"How much do you know about xiongli group?" After going to a room on the second floor with Mr. Zhu, he asked first.

Ye Wutian was asked, which should have been the question he wanted to ask. He asked Master Zhu just now, but he turned around and was asked by Master Zhu.

"Not much. I just heard about this company." From Master Zhu's serious expression, ye Wutian knows that it may be unusual.

"Xiaotian, xiongli group is very strong and shocking. This company is the tool they use to make money," Zhu said

Ye Wutian was shocked: "is that interest group?"

Master Zhu nodded in a dignified manner.

Ye Wutian doesn't know what to say. He has been making trouble for a long time.

"Who is the chairman?" Ye Wutian asked, others don't know who the chairman of xiongli group is, and Mr. Zhu should know.

"A man named Zhang San is a puppet."

"Who is behind the scenes

"A lot of people."

Ye Wutian is more and more confused and looks at the old man with doubts. What is a lot of people?

"The structure between them is very solid, they have their own division of labor, and they all know that they are all on the same boat, and it is not a good thing to have any accident." Mr. Zhu is worried. He has been competing with that interest group for more than ten years, but he has not been able to get any benefits. They are too strong and have too many members. They have been twisted into a rope by them. It is not easy to deal with them.

"No matter how powerful it is, it will be defeated." Ye Wutian is in a fire. He said before that, now, xiongli group has already provoked him, and he has to deal with his family three or four times. Uncle can bear it and his aunt can't bear it.

"Well said, no matter how strong they are, we should deal with them." "For the future of our country and the interests of the people, we have no choice," he said

"Master, let's talk about it today anyway. Tell me everything you know."

Mr. Zhu spat. "Their members include all walks of life, not all of them are members of the system. If we let them continue, the foundation of our country will be destroyed and most of the money will fall into their pockets."

"What's more, I find that they're starting to feel a little bit out of control."

Ye Wutian asked: "do you mean those people behind the scenes have begun to lose control?"

"Well." The old man nodded: "there are too many members."

Ye Wutian understands the meaning of the old man's words. A ship, no matter how large, has regulations on the carrying capacity. It is clear that a ship carrying 3000 people now carries 5000 or even more people. How can there be no accident? Sooner or later it will get out of control.

"That's a good thing."

"Why?" Asked Master Zhu.

Ye Wutian said with a smile, "what I fear most is that they hold together."

Master Zhu replied, "it seems that you have a plan."

Ye Wutian, who smiles awkwardly, is not sure whether he can succeed.

Through chatting, ye Wutian knows the purpose of Master Zhu's coming to Dongcheng, which is what San? He came to the platform completely. He wanted to tell some people that Zhu's family was on ye Wutian's side. Ye wudian was very moved by this, and the old man was really kind to him.

Mr. Zhu didn't stay long. He talked with ye Wutian for an hour and then left the Cheng family.

Cheng Peizhong and his wife are extremely complicated. At this time, they finally believe that their daughter did not deceive them. Ye Wuyuan is an important matter. Now Master Zhu comes here in person and talks with Ye Wu Tian for more than an hour. We can imagine how important ye Wutian holds in his heart.

Xiaotian is so excellent!

This is the idea of Cheng Peizhong and his wife at the same time. The more they are like this, the more worried they are about their daughter. If they don't marry this day, their daughter's status may not be guaranteed. What can we do? Although ye Wutian is good to his daughter now, who dares to guarantee the future?

Ye Wutian's family members were threatened from nowhere, and soon there was a storm in the city. It is known to all that good things do not go out, and scandals spread far and wide. I do not know how many people want to see ye Wutian make a fool of himself and want to see him laugh.

Ye Wutian, who is so arrogant, doesn't know that many people want to see his jokes?

Numerous reporters gathered in Dongcheng Hongyan group branch, hoping ye Wutian could "share" the case with them.

"My grandfather is here." Situ Wei whispered in ye Wutian's ear.

Ye Wutian was stunned and turned to look. Sure enough, situ Zong came.

After chatting with each other for a few words, situ Zong turned to the main topic: "Xiaotian, you have done a good job with the deception tiger gang."

"Granddad, you're going to re elect."

Situ Zong shook his head: "no hurry, for the time being, you should watch first."

Ye Wutian wants to say something more, but he is interrupted by situ Zongyang: "Xiaotian, you are not an outsider. As long as the power of the deceptive tiger Gang is in your own hands."

"My grandfather is right, but I'm not suitable. I have another identity."

Si Pai Zong was in a daze. He really didn't expect another identity of Ye Wutian. There was a national security identity in the family. It was not suitable to manage gangs. He didn't say that, but he really forgot."I'll pick them up as soon as possible." Si Tu Zong no longer insisted, also did not want ye Wutian to be in trouble.

"Grandfather, how much do you know about xiongli group?" See the other party agree, ye Wutian also relaxed.

"Xiongli group is your ultimate goal."

"Ha ha, it's interesting. It seems that the background of this company is a little complicated."

"Don't be careless, little boy." In order to deal with this interest group, both situ family and Ouyang family sacrificed a lot. After fighting for so many years, they failed to eradicate the interest group successfully.

Ye Wutian said: "grandfather, don't worry, I know what I do."

"Li Jun."

"Is he a member?" Ye Wutian is surprised. If Li Jun is a member of an interest group, what about Mr. Li? Thinking of this, ye Wutian pours out a cold breath. Mr. Li is not an ordinary man. Under the emperor's feet, he holds the military power. In case of anything.

Ye Wutian suddenly found that he underestimated the strength of the interest group.

"Li Jun may have something to do with these two cases." She added.


Think about it, Li Jun is really possible, for nothing else, just because Li Jun hates him. Now Li Jun is a disabled man, he should hate that he refused to help him at the beginning. Therefore, it is not impossible for Li Jun to revenge and vent all his anger and resentment on him.

"Is there any evidence?" No evidence, no evidence, no one can do Li Jun.

"We don't have one." Situ Wei gently shook his head, "but there is a person who has."


"Wang Rousi." When she said this name, she was complicated, helpless and worried.

Ye Wutian is more and more confused. How does this matter relate to Wang Rousi? What's more, why does he have evidence that Li Jun is the mastermind behind the scenes?

It's getting more complicated!

"She has evidence, what can we do?" Ye Wutian asked: "also, how do you know she has evidence?"

"She told me," she said

"What is the purpose of her doing this?"

Situ Wei charmingly threw ye wudian with a white eye: "don't you understand that? They want you to beg her

Ye Wutian can't laugh or cry. What's this called? Wang Rousi is very beautiful, but ye Wutian doesn't like each other, and even doesn't want to see each other. Moreover, she is the daughter-in-law of the Li family. If she can't do it well, she will have trouble again.

Wang Rousi is a woman who is good at scheming. It's better for her to touch less. If you don't, you may get into trouble at any time.

"If you want to find evidence, I'm afraid you have to ask her." Said situ Wei.

Ye Wutian didn't want to go, "say more."

Although Wang Rousi has evidence, ye Wutian does not believe that she really has evidence.

The next day, ye wudian returned to the company. At the gate of the company, there were still a large number of reporters standing there. Their professionalism was very touching. The sky of the meeting was drizzling with gray, but these reporters were still there.

"Mr. Ye, what do you think of the two cases?" A reporter saw ye Wutian's car came, regardless of the danger, directly rushed up.

More and more reporters gathered around. Ye Wutian, who was sitting in the car, did not come out. He looked at these reporters coldly. He did not mean to explain the two cases.

"Ye Dong, please say something."

"Who do you think is the killer?"

"Do you have any suspects in mind?"

Reporters flooded with questions, let ye Wutian do not know which one to answer.

Until the reporters asked almost all the questions, they realized that ye Wutian would not answer them any more, so they all began to calm down one by one.

"Are you finished? After asking, I will answer you a question. First of all, I thank you for your concern. Secondly, I really don't know how to answer your questions. Even if there are suspects, I can't tell you. However, what I can tell you is that the murderer will be found soon. I firmly believe that. "

After saying these words, ye Wutian no longer answers any questions from reporters. After returning to his office, ye Wutian sits down and frowns all the time, wrinkling into a Sichuan character. What situ Wei said to him always appears in his mind. Why does Wang Rousi have evidence? If she does, what should he do? Do you really ask her? If you go to ask her, I really don't know what way the woman will come up with to deal with him.

"Boss, there is a gentleman named Li outside who wants to see you." Li Feifei knocks on the door and wakes ye Wutian in her meditation.

She turned her head and looked at Li Feifei. Ye didn't expect to see Li Feifei's face hurt. There was a small piece of blue and purple on her left forehead. In addition, the right corner of her mouth was also bruised.

"Feifei, what's the matter with you?"

Li Feifei looks flustered, some Xu dodges, dare not and leaf Wu Tian's eye opposite look, "nothing, accidentally encounter."

Ye Wutian obviously doesn't believe it. His intuition tells him that Li Feifei is flustered. No one will fall like this. The goblin must have something hard to say."I can't see the Li Sheng outside." Li Feifei changed the topic.

See Li Fei Fei do not want to say, leaf Wu Tian also did not force, "ask him to come in." At the same time, ye Wutian wondered, which Mr. Li is?

Ye Wutian soon knows who the other party is. Under the leadership of Li Feifei, the other party appears in front of Ye Wutian. When he sees each other, ye Wutian can't help laughing.

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