Ouyang Hao choked so hard that a little secretary would dare to talk to him like this.

She glared at Li Feifei angrily and wanted to eat people.

However, Li Feifei and fear, also with color stare at Ouyang Hao.

What about the rich and noble childe? Second kill, angry Li Feifei just can't care so much, grow so big, have never been pushed by any man so rudely, still let her hurt, this is she can't bear.

Elder brother can endure, elder sister can't bear it, what's more, the boss of the sex wolf doesn't like Ouyang Hao, which makes her brave. If there is anything, the boss will protect her.

"What are you staring at? Isn't it? You are like that. I don't know how to repent. The boss bears you because your surname is Ouyang. If you change to someone else, the boss will beat you to death and will keep you till now? But you don't know what to do. What are you? Do you really take yourself as a root? Be a character? In front of my boss, you are nothing. At best, you are a small role. How can you be jealous? What qualifications do you have? What are you capable of? If you have the ability, you can also develop some products against the weather, so you will be afraid of no women? Look at you now, besides your surname Ouyang, what else can be worth showing off? It's good to say that you've given you face to gnaw old, but you're jealous? " Li Feifei lashed out at Ouyang Hao and even described him as a gnawing old man.

Is the goblin helping him or harming him? How do you feel like you're hurting him? In helping him to set up the enemy, Tiange is helpless.

What's more, it's not wrong for Li feihao to scold a woman like that.

Let Ye Wu Tian's surprise is, Li Fei Fei hot up that also can't despise, every sentence can be angry to death.

"Dare you scold me?" Ouyang, who is hard to believe, trembles with courage. No one dares to say that, let alone a small secretary.

Ouyang Hao has a feeling of being despised. Even a small secretary dares to ignore him. This taste is very hard, and he doesn't like it.

Reach out, sweep, ready to give Li Feifei a slap in the face.

In the face of the sudden attack, Li Feifei couldn't avoid it at all. She screamed in situ and subconsciously protected her face with both hands.

Seeing that Ouyang Hao is about to hit Li Feifei, ye wudian reaches out and holds Ouyang Hao's wrist.

Ouyang Hao didn't expect ye Wutian's speed to be so fast. When his wrist was pinched, he was like a big iron clip, unable to move.

Panic stricken Li Feifei is ready to be beaten. However, after waiting for a long time, she does not feel pain on her face. So she looks up and finds out that it is not Ouyang Hao's conscience, but the lecher boss who rescued her in time.

At this moment, Li Feifei felt an unprecedented sense of security in her heart. She wanted to cry, but also wanted to rush into ye Wutian's arms and cry in silence.

After safety, Li Feifei hurriedly walked to ye Wutian with bare feet. She was helpless.

"Ah Ouyang Hao screamed and tried his best to struggle his hand away from ye Wutian. However, no matter how he struggled, he could not struggle. It seemed that Ouyang Hao was a primary school student in front of Ye Wutian.

Ouyang Hao felt more and more painful. If he went on like this, he was worried that his hand would be broken.

Lin Qitao can clearly hear Ouyang Hao's wrists creak. The noise makes people feel numb and starts to worry about Ouyang Hao.

How can ye Wutian's strength be so great?

Lin Qitao is very surprised. He can make Ouyang Hao cry with one hand. What kind of power is that?

"Let go, let go." Ouyang Hao, who is suffering from cold sweat, has no resistance. He only asks ye Wutian to let him go quickly.

"Does it hurt?" Ye Wu Tian Ming knows why.

Ouyang Hao has already asked ye wudian's ancestors for 18 generations. It's strange if it doesn't hurt. How can it not hurt?

Ye Wutian not only did not let go, but continued to have more strength.

Ouyang Hao felt that he was about to faint. In order to break free as soon as possible, Ouyang Hao subconsciously pushed ye Wutian with another hand.

Ye wudian had been on guard for a long time. He also held his other hand and pressed hard. As a result, Ouyang Hao suffered a lot. A moment ago, his wrist was pinched, which made him very painful. Now that his two hands are pinched, Ouyang Hao wants to die and wants to knock himself dizzy with his head. At least, he will not feel pain.

When both hands were tortured at the same time, Ouyang Hao had no resistance.

"Does it hurt?" Ye Wutian asked with a cold face.

"Let go, you and his horse let go."

Ye Wutian did not let go, "have you ever thought about it? Just now that slap in the face of a pretty girl, will it hurt? You like brutality, don't you? If you have the ability to fight with me and bully a woman, what are you? Jing will disgrace Ouyang's family. "

Ouyang Hao was already wet by cold sweat, and the pain made him unable to stand still. It was very unpleasant.

Finally, ye wudiansong opened his hands and pushed Ouyang Hao: "get out! Ouyang Hao, I don't care about the fund this time. Next time you dare to mess around, waiting for you is not just pain. "Ouyang Hao, recovering his freedom, rubbed his hands and wrists to feel his pain.

"Ye, you are a real man. I begin to understand why your confidant likes you." Linda, who has not spoken for a long time, suddenly said, "security, you can give them a sense of security."

Sorry, they can't feel safe until they feel embarrassed.

"I began to like you, ye. You are manly."

"Ha ha, thank you for Miss Linda's love. I'm not a good man. I have many shortcomings. You will know that I'm really bad after a long time with me."

"There is a saying in your country that being too modest is pride." Linda's precious blue eyes blinked, full of mischief.

Ye Wutian couldn't cry or laugh: "Miss Linda, you are still a Chinese expert, and you are very proficient in Chinese language."

"I love this country. There are so many amazing things that attract me."

Ye Wutian smiles and looks back at Ouyang Hao. He puts on another face: "what are you doing? Do you want me to treat you to dinner? "

Ouyang Hao stares at ye Wutian with vicious eyes. He has no doubt that Ouyang Hao wants to tear up ye Wutian alive. If he has a chance, he will do so.

In the end, Ouyang Hao didn't do anything, and he didn't dare to do it. He left with hatred and wanted to revenge immediately. It was unrealistic. Therefore, he had to comfort himself. There were opportunities for him.

"Mr. Lin, thank you today. Come over tomorrow morning and I'll give you the medicine."

Lin Qitao is so excited that ye Wutian almost kneels down. No one knows his mood and anxiety.

If he leaves contentedly, he will get the medicine tomorrow. In the near future, he can look like a normal man, expecting and expecting incomparably.

Not long after, ye Wutian also sent Linda away. Finally, she was quiet. She didn't wait for us to catch her breath. The disturbing phone rang again.

After seeing the call, ye Wutian raises her eyebrows, Wang Rou Si? How could she call?

With doubt, Tiange answers the phone, and there is noise, music and laughter on the other side of the phone, more like the sound of collision in a cup.

"What do you mean, Wang Rou Si? Speak. " After connecting the phone, Wang Rousi did not speak.

"Come with me." Finally, Wang Rousi on the other side of the phone said that there was a sentence. She almost didn't let Tiange drop his chin. He was surprised and incredible. Yes, he was scared.

Wang Rousi that sentence to accompany me, it is easy to make people want to skew, does she not know her sentence is how seductive?

If a beautiful woman says that to a man, I'm afraid it will be misunderstood.

"Are you in the bar?"

"The curtain of heaven." Wang rose hung up after she announced the name of the bar, but she could not refuse.

Ye Wutian has no chance to refuse.

"Shit! What, what do you think of me? A boyfriend? " Depressed ye Wutian said.

Across the phone, you can feel Wang Rousi's lost mood. If you go to the bar in the daytime, will you be in a good mood?

A little thought, ye Wutian guessed some, the other side should not be too good, Ma old man's death has a direct relationship with her, she has nothing is impossible.

With this in mind, ye wudian decides to go to the Tianmu bar, and there may be unexpected gains.

Tianmu bar, one of the top bars in Dongcheng, is also one of the few bars open 24 hours a day.

After entering the bar, I found that although it was broad daylight, many people came in to spend money, most of whom were lovers.

Wang Rou Si is sitting alone in the corner, two empty bottles have been put on the table, and her pretty face is full of red and beautiful.

It's interesting to be able to force Wang Rousi into such a field.

She walked to Wang Rousi and sat down opposite her.

Wang Rousi was drunk and looked at ye Wutian, "come, drink, accompany me to drink."

Ye Wutian sat still and looked at Wang Rousi with his eyes. "Drinking is OK, but before drinking, you have to answer me a question. Why do you come to me? Don't forget your interest and orientation, or you forget that I am a man

"Why? What's the reason? Let me see. " Wang Rousi racked her brain and thought, "Oh, I see. You are a good drinker."

Ye Wutian is funny. What's the reason? Wang Rousi is drunk now, but also looking for a good drinker to accompany her? Do you want to despise others or insult them?

"Don't say anything. Drink with me."

"I'm a man, are you sure? Wine can be promiscuous. "

Wang Rousi is stunned. It is obviously ye Wutian's words that frighten her.

"Hey, have you considered it clearly? Don't regret it. "

Wang Rousi was extremely calm, not drunk just now: "you'd better not do that, or I will cut you."

Naturally, Tiange couldn't put Wang Rousi's threat in his heart, "have you suffered?"Wang Rou Si Mei Mou Jing Guang suddenly shoots, "you all know?"

"You can guess." Ye Wu Tian smiles.

Wang Rousi bowed her head and poured out a cup of wine. She looked up and drank the wine. The Wang family was in chaos and civil strife.

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