When Chen Le brings people to the door of the villa, ye Wutian suddenly wants to cry, grandma's, not easy! It is said that a penny can't defeat the hero. Now he is also embarrassed by a suit of clothes. Sitting on the sofa, he knows that this is not the way to go. So he tears off the skin of the sofa and surrounds his waist. Then he sneaks into a villa not far away from the isolation by night. When he sneaks into the villa, he finds that the owner of the villa is acting as a primitive human being on a woman Sports, the door is not closed.

After sneaking into the villa, ye Wutian stealthily picked up the phone in the living room and quickly dialed Chen Le's phone, asking him to come and pick him up with his clothes.

After the phone call ye Wutian is the same way back, stay in the empty villa waiting for Chen le to come.

"Young master." After getting off the bus, Chen Le's voice was hard and his eyes were slightly red. He was very excited.

"Hard work for you." Ye Wutian said and reached out at the same time.

Chen Le Leng Leng Leng, rushed to pass the clothes.

Ye Wutian did not make any explanation, took the clothes and turned into the villa, leaving Chen Le several people with a puzzled face.

"Head, what do you mean? How can the young master appear here? " As ye Wutian's bodyguard, Chen le and they are really familiar with this villa. This villa was used by the young master to house arrest the female ninja.

Chen Le glared back at Wu Dong: "how do I know? Why don't you want to ask yourself? "

Wu Dong spat out his tongue. He didn't dare, but he guessed that the female Ninja had come back. Was it the female ninja who robbed the young master? Since the young master was robbed, why not kill him? And the young master's clothes are missing, isn't it?

Wu Dong quickly stopped the evil speculation.

After taking the clothes in for a long time, ye wudian came out again and glanced at Chen Le: "what expression are you looking at?"

"Young master, how can you be here?" Chen Le bravely asked. He, like Wu Dong, wanted to know why.

"You ask me? I don't know. I wake up and find myself here. " Ye Wutian said carelessly.

Chen le and Wu Dong look at each other. Obviously, they don't believe such an explanation. But if the young master doesn't say it, they can't help it. However, it is estimated that there has been an unusual relationship between the young master and the female ninja. Maybe it is because of their violent actions that the clothes are broken. Only this explanation can work.

Ye Wutian came back. When many people were about to be disappointed, he appeared in the public's eyes. When they knew that he was not dead, many people's reactions were different, some were happy, others were surprised, so they could not die? Shit!

Ouyang Hao is one of the speechless. As time goes by, he looks heavy on the surface, but he is very happy in his heart. The longer the time goes by, the less chance Ye Wu has to return from nature, and the greater the chance for him to pursue Cheng Kexin.


After knowing that ye Wutian is not dead, Ouyang Hao can't help but burst out a rude remark on the spot. No one knows how depressed he is at this time. He can't die after missing for a few days? That kid's life is not so big.

Fortunately, they are not happy with Ouyang Hao for two days.

The Xu family soon knew that ye Wutian was not dead. The news made the whole Xu family very happy. If ye Wutian did not die, the Xu family would be safe. At least, the top management would not blame him.

The old man let out a long breath, and the tension that pressed him for days disappeared in an instant, "I'll go to sleep, and no one will disturb me."

Seeing her grandfather leave, Xu Ying immediately decides to go to Dongcheng. She directly uses Xu's private plane and takes Ouyang Xingyue's two daughters back to Dongcheng. She needs an explanation.

Ye wudian knew that he needed to explain to the public, so he stayed in the company all afternoon. Although he was informed that someone would come to him, the number of people still exceeded his expectation. The conference room in the company was not big enough.

Facing these people who care about him, ye Wutian is very happy. He has a lot to say, but he doesn't know how to say it.

"Everybody, I'm back. God said I could continue to harm the world, so he let me back."

As soon as he said this, everyone in the conference room burst into laughter. The atmosphere was relaxed. Even Ouyang Xingyue couldn't help but chuckle out.

This bastard can say these words, enough to prove that he is nothing. He is right. As long as he is alive, he can continue to harm the world.

"What happened?" Cheng Kexin said, "tell us about it."

Ye Wutian said with a smile: "in fact, even I don't know what happened. When I woke up, I found myself in Dongcheng, and then tried to inform you."

People are stupid, such an explanation, so that everyone present is completely speechless, such an explanation is too simple.

No one believed ye Wutian's explanation, but he had to believe it. He said that he had been in a coma, which was quite reasonable. Everyone knew that if ye Wutian was not in a coma, he would try to inform everyone.What we can't understand is that since the other party wants to rob him, why not kill him? That doesn't make sense, right?

"Who did it to you?" Another one asked.

Only ye wudian shook his head again: "I don't know this either. When I wake up, I find myself alone there. To be honest, I want to know who the other party is and what their purpose is. They start at me, but let me go if they don't do anything."

People are disappointed again. At this moment, people in the conference room don't know what to say. They will be satisfied with such an explanation. However, ye Wutian doesn't say anything, and they can't help him. This guy has absolutely concealed something. It's not as simple as it seems.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to thank you for your support and concern for me. I'm going to cook tonight and invite you to have a meal. I thank you for your concern, because I feel very happy with your care."

Ye Wutian said this pun. When he said this, he looked at Cheng Kexin and Ouyang Xingyue. In his heart, he began to wonder when Cheng Kexin was so close to Ouyang Xingyue?

Just want to kill us Xu Yuanhua said with a smile.

Ye Wutian thought for a moment and replied, "that's two meals. I still have this little money."

"Two meals are not enough, at least two months." Xu Yuanhua said in a loud voice.

Ye wudian turns his eyes when he hears it. If it's not inconvenient for many people, he really wants to raise his middle finger and give it to Xu Yuanhua. Paralyzed, can you be more shameless? two months? Think he's really picking up the money?

"I'm sorry." Xu Ying suddenly said that a large part of the reason for ye Wutian's disappearance is related to the Xu family.

"Ha ha, what does it have to do with you? Why say I'm sorry? Are you an accomplice Ye Wutian, Xu Ying blinks.

"Grandfather asked me to tell you that he will treat you to dinner later."

Ye Wutian was stunned: "in Beijing?" Then he shook his head wildly, "forget it. I won't go to the capital to kill me. Every time I go to that place, something will happen. It's better to go to the east city."

Xu Ying smiles and says nothing more.

People can not see what to ask, so those people are very interested in turning away, people have too much to say.

Soon, there were only three women and a man left in the conference room, and all the others went out.

Looking at the three girls in front of me, Wu Tian's classmate's mood is also very complicated, I don't know how to open my mouth.

"Don't you have anything to tell us?" Cheng Kexin asked. She thought it was inconvenient for ye Wutian to say that there were too many people just now. There are fewer people.

"There's nothing to say. Don't you believe me? What I said is true. " Ye Wutian said with a bitter smile.

Ouyang Xingyue sighed in his heart: "forget it, he doesn't want to say, forcing him is useless." With that, she got up first and left.

When Ouyang Xingyue left, Xu Ying was embarrassed to stay. She could only stand up and prepare to leave. She hoped ye Wutian could retain her. However, ye wudian did not make a voice at all. Until she walked out of the meeting room, she did not see ye Wutian asking to stay, which made Xu Ying disappointed for a long time.

At least they had a century's kiss, and he didn't care at all?

In addition to disappointment or disappointment in Xu Ying's heart, maybe he should not have come to Dongcheng.

Only ye Wutian and Cheng Kexin are left in the conference room. At this time, Cheng Kexin doesn't care about anything else. She runs directly into ye Wutian's arms and hugs him tightly. Ye Wutian's appearance makes her feel like she's lost and recovered. She can't imagine how she should live alone once Ye Wutian has something to do.

"Hold me tight." Cheng Kexin wants to prove the existence of Ye Wutian in this way.

Ye wudian didn't speak. He hugged Cheng Kexin tightly and took the initiative to kiss him. At this time, he even wanted to treat the conference room as a room and the conference table as a bed, and directly answer with Cheng Kexin in this battle.

This kiss is nearly ten minutes, until Cheng Kexin feels out of breath. When she comes, she stops, and She nestles in ye Wutian's arms. "I'm scared to death."

"I'm sorry." Ye Wutian feels guilty. It's all his fault that makes her worried. "There won't be another time."

After a pause, Wu Tian's classmate whispered: "they all say that a little farewell is better than a new marriage. Let's go home."

Cheng Kexin was so ashamed that she wanted to find a place to drill in. Naturally, she understood what ye Wutian said. She was so scared that she left ye Wutian's arms. "The company still has a lot of documents waiting for me to see, so I don't have time."

Ye Wutian laughs bitterly, again? This is the reason he always used to excuse her.

"Don't think about those wishful thinking. Now our company is very poor and most of our customers have refunds." Cheng Kexin said.

Ye Wutian didn't know about it, but he looked at Cheng Kexin curiously: "what's going on?"

Cheng Kexin said the whole thing, and then said, "so we have to make money as soon as possible." Looking at those money flowing out of the bank, Cheng Kexin's heart is very uncomfortable.

"Damn it, those people are not real things. How many days have I been missing? They refund? OK, from now on, the price of Qingcheng pill will be increased by 100%www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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