Ye wudian is lucky that he has a big life and didn't die in Xueying's hand. In fact, this guy doesn't know that he has already walked in the gate of ghosts. After eight explosions in a row, he should have a good body rest and exercise his skills to consolidate it. Unfortunately, he was seriously injured at this time, so that the Qi which had not been fully consolidated in his body began to lose control, and then began to run around, so it was bad Point destroyed him.

There is another reason, as the old saying goes, if you want to be quick, you will not be able to reach it. Ye Wutian's eight consecutive blasts have made him over nourish. This is like a person who only eats two bowls of rice at a meal, and then suddenly eats six bowls between meals. The supply and demand are far more than the demand. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is no accident.

Because the true Qi is too sufficient, ye wudian urgently needs to vent. At this time, there is Xueying. This guy shamelessly forks off the blood cherry circle, which undoubtedly makes him find a vent. So he vent on Xueying again and again. Even he doesn't know how long the animal behavior is crazy. Until the end, he has no consciousness.

In a sense, Xueying not only saved him one life, but also two lives. It can be said for sure that without Xueying to vent his anger, he will surely die. Moreover, if Xueying gives him a knife before he leaves, it will be in vain. Therefore, Xueying is equal to saving him twice.

Close your eyes and start to check the true Qi. It doesn't matter if you check it. After checking, he immediately bares his teeth and cracks his mouth and laughs. Paralyzed, isn't xuanape Qi making more progress? It was a great progress. After eight explosions, eight acupoints such as atrium were dissected and stored with true Qi.

In his present situation, he should be able to kill a cow!

I don't know when the bleeding has stopped. There are even signs of scar on the wound.

Master of divine power!

Ye Wutian suddenly thought of such a sentence. He thought that this should be the protection master of Shengong. When the master was injured, Xuan ape's true Qi would take the initiative to recuperate.

Paralyzed, what kind of magic skill is this? How can you be so forked? Although he was very painful in the process of practicing, he had to say that he liked the skill of ox fork.

At this time, ye Wutian very much hopes to find someone to share everything with him. After the eight explosions, he is estimated to have reached the second layer of Xuan ape Qi technique, which is expected to be very helpful for gout and other symptoms.

The most depressing thing for him was that he had no one to instruct him during his practice. In fact, he was very eager to find a famous teacher to give him advice. He was always on the rampage. Once he was lucky, what about the second time? And the third time? Can it be so lucky?

After more than ten weeks of luck, ye wudian stopped, and his wound was no big obstacle. However, in order to make sure that he recovered quickly, he still walked to the rotten trousers one by one and took out the pill from the bag to deal with the wound.

After the treatment of the wound, ye wudian suddenly thought of a very serious problem. His clothes were rotten, even his underwear and trousers were rotten. How should he leave? His mobile phone has long been missing, he can not care about losing it, but there are a lot of pictures of blood cherry in the mobile phone, wearing various bikini, so he is heartbroken.

I have no chance to ask Xueying to take such photos.

That woman, why don't you kill him? Should not be his bird. Under the beast, she began to like him? Shit! It's OK to cheat pupils.

After walking out of the basement, I found that the sky outside was already dark. It was very dark.

Naked leaf Wutian will the whole villa up and down all over again, just can't find a dress, even the phone is not, which makes him very crazy.

Depressed ye Wutian sits on the sofa without a telephone. How does he inform Chen le that they come to meet him? Let him go out like this, he can't afford to lose that old face, although it's already midnight.

Ye Wutian doesn't know that it has been 36 hours since he disappeared. That is to say, after he vented himself on Xueying, the boy slept for more than 30 hours. Such a long sleep time is enough to break many records.

There have been many rumors about his disappearance, among which the most ferocious is that he has been killed and most of them have been thrown into the sea.

A generation of tauren, so disappeared.

Countless people know that if ye Wutian can still live, he has a chance to be a great man. Of course, he is actually a great man.

Ye Wutian's disappearance has upset many people and disrupted their plans. Tianxin Hongyan group, in particular, has been offering refunds to customers since yesterday. Most domestic and foreign customers have asked for a refund. The death of Ye Wutian means that there are no more Qingcheng pills and fengxiong pills.

Although it was late at night, many people did not sleep. Those who cared about ye wudian could not sleep at all before they found ye Wutian.

"Grandfather, do you think he is really dead?" In any case, Qi Ye is worried about the importance of missing for three days.

Ning Peng sighed. He obviously didn't have a good rest these days, as if he were much older. "The chance is getting smaller and smaller."Ning Siqi was shocked, but he didn't expect his grandfather to think like this, "what shall we do?"

"Keep looking." Ning Peng knows that he has to try his best to find out. As long as one day can not prove the fact that ye Wutian is dead, Ning family will not give up.

Ning Siqi moved his lips, "grandfather, you should pay attention to your body."

"I'm fine. You go and do your work. It's hard these days. He's too important to Ning family. You must find him."

"I know." It doesn't need to be said by her grandfather. She also knows that Ning family and ye Wutian have been tied to a warship, both of them are proud, otherwise, they are all damaged.

At this time, Ning Peng desk on the red phone rang, Ning Peng quickly picked up the phone: "I'm Ning Peng."

Ning Siqi heard the content of the phone, she just found that grandfather's face changed several times, said a few words and then hung up the phone.

"Is there any news?" Can't wait for Ning Siqi to ask.

Ning Peng took a look at his granddaughter: "intelligence shows that the Japanese did it, Japanese ninja."

Ning Siqi is shocked, ninja? Those people are not a good role to be provoked. How can ye wudian offend them?

In another villa in the east city, situ Wei and his third uncle, situ Chu, were sitting together. At this time, they were staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes. It seemed that neither of them wanted to be defeated.

Finally, situ Chu gave a bitter smile, and he was defeated first. "Xiao Wei, do you know what you are doing? You're going to do yourself a disservice. "

"I know," said situ Wei, without any intention

"Know you still do it?" Situ Chu was not angry at all.

"No one can stop me."

Situ Wei's resolute attitude made situ Chu give up his plan to continue persuasion, "the family has already opposed it, do you still want to go it alone?"

"It is because of the opposition of my family that I came to you."

Situ Chu wryly smile: "I'm not a bank here. It's useless for you to look for me."

Sometimes, situ Chu really wants to see what Xiaowei is thinking, and such an idea can even come out. Tianxin Hongyan group's construction process is very fast. Because of this, Tianxin Hongyan group's funds for the second phase of the project have been used up. According to the normal procedure, she should go to Ye Wutian or Cheng Kexin at this time and ask them to pay for the third phase of the project In order to avoid the construction period being blocked, the problem now is that Cheng Kexin went to the capital city. Even if she was in the east city, I'm afraid there is no way to pay for the third phase of the project for the time being. Only yesterday, the number of customers of Tianxin Hongyan group has reached 70%, that is to say, Tianxin Hongyan group can't get the project payment at all.

It is for this reason that situ Wei did not call Cheng Kexin, but privately discussed with her family, hoping that the family could come up with a sum of money, but she was rejected. The reason is very simple. The situ family is not so good now. Secondly, no businessman will do this kind of business. Wan Yiye will die of innocence and lose nothing.

Unable to convince her family, situ Wei came to her third uncle.

"Uncle, how much can I have?"

Situ Chu grinned bitterly, as if he had never promised to give her money. How could she have been preconceived?

"I'm not going to give you a cent, Wei. It's not that the third uncle doesn't help you, but the third uncle doesn't have any power. You know, the Decepticons don't do drug business, and they don't make much money."

"That's your business. I just want to know how much you can give me? When I borrow it from you. "

Now, situ Chu couldn't help it, "you tell me, why do you want to do this? Tomorrow may not be worth your while. Is it worth it? "

Situ Wei did not immediately answer, but bowed her head to ponder, very serious thinking for a while, she suddenly looked up: "I want him to owe me, owe me a lot."

Situ Chu couldn't laugh and cry: "if he really died, how can I return it to you?"

"He won't. If he does die, let him return it to me in the next life."

Situ Chu has a kind of impulse to die, such an answer makes him crazy.

"If you want to help him, why don't you ask Ouyang Xingyue? She will certainly agree

"No way." Situ Wei shook his head, "no, I'll do it myself."

"But can you come up with a 10 billion gap? Even if I help you, I can't get that much money. "

"Uncle, you lend me 1.5 billion yuan, and I don't want more."

Stu Chu almost didn't get choked and fainted. He was only 1.5 billion yuan. It must be said that situ Wei's eyes were poisonous. How could she know that he had 1.5 billion yuan?

"With my own money, it should be enough for a while."

Situ Chu sighed: "Wei, you are playing with fire."

"Third uncle, I want to ask you one last question, are you willing or not? If you don't, I'll never bother you again. " Situ Wei said it seriously.

Situ Chu crazy sweat, what's wrong with people these days? Those who come to borrow money are more reluctant than the rich, and they start to play weixie. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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