Ye Wuyi, who vomited blood, realized that he might be in trouble today, which was even more troublesome than Xueying's just killing him. At least Xueying wanted to kill him, he could still Dodge, but now he can't avoid it. The battle in front of him is like that described in the novel. He is possessed by the devil!

In the novel, the description of being possessed by the devil is very terrible. If you are possessed by the devil, you'd better have an expert to help you, otherwise the consequences will be quite serious.

Paralyzed, if he is really possessed by the devil, what master will he have to help him? From the alliance government to the world, he has never seen any internal experts. All of them are foreign experts. Of course, experts like Chen Yang should also have internal strength. Unfortunately, he can't see it.

Xuan ape Qi skills scurry, so that ye Wutian is upset and irritable. He has an unspeakable sense of pain, which can't be described by words.


Ye wudian once again ejected a stream of blood arrow. After spitting out the blood arrow, he felt more and more miserable, and his consciousness became weaker and weaker, and he seemed to be more and more uncontrollable. This is not a good phenomenon.

What to do? What should he do? Are you just waiting to die?

Although the blood cherry on the ground loses the ability to move, but her consciousness is sober, ye Wu Tian's change she all sees in the eye, he this is how?

If ye wudian had a chance to look in the mirror at this time, he would be shocked by his own strange appearance. At this time, his eyes were red, and his eyes were red, which was very frightening, just like those goblins in the movie!

At this time, a more bizarre scene appeared. It seemed that there was something running around in Ye Wu's celestial body. You could see a bag the size of a child's fist arched up on the surface of his skin, and the bag swam around.

This scene makes Xueying stunned, beautiful eyes full of incredible, she seems to think of something, but there is a trace of disbelief and uncertainty.


Ye Wutian can't support it any more. After a scream, he has a mouthful of blood. His eyes are redder, but his lips are black. How strange is his appearance.

Xueying is in a bad situation. She wants to leave here, but it's a pity that she can't make any strength. Her intuition tells her that it's very dangerous here, and her intuition also tells her that this man is going to die.

Scream for a while, ye Wutian suddenly stopped, now his consciousness is very weak, almost no, turned to look at the blood cherry on the ground, can not see what he is thinking.

Xueying is very afraid. Since she became a ninja, she doesn't know what to be afraid of. But in front of her eyes, she is afraid. If ye Wutian is a normal person, she is not afraid. What's terrible is that ye Wutian is no longer a normal person. Which normal person's eyes will be like him? It was red just now, but now it turns black. Yes, even his eyes turn black. With his dark lips, people will be afraid of this look.

Wheezing. With a thick breath, ye wudian looks at Xueying with doubts in his eyes, and seems to have some other complicated expressions. Suddenly, ye Wutian moves. He licks his lips and suddenly pours at Xueying. He takes several efforts to strip Xueying's clothes.

Blood cherry panic, want to escape, but unable to leave, finally can only helplessly let ye Wutian strip her clothes.



It has been more than 30 hours Since ye wudian's loss. In the past 30 hours, ye Wutian has not been found, and his phone number has not been reached. As time goes by, many people are more worried about his safety.

If ye Wutian dies, Qingcheng pill and Feng · Xiong pill will disappear, and these two things will no longer appear in the world.

No one knows where he went or where he should have been, especially the capital city. Almost the whole capital city has been turned over, but no trace of Ye Wutian has been found.

Although there is no news from ye Wutian in the past 30 hours, the top management still orders that ye Wutian must be found. He must meet people when he is alive and his corpse must be seen when he dies. The disappearance of Ye Wutian is no longer his personal affair. To a large extent, it has involved the national interests.

It is worth mentioning that because of the actions of several major organizations, many foreign spies lurking in the two places, Dongcheng and Beijing, as well as some illegal immigrants, also left these two places temporarily to prevent being caught.

Ouyang Xingyue is very unhappy and constantly blames herself. If she didn't go out with ye Wutian and believed ye Wutian would not leave, it would not have happened.

She was already tired at this time, through this, she just found out that ye Wutian was so important in her heart. Even though she didn't admit it on the surface, her inner thoughts would not deceive people. Maybe, she has already liked the one who always likes to have a little bad smile and the shameless guy.

All the power in her hands has been sent out, but there is still no news, so she is very anxious. Because ye Wutian is missing, she actively calls Cheng Kexin and asks her many questions about ye Wutian, such as where he likes to play when he has no balance, and what friends he has.

Once they come and go, the two women have become good friends. Although they all know each other's relationship, they usually don't know it, so they can't care so much.Fortunately, they don't have a phone call with their relatives in the past two months, because they have not been able to communicate with their relatives in one day.

Xu family, old man Xu looks very tired. Just after his 80th birthday, this kind of thing happened and destroyed his good mood. In his opinion, ye Wutian can do something, but it is definitely not now. He can't have an accident in the place of Xu family.

"Grandfather, you should pay attention to your health." Xu Ying embraces the old man's arm, she knows what grandfather is worried about.

Old man Xu smiles, but his smile is so unnatural, skin smile flesh does not smile. "Grandfather is OK."

"Grandfather, I'm sure he's still alive. He's not that short-lived." Xu Ying said that she did not know where her confidence came from, that is to say, ye Wutian would not be so short-lived.

"Well, that's right. He won't die so soon." Maybe he felt much better with his granddaughter's comfort.

Cheng Kexin goes to the capital by military plane under the arrangement of Ning's family. Ye Wutian is missing in the capital. It is most likely that he is still in the capital at this time.

Since ye Wutian's disappearance, Cheng Kexin's tears have never stopped. She always has no way to control her tears. She wipes them again and again.

In the past period of time, Ouyang Hao has been staying by Cheng Kexin's side. Cheng Kexin doesn't want to drive him away. Ye wudian's disappearance makes Ouyang Hao secretly happy and realizes that the opportunity is coming. If ye Wutian doesn't come back, then this is the opportunity given to him by God. How can he miss this opportunity?

Cheng Kexin is more and more beautiful. She is no longer the little girl who used to be. Her appearance and temperament have changed dramatically. Ouyang Hao has a feeling of astonishment from her changes. How could he let go of such a woman with such outstanding temperament?

"Elder martial brother, you go to be busy with you, I can be here myself." After going to the capital, Cheng Kexin had waited until Ouyang Xingyue came to pick her up. So she said to Ouyang Hao again that Cheng Kexin had forgotten how many times he had said this.

Ouyang Hao said: "girl, my main task now is to accompany you and cheer you up." Although Ouyang Hao said this, he hoped ye Wutian would never come back, so that he would have more opportunities.

Cheng Kexin will never change his mind.

Cheng Kexin wanted to say something more, but she swallowed the words to her mouth. Knowing that it was useless to say more, she turned and got into the car.

After Cheng Kexin got into the car, Ouyang Xingyue glanced back at Ouyang Hao and said in a cold voice, "you can't play."

Ouyang Hao was stunned by this remark. He responded with the same color: "do you have a play?"

The two young men of Ouyang's family are young talents, but now both of them have some relationship with ye Wutian. How much love is this? They don't know.

Ouyang Xingyue didn't speak any more. After getting into the car, she quickly closed the door. Although there was a seat in the back row, she was not used to sitting with other men.

Seeing this, Ouyang Hao's face suddenly flashed a trace of anger, and soon returned to normal. At this time, business is still important. There's no need to see people like this. The important task at present is to bring back the beauty. Ouyang Hao has made up his mind that Cheng Kexin will be pursued in any case this time.

Ye Wutian seemed to have a dream, a beautiful dream. He dreamed that he started his hand on Xueying and stripped off her clothes. Even when he met her ribbon barrier, he was merciless. He didn't know how to be merciful. He directly pushed his waist and stabbed her to the end.

After successfully breaking through the thin barrier, ye wudian did not stop, but began his attack and crusade. Strange to say, when he began to attack Xueying, his original discomfort seemed to be much reduced. After this discovery, he moved faster, as if he was a bull. He did not know that he was tired, and seemed to never have enough to eat.

In the end, Wu Tian's classmate did not know when the dream was finished. When he woke up, he stretched his waist in a comfortable way, which made him feel as if he were in the cloud, floating and very comfortable.

He turned his head and found that Xueying had disappeared. When he saw the red plum blossoms on the ground from the corner of his eyes, he was shocked at the same time. His eyes were wide open. Wasn't that a dream? Is it true?

On the matter just now, ye Wutian finds that he can't remember at all. No matter how hard he tries, he can't remember a clue.

When did Xueying leave? And if she can be free, why not kill him? At the same time, he thought with a bitter smile, and one more! So beautiful, and he had her in that situation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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