So many people come to the door. What happened?

"Ye Wutian, you can't go." The visitor didn't know whether he was running in a hurry or something. He was panting.

Tiange didn't like the tone of the other party's speech, and said: "what's the matter? What's wrong with the old lady? "

Even if the old lady Ma had any accident, she didn't need so many people to catch up with her? It's scary, but?

"Please come back with us." The other party did not answer ye Wutian's question, but said such a sentence with a cold face.

"Is this an order?" Ye Wutian's eyebrows are even more wrinkled, and his hands begin to clench. The next second makes him unhappy. He will not hesitate to hit people, paralyzed, what?

"Mr. Ye, we have no malice." Said the other.

Ye Wutian sneered: "no harm? You need so many people here? Want to fight or something? "

The other side is dumb, unable to answer ye Wutian's question.

"What's the matter? No answer? " Ye Wutian is aggressive, forcing the other party to have no Parry power.

"Go in and have a look." Next to Zhu Jian advised: "it's not far anyway."

Ye Wutian didn't embarrass Zhu Jian, but roared at the horses: "get out of the way."

In fact, ye Wutian's heart has no bottom. I don't know whether it's old lady Ma's accident. He can't guarantee it.

Returning to the hospital again, ye Wutian went to Wang Rousi and asked in a low voice, "what's the matter? What happened to the old woman? "

Wang Rou Si rolls her eyes wildly. This guy is really ungrateful, old woman? No matter how others are, they are still an elder, right? He ye Wutian treats his elders like this?

"It's not her." She replied.

Hearing the speech, ye wudian breathes a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he is not old ma. Otherwise, he doesn't know how to deal with it, and he puts the big words out again. In case the old woman is really in trouble, ye wudian estimates that he will not be able to escape, and will be torn into several pieces by the horse family.

"It's Ma Feng." Wang said in a low voice.

Ye Wutian was shocked, "what? Dead? "

"Do you really want him to die?" she said

"It's none of my business whether he's dead or not?"

Wang Rou Si can't stand ye Wu Tian's voice: "can you be gentle? It's always hard to hear. "

"Sorry! I'm a rude man Ye Wutian doesn't intend to change it, let alone change it for anyone. To live out of self and value is the most realistic.

"Don't forget, he died, it has something to do with you, don't you forget who hit him so badly?" Wang Rousi reminds me.

Ye Wutian thought, "well, it's reasonable. If you say this, it reminds me."

"What? Scared? " Wang Rousi asked, how do you think, she is a bit gloating.

"Ha ha." Ye Wutian smiles: "afraid? There is no word "fear" in my life Dictionary of Ye Wutian

Wang Rousi doesn't know what to say. He doesn't really fear ye Wutian.

"Ma Feng is not dead. What am I afraid of?" Ye Wutian said.

At this time, a middle-aged man came to ye Wutian, and the other was Ma Feng's father, Ma Renjie.

"Ye Wutian, Xiaofeng needs your help." Ma Renjie looks handsome, but his handsome face will become extremely distorted and uncoordinated.

"Stop, I'm not familiar with Ma Feng." Ye Wutian is not willing to agree. Are you kidding? Let him help Ma Feng?

"He can't hold on without your help." Ma Renjie looks ferocious. He seems to want to take ye Wutian alive. Clearly, the young man in front of him is an enemy, but he has to ask for each other in a low voice. This makes Ma Renjie very uncomfortable.

Ma Feng's injury is so serious, it's all given by Ye Wutian. According to his current situation, he may lose his breath at any time. The internal injury is so serious, plus the trauma, the situation is not optimistic.

"So it's not dead yet?" Ye Wutian ignores the anger of the other side.

"Ye Wutian, you have already vented your anger. I know that you are good at medicine. Please help him. If you don't help him, he will really be useless." Ma Renjie endured his anger and told himself again and again that this is not the time to start.

"According to law, I have to give you this face, but I really can't. apart from other things, Ma Feng used to hurt me like that. Today I didn't kill him, which is his blessing. Besides, I didn't break the contract. Isn't that good for me, old lady?" Ye wudian intentionally reminds the other party that he is right and has no obligation, and there is no need to help Ma Feng.

"I know, you don't need to help Xiao Feng, but you have to help him in the current situation. He is so injured that ordinary people dare not help him." Seeking ye Wutian is also a helpless move of the Ma family. Ma Feng's injury is too heavy, so he can't guarantee the success of the operation. Even those experts and professors in Beijing are not sure. With Ma Feng's situation, internal injury alone is enough to make people headache, not to mention trauma, broken limbs and smashed damage. With the current medical skills, Ma Feng can't recover to the way he used to be.

"Just know." Ye Wutian said without expression: "I really don't need to help him."Ma Renjie is stupid. He didn't expect to say so much, but ye Wutian didn't listen to it at all. Isn't ye wudian not emotional at all?

"I can keep him alive. As for the injury, it has nothing to do with me." Ye Wutian said and took out a pill, "this thing, before he wants to die, give him to swallow down, to protect him from death."

Looking at the pill on ye Wutian's hand, Ma Renjie did not immediately reach out to pick it up, hesitating whether to reach out to pick it up.

"What? You don't? Don't come to me when you're dead. " Ye Wutian said.

Hearing the threat, Ma Renjie still decided to reach out and take it over. Ye Wutian was right. He didn't dare to spell.

"Anything else? If it's OK, I won't be with you. "

"Ma Feng, in this situation, can you guarantee that he will not die?" Ma Renjie, who took the pill, asked, "it's not suitable for you to go now?"

When ye wudian heard this, he was immediately angry, and his angry eyes were wide open: "I finally found out that you all belong to monkeys, laipi monkeys. What did you say just now? What does it have to do with me to keep him alive when I hit him, but now he doesn't die? You want to blame me again? It's not that easy. "

"If he dies during the operation, you have to be responsible." So far, Ma Renjie doesn't care so much, as long as his son can live.

Ye Wutian cursed: "to face is shameless."

Ma Renjie was scolded and blushed. He felt uncomfortable. He wanted to tear up ye Wutian.

Now, it is not easy to deal with ye Wutian. When Hongyan group moved out of Dongcheng, she wanted to deal with him as if she had punched her fist on cotton. Besides, many people did not want him to die.

Suspect the pill Ye Wutian asked: "if you have any questions, you can throw them away."

Ma Renjie is really suspicious. He wants to throw it, but he doesn't give up. He is in a dilemma.

"chief, the injured Kwai is not optimistic. We must get the operation done as soon as possible." At this time, a doctor with white hair rushed to Ma Renjie.

Ma Renjie has an impulse to kill people. Why does he not know? However, with Ma Feng's current situation, no one dares to ensure his safety, and even no one can guarantee that all his limbs can be connected in good condition, and every wound is broken, so it is impossible to connect all of them. This is what makes people embarrassed.

"Did you come up with a solution?" Upset Ma Renjie roared.

The doctor with white hair was yelled down. Obviously, he had nothing to do.

"Transfer." Ma Renjie tried to hold back his anger.

Hearing this, the doctor bravely shook his head: "no, the injured's condition is too heavy, can't stand the toss."

"It can't be this way, it can't be that. What kind of talent does it need?" The fury that bears bitterly erupts instantly, hold each other's collar, you tell me, want how to be able to? "

Not far away, Zhu Jian whispered to ye Wutian: "if you beat Ma Feng so hard, don't you fear that he will hang up?"

Ye Wutian turned his head and asked Zhu Jian, "do you care about him?"

Zhu Jian was stunned: "what words? His life or death has nothing to do with me. I'm worried about you. The company has moved to Hongyan Island, but Ouyang Xingyue doesn't have one. "

Ye Wutian eyebrows a pick, "do you mean they will attack Ouyang family?"

"The dog will jump over the wall when he is in a hurry," Zhu Jian replied

Ye wudian was silent. He didn't think about it. The crazy Ma family really dared to do that. Although the Ma family did that, they might not be able to get a good deal. If they really want to deal with Ouyang family and situ family, they may not be able to get it easily. However, in terms of strength, they are always inferior to the Ma family.

"Uncle Zhu." Ma Renjie let go of the doctor. At this time, beating people can't solve the problem. Instead, he goes to Master Zhu. Zhang Renjie knows that the Zhu family and ye Wutian have a good relationship.

It has to be said that Ma Renjie did a good job. Master Zhu asked ye Wutian for a moment: "Xiaotian, are you sure you can protect him from death?"

Ye Wutian has made up his mind that no matter who he is, he is not going to help Ma Feng, Wang Xiaolin and the airport. It must have a direct relationship with Ma Feng. If you do so many things that destroy human nature, you should die.

Ma Feng should have died a long time ago. The old man Ma should have sent him to hell with that shot. However, for some reason, Ma Feng didn't die, which made ye Wutian puzzled. Why could Ma Feng still live after that? And what happened to his leg?

"As for the old man's pill, I can't guarantee that I can do it now."

Mr. Zhu didn't know what to say. He didn't care much about Ma Feng's death. At the beginning, the death of his grandson's daughter-in-law might have something to do with the Ma family. When he thought about the death of his great grandson and his granddaughter-in-law, he couldn't help being angry.

In his heart, he also does not want ye Wutian to rescue Ma Feng, but his superficial Kung Fu still needs to be done: "Xiaotian, if you can, think of a way."

"No way." Ye Wutian replied: "Ma Feng can only spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair."

Ma Renjie's face changed dramatically, which was the most unacceptable thing for him. Ma Feng was so young that he would spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair? Who can accept it?"Granny Ma wants to see you." Wang Rousi came to ye Wutian and whispered.

Ye wudian refused on the spot: "sorry! There's nothing to talk about between us

"She said there was something important to talk to you about, and she said you would be interested and asked you to come there." She said.

Ye Wutian hesitates, Ma old woman said these, let ye Wutian heart, hesitated whether to go to the past.

At this time, Wang Rou Si again came to ye Wutian's ear: "she knows the murderer behind the airport." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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