After learning from the bodyguard, ye Wutian can be sure that this is a premeditated murder.

Cheng Peizhong and his wife did not offend anyone. They lived a life of peace with the world and generally did not quarrel with others. Therefore, the only explanation is that the enemy wanted to kill Cheng Peizhong because of Cheng Kexin or because he was ye Wutian.

Cheng Kexin is a super rich woman. Many people will lose their jobs in every plan and decision. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people want her to die.

"Well done." Ye wudian reached out and patted the bodyguard on the shoulder, then turned and walked into the room.

"Uncle and aunt, don't worry too much. I'll find out the killer as soon as possible." Ye Wutian comforts.

Ke Qiyun looked hesitant, as if he wanted to say something.

Finally, after a while, she decided to pluck up the courage to speak: "little day, how do you still call us uncle and aunt?"

Ye Wutian is stunned when he hears the speech. In his opinion, there is nothing wrong with calling uncle and aunt now. After all, they are not married.

"Xiaotian, my aunt wants to ask you something. It's time for you to get married with Kexin for such a long time. Do you have any plans in this respect?"

"Mom." Cheng Kexin blushes and becomes angry at Ke Qiyun.

She had thought about it in private, but it was an absolute forbidden area in front of them, and no one dared to mention it.

Ke Qiyun quickly stares at her daughter. What does her daughter want to do? Of course, she knows that her daughter has been kind-hearted since she was a child.

Ke Qiyun has also heard something about ye Wutian and Ouyang Xingyue. It is because of this that she feels a sense of crisis for her daughter.

Ke Qiyun is dissatisfied with ye Wutian's flower heart. However, she has to admit that this son-in-law is excellent. Some women like him, which is normal. Does her daughter love him to death?

Ke Qiyun is very clear that it is more difficult to prevent her daughter from breaking off with ye Wutian. Moreover, it is also impossible for her daughter to find a man who is better than ye Wutian.

After a struggle, Ke Qiyun was finally awakened by his husband's words. Nowadays, any excellent man is like this, unless he wants his daughter to marry an honest and stuttering farmer. What's more, farmers are not honest these days.

There is no doubt that Ke Qiyun is contradictory. On the one hand, she enjoys all the honor and satisfaction brought to her by Ye Wu Tian, the son-in-law. On the other hand, she is annoyed by Ye Wu Tian's flowery heart.

When their daughter withdraws, Ouyang family and situ family are sure to be happy to see success. Ke Qiyun, frustrated, admits that both Ouyang Xingyue and situ Wei are excellent. Compared with their own daughter, they are not bad at all, and even better than their daughter in many aspects.

The husband is right, since can't change, should dare to accept, let the daughter and ye Wu Tian marry, only in this way, the daughter's status can be preserved.

"Mom, we don't want to talk about this yet. There are so many things in the company these days. Moreover, I'm not afraid to tell you that he has more important tasks. His identity is not as simple as it appears." In order to draw the attention of her parents, Cheng Kexin can only reveal a little.

Sure enough, Cheng Peizhong and his wife's attention has been successfully diverted, and they are all interested.

"Mom and Dad, next thing I want to tell you, you can't say it in any case, just know it yourself." Cheng Kexin is extremely serious.

Ye Wutian wants to laugh. Today, he just found that his Kexin baby is so cute and has good acting skills.

Want to laugh at the same time, ye Wutian is also very moved, Kexin baby in order to help him, think of a way to deceive her own parents, this is love.

He is a matter of national security. It is not a secret that he has to deal with interest groups. Many people know that.

"No day, he's with the NSA." Cheng Kexin said in a low voice.

Cheng Peizhong and his wife glared. They didn't know ye Wutian's identity. They didn't know what to say for a while. The five tastes were Chen miscellaneous. Ye wudian was excellent enough. In addition, with such a national security status, he undoubtedly made a layer of gold on his business card.

"Is that true?" Cheng Peizhong asked ye Wutian.

Ye wudian nods. It's no secret. He takes out his certificate to Cheng Peizhong directly.

Cheng Peizhong, who took over the certificate, felt that he could not hold a small certificate. He had never seen any national security personnel in his life. He had only seen them on TV.

Deputy director of division 9!

Seeing this level, Ke Qiyun, who was looking over his head, was not surprised. The director, or the deputy, might be just a small official.

Cheng Kexin seems to know her mother's idea. In order to achieve the effect, she said: "the post of Wu Tian is only under the director general."

Cheng Peizhong was shocked again, only under the director general? Honey, how much power does this have to be?

Seeing that her parents have digested almost all the same, Cheng Kexin goes on: "the top management has to deal with an interest group and a super borer. So my parents can't get married for the time being. There are a lot of things on my side. Hongyan island is under construction. It's not suitable to get married now."

Although Cheng Peizhong and his wife know that their daughter is right, they still have no taste in their hearts. This is not the end they want."Mom and Dad, I know what you are worried about. You can rest assured that no one can replace Kexin's position. She has the power of the company. I will remember and put the marriage on the agenda, but please give me a little time." Ye Wutian knows that it's time for him to speak. At least he has to comfort Cheng Peizhong and his wife.

Hearing ye Wutian's words, although Cheng Peizhong and his wife are still a little reluctant, they can only give up.

The attack on Cheng Peizhong and his wife quickly aroused many concerns. They were not celebrities themselves, but their daughter Cheng Kexin was a celebrity.

The police came very quickly, led by Xu Yuanhua and Chang Xiaomei, they came together to inquire about some details of the case.

Zheng Zhongren also came. He represents national security.

Seeing groups of people come to their homes, and these people are not simple characters, Cheng Peizhong and his wife are shocked.

How much face must the chief of police lead the team in person? Not to mention Guoan, a mysterious iron and blood organization.

What surprised Cheng Peizhong and his wife most was that even the mayor of Dongcheng came to visit them. They had never seen such a big official. Besides being shocked, they could not find any words to describe the appearance of Dongcheng mayor.

If these people came, Cheng Peizhong and his wife could hold on, but then the appearance of Master Zhu made his and his wife's blood pressure rise at the same time. Mr. Zhu, who had only seen him on TV before, could often see him on TV news at that time, but now people are standing in front of him.

Cheng Peizhong and his wife were nervous and sweating. They didn't know what to do. Their palms were sweating. They wanted to shake hands with Master Zhu, but they were afraid of being rude.

"Xiao Cheng, it will be OK. You can rest assured that the murderer will be caught." Master Zhu held out his hand first.

"First Chief, I'm fine Cheng Peizhong was so nervous that he could not speak.

"Ha ha, back, little old man. If you don't dislike it, just call me elder brother." Master Zhu laughed.

Cheng Peizhong smiles bitterly, dislikes? Are you kidding? Dare he? How many people dare to dislike? Even if he retired, his reputation was still there, and no one dared to underestimate it.

People can come to Cheng's house at a lower price, which is to give him the face of Cheng Peizhong. Of course, they know that it is not to read their face, but ye Wutian.

The arrival of Master Zhu not only surprised Cheng Peizhong, but also surprised ye Wutian. Why did he come to Dongcheng without saying a word?

"Master, why are you here?" Ye Wutian doesn't believe that it's because of Kexin's family's affairs that startles Master Zhu. Even if it's a shock, the time is not right.

"To relax." Mr. Zhu made a slight remark.

Ye Wutian wants to ask again, but is interrupted by the ringing phone.

There is no number on the screen, but the number of the other party is obviously concealed by technical means.

"Who?" Ye Wutian connects the phone in front of Master Zhu.

"Ye Wutian, are you satisfied with today's gift?" From the phone came the voice that ye wudian wanted to crush to death.

As soon as the other party talks, ye Wutian will recognize that it is the son of a bitch again.

"Didn't expect it?"

Ye Wu weather, the other side is always out of this kind of Yin move, but he can't help each other for a while, this is what makes him crazy.

"I didn't expect that, listen, no matter who you are, you'd better hide well for me. Don't let me find you. Otherwise, I promise, you will die very ugly, certainly." In addition to threats and warnings, ye Wutian doesn't know what else to do.

As he thought, the mysterious man laughed, with some ferocity in the laughter. Through the laughter, you can feel his hatred for ye Wutian.

After the laughter, the other side said: "next, who do you think it is? They are lucky today. Next time, I wonder if they will be as lucky as they are today. "

Ye Wutian is too lazy to say it again. The more he says, the more angry he gets. He can't help but hang up the phone.

Hang up the phone Ye Wu Tian's face is gloomy, full of anger, but there is no way to vent, hold back flustered, it is better to hang up the phone directly.

"The mysterious man?" Mr. Zhu has been listening.

Ye Wutian nods gently, and his expression is helpless. He has always threatened others, but now he is threatened by others. The thief is not happy.

At this time, ye Wutian's phone rings again. This time, it's not a mysterious number, but Zhuang Su calls. Seeing her number, ye Wutian comes with a bit of spirit, expecting Zhuang Su to bring him good news.

"Teacher Niang, do you have good news to tell me?" A phone call, ye Wutian can't wait to ask, he too need some useful information, and then good out of a bad breath, mercilessly give that mysterious man a fatal lesson.

After hanging up the phone, ye Wutian turned to look at Mr. Zhu, "master, do you know xiongli group?"

Zhuang told him on the phone that the two cases were most likely related to xiongli group.

Master Zhu didn't answer ye Wutian, but said with a heavy expression: "find a place to chat alone." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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