Li Jun came, which is what ye Wutian didn't expect. Li Jun, who was recovering from a serious illness, was slightly pale. In addition, there was no difference.

"What? Don't you welcome me? " Li Jun is still a bit strange when he walks. It is estimated that the wound has not yet fully healed.

I'm afraid Li Jun is the last too J in China. Think about him, he is really pitiful. He was killed by Wang Rousi for no reason, and then he was injured again. What evil did he do in his last life? How could you be poisoned three times in a row?

What's the point of living without that? In particular, Li Jun is still so young and promising. He is waiting for a good life to enjoy, but now he has become such a man. What will happen to his life in the future?

"Sit down, please." Ye Wutian made an invitation gesture: "brother Li, come out to relax?"

Li Jun mouth slightly twitch a few times, sit on the sofa opposite ye Wutian, "yes, to relax."

Ye Wutian's heart laughs, a fart, you Li Jun has that mood to be distracted.

"Do you feel better, brother Li?" Ye Wutian, while making tea, pretends to be concerned. Li Jun's mouth twitched again, and his body was shaking slightly. It can be seen that he was very angry, but he just endured it.

"Sorry! I can't help you with your business. " Ye Wutian will brew good tea to Li Jun: "I hope you can understand."

Li Jun seems to be hesitating. He stares at ye Wutian for a long time, which makes ye wudian stare straight. It's really not a taste to be watched by such a man, especially when the other party is already like this, which makes ye Wutian afraid that there is something wrong with Li Jun's orientation, and even more worried that the other party will take a fancy to him.

Thinking of this, ye Wutian has goose bumps and is disgusting.

"Brother ye, I've always wanted to ask you a question. I hope you can answer me truthfully."

Ye Wutian smile: "please say, I promise to say nothing." Tiange is curious about what questions Li Jun will ask. Although they call each other brothers, they are both superficial. They both hate each other's death. I believe Li Jun is the same.

"You really can't help me recover?" When asked this question, Li Jun's breath was very chaotic. It can be seen that he cares about this problem very much.

"Well, I can't help it, brother Li. After all, I'm not a fairy. I don't think all the problems can be solved. I hope you can understand. At the beginning, I comforted you out of consideration of your body. In that case, I think any doctor would say that."

Li Jun wants to refute. He always thinks that ye Wutian doesn't try his best to help him, but ye wudian's answer is that there is no flaw.

No one can guarantee medical affairs.

"Brother Li, I don't have to cheat you." Ye Wutian explained.

Will Li Jun believe this? That's impossible. In Li Jun's opinion, ye Wutian's words are all lies and are not true. Anyway, Li Jun thinks so.

"I wonder why I came to you today?" Li Jun changed the subject.

Ye wudian nodded honestly. He was really curious about this issue and wanted to know the purpose of the other party's coming. He should not have come now.

"Brother ye, I'm finished with Wang Rousi."

Ye Wutian is silent, some can't touch Li Jun's routine, I don't know what he wants to say.

"You have nothing to say?" See ye Wutian do not speak, Li Jun asked ye Wutian.

"Ha ha, this is your family affair, I have no right to comment."

"Brother ye, is it really because of this?"

"What else?" Ye Wutian asked with a smile, Li Jun today is more like a bad comer, "Oh, by the way, I met her, she told me, you are now like this, she is willing to live with you for a lifetime."

Li Jun suddenly burst into a laugh, which made people feel strange.

Ye Wuwu is familiar with Li Jun's laughter. He seems to have heard it.

"Brother ye, you're sorry for me." After laughing wildly, Li Jun suddenly murmured.

"Ha ha, what's the meaning of this? Because of what happened before you got married Ye wudian asked with a smile: "Wang Rousi is your wife. Don't forget her personality. It is she who framed me. From another perspective, I am also the victim."

Li Jun was shaking all over. He was obviously taking advantage of him. How dare he say that he was harmed by the victim? This thick skin is rare in the world.

"Believe it or not, I am the victim. Wang Rousi wants to borrow me to get rid of you and get rid of this marriage. Can you understand?"

"But you shouldn't do it anyway." Li Jun was very excited and was on the verge of violence.

Shrugging, ye Wutian hands spread: "OK, what do you want?"

Even after autumn, ye Wutian also recognized.

"What do I want?" Li Jun is also laughing, arrogant, self mockery, but also helpless, more is sad, "caused so much damage to me, brother ye, you should not give me an account?"

"What kind of confession do you want? Do you want me to cut it off with my own scissors

"Do you want to be with Wang Rousi? She's so beautiful. " Li Jun did not answer the question.

Ye Wutian has already begun to feel disgusted. Li Jun is not happy. "Do you want to hear the truth? There is no denying that Wang Rousi is very beautiful. However, listen to me well. I don't want to be with her at all. She is beautiful. Unfortunately, she is too thoughtful. I don't like it. Besides, what kind of person she is? It's your family business. Don't put me together. You want to come to me for tea and chat. I'm welcome, any time. But, brother Li, if you want to come I'm sorry, but I don't have time"If you like her, I can help you." Li Jun looks ferocious.

Speaking of this, ye Wu Tian knows that there is no need to talk about it any more. He leans back a little and finds a most comfortable position to sit down. "Li Jun, do you want to find something?"

"Looking for trouble? I'm trying to help you. Is that what I'm looking for? " Li Jun didn't care about ye wudian's impatience. "Brother ye, I'm a waste man. It's useless for me to send a beautiful woman to me. In the end, it will only harm others. Do you think so?"

"Well, it makes sense. If you don't say it, I really forget that you are a waste man. You are right. It's useless to give a beautiful woman to you. It will only be wasted."

Ye wudian's words are definitely sprinkling salt on other people's wounds. Anyway, since you have to send Li Jun to the door for abuse, who can blame? If you want to abuse yourself, you will be done.

Sure enough, Li Jun was very angry, but he took ye Wutian and did not have any way. He picked it up first and said that he could not blame others.

"So, brother ye, if you like, I will give it to you."

"Li Jun, what do you want? She's not a commodity. It's not what you want to do with it. What do you want? "

"One request, destroy the Wangs." Li Jun made a request.

Ye Wutian is really thundered by this request. I have to admit that Li Jun's demand is crazy enough and unpredictable. It is Wang Rousi who has harmed him. Why should we deal with the Wang family now? As the saying goes, resentment has its head, and debt has its owner. Li Jun wants to retaliate against Wang Rousi himself, not the Wang family.

"Strange, isn't it?"

Ye Wutian did not deny: "it is very strange."

Li Jun's face was gloomy, and his hatred was very strong. "It was the Wang family who first mentioned this marriage. If I can have today, it's all given by the Wang family."

"Oh, you are a little far fetched." Ye Wutian can't agree.

"It doesn't matter."

Ye Wu Tian asked, "what about Wang Rou Si? What are you going to do with her? "

"Let her live, live in pain."

Ye wudian sighed helplessly: "you shouldn't come to me about this, and I can't do anything about it. Do you think the Wangs are ordinary farmers and ordinary people? Pinch as you like? The Wang family is not. Besides the Wang family, there is also a horse family. "

"That's why I came to you."

"It's useless for you to ask me about this. Li Jun, I'm not a fool. I can't be used by you like this. Besides, if I'm interested in Wang Rousi, why should I be so complicated? I can always find a simpler way, and I can go straight in. "

Li Jun said coldly: "at present, he is still my wife."

Ye Wutian smiles and doesn't care, "a lot of things don't need to be done in a big way. You can do them quietly. Do you know that?"

Originally did not want to say this, but Li Jun is not a thing, think he is very clever? Can you play like a fool? No fool can be fooled.

Li Jun is about to get mad. Ye Wutian is saying that he is not afraid of him. If you are interested in Wang Rousi, you can find Wang Rousi secretly at any time, and send a big hat to Wang Rousi at the same time.


"Li Jun, you don't have to look for me for this matter. I won't agree to me. Let's discuss another matter next." Ye Wutian tilted his head and looked at each other, "I heard you want to harm me, do you?"

Li Jun's face did not change: "what's the answer?"

"These days, some people attack my relatives. Many people say that you are the mastermind behind the scenes. Li Jun, can you tell me? Is it you? "

"Do you have evidence?" Li Jun did not answer rhetorical questions.

Ye wudian shook his head, "I have evidence, you can't still stand now."

"So, no evidence, don't talk nonsense. Although we know each other, it doesn't mean that you can make a fool of yourself, you know? I don't like it. It doesn't happen to me

"Well, it makes sense, isn't I just asking? Don't be nervous. You're right. I won't do anything to you without proof. But again, I hope it's not you. I really don't want to attack you. "

Li Jun asked, "if it was me, what would you do?"

"You? Well, that's a good question. I can answer you now. Do you think you are miserable enough? If it is you, then I can assure you that you will be more miserable, ten times, or even a hundred times, than you are now. I wonder if I can satisfy you with this

Li Jun is dumb, the arrogance of Ye wudian's words makes Li Jun unbearable.

"Please, I won't keep you for dinner." Ye has no world to follow his orders.

After a cold hum, Li Jun left, with anger, with discontent, but also with reluctance.

"Silly fork." Ye Wu Tian looks at Li Jun's back and sighs. Is it that men's intelligence quotient will decrease after being cut? Li Jun now this IQ, really let people dare not compliment. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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