Why? Why should you get all the benefits? Cheng Kexin is like this, and so are other things. I tell you, no way. "

Ye Wutian is helpless. In a word, Ouyang Hao is jealous.

Only with such a pattern of mind, his future road is doomed to go not far. Can you hand over Ouyang group to such people? Can you take Ouyang group to higher level? It's good to be able to hold it.

Lin Qitao came quickly. Ye Wutian summoned him. When he appeared in front of Ye Wutian, the other party was panting and his forehead was covered with sweat.

Ouyang Hao didn't expect that Lin Qitao would come to ye Wutian, and Lin Qitao also did not expect Ouyang Hao to be here. For a time, both of them were stunned. They were surprised and couldn't believe it.

The appearance of Lin Qitao made Ouyang Hao's confidence begin to leak out, and he began to lack confidence. This is the best true portrayal of Ouyang Hao at this time.

"Mr. Lin, tell me how you deal with my fund and who you are cooperating with." Ye Wutian asked calmly.

Lin Qitao's face changed slightly and the corners of his mouth slightly twitched. He didn't want to say, let alone involve Ouyang Hao. But he seemed to have no other choice. Ye wudian wanted to force him to say.

In any case, Lin Qitao doesn't dare to go against ye Wutian now.

"Mr. Lin, you can say what he wants you to say." Ouyang Hao opened his mouth and looked directly at Lin Qitao, as if to reveal another meaning.

"Ouyang Shao, I'm sorry." Without too much hesitation, Lin Qitao has begun to Tell ye Wutian everything.

Ouyang Hao wants to stop him. Lin Qitao sells him out of the way.

Lin Qitao is so obedient that he must be caught by Ye Wutian. What is the reason? Let Lin Qitao, who has always hated ye Wutian, be obedient?

No matter what reason, Lin Qitao sold him today. He was sold completely."Ouyang Hao, do you need any evidence?" Ye Wutian is indifferent, contemptuous and disdainful. His expressions are very complicated. When he tolerates Ouyang Hao again and again, he becomes incompetent. If he continues to do so, what should he do? Will Ouyang Hao quit?

"So what? Yeah, I did it, so what? Ye Wutian, didn't you want me to die early? Come on, I'm right here. You can come here if you have seed. "

"I don't know how to repent. Damn it." It was Li Feifei who was pushed down by Ouyang Xingyue. She hated Ouyang Hao.

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