As soon as the boat reached the shore, the people on the shore immediately picked up their torches and lifted a travelling bag on the ground to meet them.

"Where's brother Chao?" Asked the man with his travelling bag in a low voice.

"On the boat, super brother asked me to pick you up." The man who came up from the speedboat just now replied, "get on the boat."

"Good." The man with a travelling bag nodded quickly. He had long wanted to leave here and didn't want to stay for a second.

The man with the travelling bag followed him to the speedboat. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw two pistols pointing at him, which scared him a lot.

"You know too much, brother." The young man who came ashore just now said that he also pulled the trigger and the pistol had been equipped with a muffler.


The man, who was shot, fell back into the water with a splash and then disappeared into the water and was submerged.

The three men on the speedboat could not respond to the situation until the target fell into the water and disappeared. One by one, they looked at the recovered sea surface, and the target had already disappeared.

After searching for a while, the three finally gave up and all put their eyes on the travelling bag. Almost at the same time, the three people surrounded the bag. One of them zipped the bag. When they saw what was in the bag, their eyes were shining. They all looked at each other with tacit understanding and understood each other's meaning.

All of them are smiling. The bag is full of money. If you are rich, you can keep your hand. Today's trip is worth it. You can let them make a good fortune.

When two of them reached out for the money in the bag, suddenly, two shots rang. The shooter acted very quickly, and the two guns killed his two companions respectively.

In the moment before he shot, the other two had a premonition, but things happened so fast that they didn't have enough time to make any response.

After pushing the two bodies into the sea, the man grinned and looked at the luggage bag for a moment. Finally, he shot himself in the palm of his hand with bitter teeth, which made him shiver.

After cleaning up, the boat left quickly, so that the wharf in the early morning and late at night is restored to be quiet.

The next day, ye wudian received Zheng Zhongren's call and immediately arrived at the address that the other party said, a mysterious basement.

Through the transparent glass window, ye Wutian sees a man lying inside, who is seriously injured.

"His name is Zhang Dabo. He was assassinated and escaped death. Our people found him." Zheng Zhongren said.

Looking at each other from afar through the glass, ye Wutian knows each other and has seen Zhang Dabo before.

"It's him who makes people deal with your family." Zheng Zhongren said again.

At this time, when they were chatting, Zhang Dabo woke up, and he also saw ye Wutian outside the window.

When Zhang Dabo saw ye Wutian, he was shocked at first, and then his face showed fear. It can be seen that he was still afraid of Ye Wutian from the bottom of his heart. He thought that ye Wutian had taken over the tyrant in the bully tiger and trampled on people's necks, which had a great deterrent effect.

They looked at each other for a while. Zhang Dabo offered to see ye Wutian and talk to ye Wutian if he had something to say.

"First Sir. " Zhang Dabo cried hard.

"You don't have the right to call me," said Ye Wutian with a sneer

Zhang Dabo laughed bitterly, "Sir, I'm wrong."

Now, Zhang Dabo knows that he was wrong from the beginning. He is just a chess piece used by others. Once it loses its value, he will be abandoned immediately. He is the best example.

If the other party is unkind, don't blame him for his injustice. After this time, he began to understand.

"Come on, let's get down to business. It's not about this that you want to see me, do you?" Ye wudian has no affection for Zhang Dabo and even wants to kill the other party. However, ye Wutian resists it by force.

Zhang Dabo said, "it's the people in the capital who asked me to do this."

Ye Wutian listened to it, as expected, "who is it?"

"I don't know his real name, but I have his number." Next, Zhang Dabo will tell ye Wutian a group of numbers.

Ye Wutian wrote down the number.

"Sir, I was promoted by situ Jingsi. That's just the surface. In fact, I'm not his person."

Ye Wutian looks at each other and waits for the other to continue.

"Xiongli group arranged for me to go to the Decepticons."

"Xiongli group?" Ye Wutian frowned. It was the first time he heard the name of the company. He didn't know which immortal it was.

Zhang Dabo continued: "I used to be a small security captain of xiongli group. It was the company's idea to be assigned to the tiger gang."

"Why do you want to?" Ye wudian doesn't understand that he has a good life in the white way. Besides, he is a small leader, and his income should not be too bad. In this case, there are still some people who are willing to listen to the company's arrangement and go to the underworld. This is incredible.

Zhang Dabo looked helpless: "I don't want to, but I have no choice."

"What kind of company is xiongli group?" Ye Wutian is not interested in knowing Zhang Dabo's past. Now he is more interested in that xiongli group."Do everything." Zhang Dabo's answer surprised ye Wutian. How could there be such a company? To do everything, how many industries are there in the society? A company can make an industry better and bigger, which is already great.

"Sir, I didn't cheat you. Xiongli group really does everything. I've been in the company for a few years, and I can't count how many industries the company involves. As long as I can think of it, they are involved, and they make money."

Hearing Zhang Dabo's story, ye Wutian is completely puzzled. Xiongli group is so arrogant that it should be well-known. But ye Wutian has never heard of it. Even if he keeps a low profile, should he be able to keep a low profile like this?

After thinking about it, there are only two possibilities: either Zhang Dabo lied, or the xiongli group is too low-key, too low-key, and the company's public relations are super powerful. It can control any news about the company and prevent the company from appearing in the eyes of the world.

What is the reason for a company to maintain a certain degree of exposure, which is only good for the company but not bad for the company? Let xiongli do so.

"I didn't lie to you." Zhang Dabo said in a positive tone. He did not dodge in the face of Ye Wutian's gaze.

The balance in ye Wutian's heart has begun to believe that it is no good for Zhang Dabo to cheat him.

"Who is the chairman of xiongli group

Zhang Dabo shook his head: "I don't know."

"I don't know?" Ye Wutian is surprised.

"Sir, I didn't lie to you. I don't know who the chairman of xiongli group is. I'm afraid that few people know. At least I've been in the company for several years, and no one knows who the chairman is. Moreover, the shareholders of the company are also very mysterious and rarely hold shareholders' meetings. In the past three years, what I know has only been held once."

"It's kind of interesting." Ye Wutian has begun to be interested in that xiongli group. He is so mysterious, so profitable and low-key. He wants to come to the company with a large background, which can be said to be Tongtian.

"There are many branches under xiongli group, sir. According to my guess, xiongli group may make more money than your Hongyan group."

"Why tell me so much?" Ye Wutian answers.

Zhang Dahuang breathed: "some things can only be understood after death once."

When he came out of Zhang Dabo's ward, ye wudian was always in a bad mood. If xiongli group was as powerful as Zhang Dabo said, it was quite worrying. What was the purpose of such a low-key? Why is it that a aboveboard company dare not come out to meet people?

After returning to the company, ye wudian went directly to Ouyang Xingyue office: "how much do you know about xiongli group?"

Ouyang Xingyue, who put down the document, looked up: "it's a mysterious company."

Tiange is stunned. Is this Ouyang Xingyue's evaluation of xiongli group? However, if Ouyang Xingyue can say this, it shows that xiongli group is strong and mysterious. Otherwise, Ouyang Xingyue would not have known that there was such a company.

"How can you talk about this company?"

Ye wudian roughly said what Zhang Dabo said.

Ouyang Xingyue heard silence, after a while: "I knew there was such a company, but I didn't pay much attention to it."

"Because this company is very low-key?"

Ouyang Xingyue nodded, "yes, it's too low-key to believe."

"It seems that Zhang Dabo didn't cheat me."

After returning to his office, ye Wutian calls Shi Niang and asks her to mobilize Tianyan's power to investigate xiongli group. Even Ouyang Xingyue doesn't know the name of the chairman of xiongli group. This is very abnormal in itself. Zhang Dabo said that xiongli group involves almost every industry, and every industry makes money. Not every company can have such strength 。

A company that is too low-key must arrange people to go to the deceptive tiger gang.

Thinking of this, ye Wutian spirit light flash, dark scold oneself stupid, how did he not think? Will the backing behind situ Jingsi have anything to do with xiongli group? In other words, the original backing of situ Jingsi was xiongli group.

The more analysis, the more likely it is.

In the afternoon, Cheng Kexin anxiously pushed open the door of Ye Wutian's office: "husband, my parents were almost murdered maliciously."

"What's going on?"

Cheng Kexin looked flustered: "I'm not sure. You'll accompany me to have a look."

Cheng Peizhong and his wife have been sent home. When they are sitting on the sofa, they are still in a state of shock. It's very dangerous. It's only a little bit short of saying goodbye to the world. Now, it's really suspense to think about it.

"Mom and Dad, are you all right?" Cheng Kexin was relieved to see her parents intact, although both parents would be pale.

"We're OK." Cheng Peizhong replied.

After confirming that Cheng Peizhong and they were OK, ye wudian asked, "uncle and aunt, what was the situation at that time? Tell me about it. " Ye Wutian is worried about what the mysterious man did.

"We didn't know what happened. We walked well. Suddenly someone rushed out to push us downstairs. Fortunately, the bodyguards you arranged saved us in time."That's the tenth floor. If you fall off that height, can you live? Cheng Peizhong was in a cold sweat.

"Have you offended anyone, my dear?" "I don't feel like they're kidding us," Ke said

Ye wudian dark sweat, this question really do not know how to answer, he was thinking, have such a joke? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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