Che Huishan was confused, blushed, and her heart pounded wildly. Her first reaction was to push ye wudian away, but she was a little reluctant to give up. Finally, she just let ye wudian hold her. In order to comfort and convince herself, she gave herself a reason. The boy was in a bad mood, so she should comfort him and let him embrace him without losing money.

Ye Wutian quickly turned to Che Huishan's pink face. Without waiting for Che Huishan to come back, the goods left happily and said to Che Huishan with a bad smile: "sister Shan, this is a reward for you. You know, ordinary women, I will not treat her like that."

Che Huishan is so angry in her heart. What is it called? It's clearly her who suffered the loss. How could it be that she took advantage of it now?

Hate gnashing teeth, Che Huishan can't do anything. Finally, looking at the disappeared ye Wutian, she can only stamp her feet: "little villain, don't run if you have the ability. I won't punish you."

After that, even she laughed. She knew it was impossible. Even if ye Wutian stood in front of her now, she could not teach the stupid boy who had just kissed her.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked around. Seeing that no one noticed this side, Che Huishan breathed a sigh of relief. She turned pink and blushed. She couldn't tell.

Back to Dongcheng, ye Wutian has already put away his smile.

Wang Xiaolin is very surprised that ye Wutian appears, struggling to think of it, but the injury does not allow her to do so, and finally can only say: "do you want to change the dressing?"

Ye Wutian once said to her that he would come to help her change the medicine every day, and now it's just about the time.

Ye Wutian didn't answer Wang Xiaolin, but aimed her eyes at Wang Rousi, who was sitting beside her and holding this book in her hand, "sisters love each other deeply."

Both of the Wang sisters are quite surprised. Ye wudian's words are full of sting, and they are not good at it, which makes people puzzled.

"What do you want to say?" Wang put away her books and put them on the table.

Ye Wutian, who has excellent eyesight, took aim at the book and almost couldn't help laughing. Wang Rousi actually read this book and fell in love with her.

She's not that kind of person. Reading such boring books is not her style.

Wang Rou Si seems to have thought of something. At the moment, she unconsciously wants to turn the book on the table. However, looking at the smile on ye Wutian's face, she stops the idea. People have already seen what she covers up again, but it seems that she is small-minded, so she allows the book to be put there.

"How many tricks have you learned?" Ye Wutian forgot the purpose of his coming and ran against Wang Rousi: "my family also has a copy, which is better than yours. It's an advanced version. Do you want to show it to you another day? One hundred moves are too few. My book is called love 365 moves. It teaches you to move your sweetheart by means of means at any time and anywhere. "

Wang Rousi wants to find a hole to drill in. Ye wudian's words are so damaged that she can't resist. Fortunately, there are no people here.

"Is satire enough?" Wang Rousi said coldly, "what's wrong with this book? Can you manage it? "

"Hey, no, of course not." At last, ye wudian added another sentence in his heart. I don't want to be in charge of it.

Wang Rou Si walks to ye Wutian, only one punch away from ye Wutian. Because of the distance between them, Wang Rousi has raised a bulge to ye Wutian's chest, which makes him feel a little agitated and wonder what this woman wants to do? Do you want to hook him on purpose?

"I have studied so long just to deal with you. Are you satisfied with that? I just want you to bow to my skirt. Don't you have any 365 moves? Here, I really want to see. "

Ye Wutian sweats wildly, thinking that you want me to fall under your skirt, how can you use such trouble? Directly pick it up, everything will be solved, really go to that step, ye Wutian also know that he must not be able to resist.

Seeing that ye Wutian doesn't speak, Wang Rou Si takes another step forward. This time, she directly uses her "weapon" to rush up and forcefully pushes ye Wutian away.

speechless leaves secretly swear, paralyzed, you have to try again, do not teach you a lesson to see, you do not know the little master's powerful.

Wang Rousi did not go too far, scolded: "cowardly bastard."

Ye Wu weather, however, back to the sentence: "have courage, no courage, you will soon know."

Wang Rousi gave a look of disdain, obviously did not believe.

"How do you feel?" Ye Wutian looks at Wang Xiaolin.

"Much better. Thank you for saving my life." Wang Xiaolin also coughed a few times when she said that. She was hurt too much, and she was involved in the wound when she spoke.

"Do you know about Ma Feng?" Ye Wutian asked, when asking, his eyes were staring at Wang Xiaolin's face without blinking.

Wang Xiaolin did not answer for the first time, the muscles on her face began to twist, began to twist, I do not know whether she is angry or what, cloudy and sunny.

Ye Wutian didn't ask again, just looked at each other carefully.

After a while, Wang Xiaolin slowly said, "he deserves it."

"You know? I'm taking it out for you to beat him to death Ye Wutian said.

The muscle on Wang Xiaolin's face, which was not easy to recover, twitched again, and her mental state fluctuated greatly."If you treat a woman like that, he should die. At that time, I really wanted to kill him. If you follow him for a long time, you will only get such a result, which is not true."

"Thank you." Wang Xiaolin said thanks.

Ye Wutian asked, "are you not happy?"

Wang Xiaolin did not face: "no matter, I am happy."

"Happy, why don't you laugh?"

Wang Xiaolin forced out a few smiles, but her smile was unnatural and even worse than crying.

"You don't have to thank me. From now on, we are also partners on the ship. Are you right?" Ye Wutian asked.

"Yes." Wang Xiaolin was silent for a long time.

"Wang Xiaolin, do you blame me for not killing him?" Ye Wutian asked: "I always feel that you are not happy."

"After all, it was a relationship like that." Wang Xiaolin explained.

"Well, that's right. After all, you have a relationship like that. Don't worry. I'll give him back ten or even a hundred times what he has done to you."

"You Are you going to kill him? " Wang Xiaolin didn't even notice when she was talking.

"Hum! That kind of asshole, how can I let him go Ye Wu Tian Leng hum, murderous: "kill him is impossible, however, let him suffer a bit is certain."

"What do you want to do?" Wang Xiaolin blurted out to ask, waiting for words to say, only to know that she was too anxious.

Ye Wutian did not find what: "how do you want to deal with him?"

"Hey, Ma Feng's limbs are all wasted by me." Ye Wutian deliberately lowered his voice and said.

Wang Xiaolin was stunned: "didn't you do the operation for him? It's not to say that it can help him heal his arms? "

"It's so fast." Ye Wutian wry smile: "so quickly spread to you here." Then ye Wutian looks at Wang Rousi, which must be her masterpiece.

Wang rose to meet her eyes, neither admitted nor opposed.

"It's no secret." Wang Xiaolin replied.

Ye Wutian thought about it and nodded: "yes, it's not a secret. Don't you blame me? And he healed his arms. "

Wang Xiaolin said: "it's not strange. It's your freedom. I'm just curious why you want to do this. It's not easy to hurt him, but also to cure him."

"Don't you understand? That's what I'm good at. " The leaf Wu Tian that the corner of the mouth rises bad smile: "do you think I will let him go easily? Dream, by the time of surgery for him, I did a little bit of small hands and feet to ensure that he Ma Feng from now on is not as good as death. "

"What are you doing?" Wang Xiaolin can't help but look at the past.

Wang Rousi always feels that something is wrong. Listening to the dialogue between ye Wutian and Wang Xiaolin, she always feels that something is wrong. What kind of dialogue does this look like? It's more like a trap.

"What does a man care about most?" Ye Wutian blinked and asked.

Wang Xiaolin's brain is in a mess. She can't understand ye Wutian's meaning, but Wang Rousi understands it.

"I don't know." Wang Xiaolin said.

"Hey hey, I let him never touch a woman again in his life, what? Isn't it poisonous enough? Who made him do that to you? As a beautiful beauty like you, he Ma Feng dare to throw you away. What's more, he dares to kill you. "

Wang Xiaolin finally understood ye Wutian's meaning. Her brain exploded and her face turned pale.

"Tell you so much, you can't say it." Ye Wutian a pair of fear and chagrin, as if to blame their own nonsense.

Wang Xiaolin smile, her smile is even more ugly than just now, smile more like crying.

"You're in a trap." Wang Rou Si suddenly said.

Ye Wutian is a little surprised. After all, it is the bystander who knows clearly that Wang Rousi understands it so quickly.

Wang Xiaolin looked at the smile on ye Wutian's face and began to wake up. Just half a day ago, ye Wutian was covering her.

He must have known something to put her on.

"You know it all?" Wang Xiaolin asked.

Ye Wutian sneered: "very unexpected?"

Wang Xiaolin is really surprised. She admits that her acting is not bad, and even she is about to believe everything she has made up.

"Wang Xiaolin, do you feel sorry for yourself?"

"Poor you." Wang Xiaolin scoffed: "think you are very smart, in many people's eyes, you are just a fool, a little lucky fool."

Ye wudian laughed and laughed wildly. After laughing, he went around Wang Xiaolin and said, "so, we are the same kind of people? Are they all poor people

Heart, ye Wutian is very sympathetic to Wang Xiaolin, pay so much, what do you get in the end? In order to act lifelike, even her own life.

"Are you sure I'll save you?" Ye Wutian is very curious, where does Wang Xiaolin come from?

"Didn't you save me?" Wang Xiaolin retorted: "more you, I live again."

"Oh! The power of love is terrible and great. For him, you are willing to take your life. " How can ye Wutian also don't understand that the shooting case was directed and performed by Wang Xiaolin. He only did this for a man, Ma Feng.There must be something hateful about the poor. Wang Xiaolin made such a great sacrifice that Ma Feng didn't take her seriously at all. To put it bluntly, he only took her as a chess piece, which was of no use value, and then he would be thrown aside by Ma Feng.

"Less sarcasm, ye Wutian, everyone has weaknesses, you are no exception, I admit, I lost this game, so what?"

"You still don't understand why I'm standing here? Don't you understand that you've been playing like a monkey for a long time? There are some things that don't need to be stated too clearly. " Ye Wutian is full of sympathy.

Wang Xiaolin's face was pale. She had guessed that she was unwilling to admit it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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