After coming out from Ma Laotai, ye Wutian's whole face has been tense. No one knows what he thinks. Even when others ask him, he doesn't answer. He just stays in a trance.

"What's the matter with you?" Zhu Jian asked in a low voice. It's not right for ye Wutian to come out of Mrs. Ma's room. Many people see this in their eyes.

Taking back his thoughts, ye Wutian looks at Zhu Jian and shakes his head gently: "nothing."

Zhu Jian naturally does not believe it, but ye Wutian's meaning is very obvious, he does not want to say.

Ye Wutian's words let many people standing beside him disappointed. What they want to hear is not this sentence.

"Take me." Ye Wutian walks to Ma Renjie and says.

Ma Renjie was stunned, more surprised.

Ye Wutian's behavior makes many people feel incredible. What's the matter? Ye Wutian wants to help Ma Feng?

In this way, people are more curious about what ye wudian said with Mrs. Ma, and what caused ye Wutian to change so much.

Seeing ye Wutian leave, Zhu Jian glanced at Wang Rousi: "Miss Wang, you don't know."

"Why should I know?" Wang asked? You're his brother, don't you know better than I do? "

Zhu Jian laughed: "I really don't know. It's you who threatened to pursue my brother. How can you not care about his affairs?"

Wang Rou Si replied without expression: "Master Zhu, put away your set, you should be very clear, I did that for the sake of acting."

"Ma Feng is going to be lucky." Zhu Jian sighed. No one knows what he sighed.

"Don't want to see this situation?" Wang Rou Si Mei Mou a turn, ask a way.

Zhu Jian turned around and said, "I don't have much trouble with him."

Hearing this, Wang Rousi did not ask again and turned to leave.

Ye Wutian follows Ma Renjie to the place where Ma Feng is. After all-out rescue, Ma Feng is sober, but the injury is too serious, which makes Ma Feng look weak, dying, and may die at any time.

"All I can do is keep his hands." Ye Wutian said after observing for a while.

Ma Renjie was stunned and confused. He thought ye wudian had discussed with his mother just now, but he didn't expect it was just like this.

"Don't look at me like that, Mrs. Ma knows." Ye Wutian said.

Ma Renjie's lips kept moving. He would like to see Ma Feng get up again. If only his hands were healed, wouldn't he be a waste man? Will you have to be in a wheelchair in the future? That's not what Ma Renjie wanted to see.

Since ye Wutian has a way to cure Ma Feng's hands, he must also have a way to cure Ma Feng's legs. In front of him, I'm afraid no doctor dares to make such a guarantee except ye Wutian.

"If you want my help, you can ask for another doctor. I can assure you that Ma Feng will not die in any case."

Lying there, Ma Feng couldn't speak, just blinked.

"It's up to you to decide." Ye Wu Tian Qian, looking at Ma Feng: "agree to blink two times."

Ma Feng did not blink immediately, staring at ye Wutian for a long time.

When ye Wutian thinks Ma Feng won't agree, the other party blinks and blinks two times in a row.

Seeing Ma Feng's agreement, ye Wutian knows that Ma Feng is not stupid, flexible and flexible. He is a character. In fact, under the current situation, primary school students should be able to calculate. He Ma Feng has to make the injury better, and then he can find a way to do other things. Otherwise, everything will be wasted. After his hands are healed, he can do more things. It is better than doing nothing and dying in vain.

What others can't do, ye Wutian has a way. Next, ye wudian personally carries out the operation for Ma Feng, and arranges the medicine himself, which is not completed until five hours later.

When ye Wutian walked out of the Ma Feng ward, it was five hours later. Outside, there were still a few people waiting for him.

After the end of the matter, ye wudian did not say a word. He took a special plane to Hongyan island alone. He needed to smooth some things.

The changes of Hongyan island every day are amazing. Now, Hongyan island is a pocket Kingdom, with everything on the island.

Looking at everything on the island, ye wudian's heart gushed a trace of pride, spontaneously, and only this, his mood was slightly better.

When I look at the sea, I feel like a small wave will disappear on the sea.

Life in the world, fight so much, in the end what is the use? After he died, he still couldn't get anything. Moreover, ye Wu was nostalgic for his work in the League times. He spent all day in the laboratory doing experiments. His work was monotonous and boring. At least, he didn't have to face the colorful world outside every day as he did now. He had to guard against this and that.

Is it really the life you want to live like this? The outside world is so dangerous, is it really suitable for him? Ye Wutian, sitting on the big stone, began to doubt.

"What do you think?" Behind him, there was a voice, a little surprised and a little coquettish.Don't look back, ye Wutian also knows who will come, "sister Huishan."

Che Huishan climbed up the big stone and sat down beside ye Wutian Di, "what do you want to be so absorbed in?"

Ye Wutian closed his eyes slightly. With the arrival of Che Huishan, the air was mixed with a good smell of fragrance. Ye wudian could not help but take a deep breath, refreshing and refreshing.

Che Huishan noticed ye Wutian's behavior, but she couldn't help being pretty, blushing and full of shame. She spat at a lecher, but she didn't mean to be angry, but her heart beat violently.

"Shanhui is beautiful again." Ye Wu Tian Zan, he summed up an experience, but all to a woman, said this sentence to her, to ensure that it works, must be secretly happy.

"Fighting?" Che Huishan was so coquettish and angry that she pretended to hold a small pink fist to demonstrate there. "Once we met, we were not serious."

Ye Wutian laughs, he likes to see women show this gesture, "conscience of heaven and earth, I mean it."

"Cut, who believes?" The mouth said this, but the joy on her face has deeply betrayed her, who can see that she is very happy.

"Sister Huishan, are you happy working here?" Ye Wu Tian asked, muttering in his heart that he should not go too far in fighting against him now. What should he do if his elder sister Huishan could not hold on to him and wanted to throw himself in his arms? He couldn't do it, and he didn't dare to do it. Thinking of this, Tiange couldn't help sighing. It's not easy to live in these days.

"I'm fine." Che Huishan lowered her head and answered. After a while, she looked up at ye Wutian again: "it's you. What's the matter? How unhappy are you to see your sad face? "

Ye Wutian was surprised: "am I very unhappy?"

Che Huishan threw a white eye and said angrily, "your unhappiness has been written on your face."

Ye wudian is dark Khan. It seems that his skill in this aspect is not deep enough. He still has to work hard.

"If you will, I will be a loyal listener." Che Huishan hesitated for a moment and said.

"Hehe, sister Huishan, can I ask you a question? Have you ever been betrayed? "

Che Huishan is stunned. Ye Wutian will never ask this question for no reason. Ye Wutian she knows belongs to the kind of heartless person. When the sky collapses, it will be covered with a quilt.

"Yes." "In those days, I was betrayed by a good friend," she replied

Ye Wutian didn't interrupt. He listened carefully to Che Huishan's story. He knew that Che Huishan would continue to talk.

"At the beginning, she and I were in the same company. At that time, both of them competed for a position at the same time. At that time, in order not to hurt the friendship between sisters, we agreed that no matter who finally got the position, the other one could not have any opinions. Moreover, we also agreed that both sides could only compete fairly and not make small moves in secret."

Che Huishan was lost in meditation and memory. It can be seen that the past had a great impact on her.

"Later, she won." "When the result came out, I was happy for her. In terms of ability, she was not as good as me, but I was still happy for her. As I said before, no matter who wins, she is a good sister."

"By chance, I saw her go in and out of the hotel with her boss. At that time, I knew that I was cheated and she didn't compete fairly according to the agreement."

"What happened then?"

"Later, she admitted that she had used some special means. Later, she resigned and left without saying goodbye. Up to now, I haven't seen her either," she said

"Do you hate her?" "She doesn't use that kind of means. That position should be yours," ye said

"At that time, I was very angry when I knew the truth. After that, I no longer hated her. Everyone has his own way to go and the right to choose. We have no right to ask how others want to choose. We have no right to ask what life is like."

Ye Wutian seems to catch something from Che Huishan's words, but he can't.

"Xiao Tian, I know something must happen to you. What sister Shan wants to tell you is that no matter what, it will pass. It's nothing to be defeated for a while, but it's nothing to be betrayed for a while. You should firmly believe that there are still good people in this world, and most of them are good people."

Ye wudian wryly laughed: "I can't tell who is good and who is bad. It looks like a good man. What's the result? Sister Shan, it's really painful to live in such a society. Sometimes I think, what can I spell? I can live on this island completely. I have everything I need. Why should I fight with my own life? Several times, sister Shan, do you understand what I mean

"I understand, my God, responsibility!" Che Huishan suddenly said a strange word.

Ye Wutian Leng in the spot, doubt a small meeting, he suddenly eyes a bright, emitting light, this has never been said to him.

"Sister Shan, I understand." Ye Wutian said that God gave him a new chance to cross here. He was willing to have its purpose, responsibility, and salvation. The world was about to rot. God sent him. Maybe because of this, money? A confidant? He has it all.

Che Huishan showed a happy smile."Thank you, sister Shan. I'm leaving." Ye Wutian stands up and pats his buttocks.

"Huishan ran:" so quickly lost

"You're right. What should come will come. What should be faced still has to be faced. I have to meet some people."

Che Huishan doesn't know what she knows. She watches ye Wutian leave. However, ye Wutian, who has just taken a few steps, turns back and hugs her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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