Ye Wutian's appearance surprised many people. He thought he was dead, but he swaggered in people's eyes. People can't help but sigh that the bastard's life is really big!

What's more surprising is that ye Wutian will raise the price of Qingcheng pills as soon as he comes back. Does he want to increase the price? The price of Qingcheng pill has already been exorbitant. What does it look like?

Is this a conspiracy? Is ye Wutian intentionally missing for the sake of increasing the price of Qingcheng pills? Is that the only explanation that works?

More and more people feel that this is a conspiracy of Tianxin Hongyan group!

As soon as the news of the price increase came out, those customers who had already chosen to refund were even more regretful. They all clapped their hearts and never dreamed that ye Wutian would come back.

This is a trap, but they still want to jump down willingly. If they want to buy Qingcheng pills again, it is absolutely impossible at the previous price. If they want to buy them now, they have to get more money.

Of course, Tianxin Hongyan group doesn't ask you to buy it. You can not buy it. This kind of business is nothing but Zhou Yu's fight against huanggai, one willing to fight and the other willing to get hurt.

It makes people speechless. Even if the price of Qingcheng pills rises, there are still countless people who want to buy Qingcheng pills, even if the price is high, even if they know they are slaughtered.

This is human psychology!

The price increase of Tianxin Hongyan group has made people scold the company as a traitor and businessman. Although the price is raised in such an open manner, many people are envious of it. If you look at others, you can only make money. You are all human beings. Why is the gap between the two so large?

Ouyang Xingyue looks at the man in front of her speechless. She doesn't know what to say. Today, she found out that this man also has the potential to be a traitor. She obviously didn't want to let the price of Qingcheng pills go up and disappear deliberately. But now being made by him is tantamount to telling outsiders that he wants to raise the price of Qingcheng pills.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. Even if you admire me, you don't need to look at me like this. I'll be shy."

This makes Ouyang Xingyue have a kind of impulse to beat people, "are you not afraid of being scolded?"

"Why be afraid? I've understood that it's the king's way to make money these days. What's the relationship between scolding or not? Besides, even if I don't increase the price, others will scold me Shrugging leaf Wutian a pair of do not care, mouth long on others, he can not control so much.

"So you are the biggest traitor." In the past, Ouyang Xingyue did not know the inside information, so she was not convenient to comment. But now, she is in full charge of the work of fengxiong pills and knows the production cost of each pill.

Sometimes, even Ouyang Xingyue blushes. The cost of Feng · Xiong pills is very low, but the profit is frightening. This is a huge profit. With such a high profit margin, now this guy has to increase the price, and one increase is 20%, which is dark enough.

"Thank you for your praise. Don't worry. I won't be proud. By the way, do you need to increase the price of Feng · Xiong pills?"

"No need." Ouyang Xingyue doesn't dare to think about it. If Lianfeng. Chest pills also increase the price, I don't know what will happen outside.

Ye Wutian finds that Ouyang Xingyue's eyes are always looking at him, making him slightly unnatural.

Ouyang Xingyue looks at ye Wutian, not because she likes him, but because she finds that his whole temperament has changed and become somewhat extraordinary. Especially those eyes are bright and thorough. Of course, the bad smile is still on her face.

Ouyang Xingyue has to admit that, with this bastard's capital, going out to hook up with an ignorant girl, he will surely succeed.

"Are you free in the evening? Eat together. " Ye Wutian asked.

Ouyang Xingyue's face turned red. The word "eat" seems to be a secret language between them, because they all know what will happen after dinner.

"No time." Ouyang Xingyue said, "I have no time at noon."

Wu Tian's classmate touched his nose with a wry smile. How could this woman turn her face and turn over a book? Said to change on the change, I thought that through his missing event will let her to him gentle, now it seems, no play!

"This kind of thing just happened in the company. You'd better put your energy into your work. If you don't have money, what do you do for a dandy?" Ouyang Xingyue said coldly: "also, you should pay more attention to the raw materials. If you go on like this, you will soon be unable to supply them."

"You can deal with it." Ye Wutian is very depressed.

Ouyang Xingyue frowned at ye Wutian and said, "are you a man? What's the use of you as a man if we want our women to show up in everything? "

Ye Wutian was choked dumb by this, and he couldn't say a word.

After leaving this sentence, Ouyang Xingyue goes out and leaves ye Wutian alone in the office.

Looking at Ouyang Xingyue twisting a small waist to go out, ye Wutian suddenly has a flash of light. She realizes what Ouyang Xingyue said just now and regards him as a man. Does she regard him as her man? Hey, this woman, that cold heart began to separate.

In a spacious meeting room of situ group, the lights are bright. Sitting in the middle is situ Wei. At this time, she frowns tightly. After a while, she puts down the report in her hand and looks up to the people in the meeting room and says, "have you seen it? This is the quarterly performance report of situ group. Do you have anything to say? "The group's business continued to decline, and she was not happy. Although there were many main reasons for the decline in performance, she was not satisfied, and the company's business could not decline any more.

"General manager, the banks we usually work with no longer agree to loan." A project manager said that we all have a lot to say and also know the reason for the decline in performance. In a word, it is still the capital turnover problem of situ group.

Due to the lack of money, a few big projects that we could see were all slipping away from our hands. Together with the attack of competitors, situ group had no strength to fight back.

Before the disappearance of Mr. situ, the stalls of the group were too large, but the funds would not be broken. But now, because the bank did not agree to the loan, the capital chain finally went wrong.

Over the past period of time, situ group has cut down several projects with tears, so as to transfer funds. Even so, it is still unable to quench their thirst, especially the two resort resorts under the group, which are the main spenders of money, and a large amount of money must be invested in the early stage.

After thinking for a while, situ Wei said, "I'll try to find a way to deal with the money. I think you all know that the company has encountered a little trouble during this period. It is precisely because of this that I hope you can tide over the difficulties together with us. I can see your efforts, and I will reward you for your efforts after you have survived this difficulty." After a pause, situ Wei said: "I know there are many rumors outside that the situ group will soon collapse. Here, I want to tell you that the situ group will not collapse."

All the people in the conference room only believe half of what situ Wei said. If the company is in trouble, if they show their loyalty at this time and tide over the difficulties with the company, the future return will be certain. Moreover, the rotten ship also has three Jin nails. The situ group is a giant. It is not easy to let situ group down.

"General manager, please rest assured that we will work hard." A department manager stood up and said.

Situ Wei is very pleased to nod, she knows that the candy just thrown out is to play a role.

With the first one, there will be a second, and immediately another department manager will stand up to express his loyalty.

"Well, thank you for your support. I firmly believe that our company will tide over the difficulties." Situ Wei smiles and says, at this time, she is really afraid that these subordinates are unstable.

"Sir, you can't go in." Suddenly, the door of the meeting room was pushed open, and a secretary tried desperately to stop someone.

All the people in the meeting room looked at the man and didn't know what the other party was coming from.

A little Leng, Leng after situ Wei waved to let the secretary out.

"In a meeting?" It was ye Wutian, who said, "I'm sorry, didn't you disturb me?"

Do you need to ask if people are crazy? Isn't that disturbing?

"Something?" Situ Wei opens her mouth first. Her beautiful eyes are like charming and angry. She can't see what she is thinking.

Ye Wutian cast a glance at everyone: "have you finished the meeting? If not, just go ahead and ignore me. I can wait Say, leaf Wu day opens a chair to sit down.

People can't laugh or cry. When they meet this kind of man, they are as thick as a wall and ignore him directly? How is that possible? He is not a member of the situ group. How can he be here at the meeting? Doesn't he know what company secrets are?

"If you have something to say." For a moment, situ Wei couldn't figure out the meaning of Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian stood up and walked around the chair to Xu Ying. He glanced at situ Wei slightly and said, "would you like to have a meal with me

"I'm in a meeting."

"I can wait." Ye Wutian replied.

Situ Wei's face became colder and colder: "I will be very busy today."

Those people in the conference room all began to despise ye Wutian. Who is this man? In this way, he wanted to invite them to dinner.

Ye Wutian looked at a young man beside him and said, "Sir, can you lend me your coat?"

The other party is surprised, full of fog water to look at ye Wutian.

"Please, I'm in urgent need." Ye Wutian said again.

The other party hesitated for a while, and finally took off the suit coat and handed it to ye Wutian.

Everyone in the conference room is staring at ye Wutian, wondering what he will do next.

"Everybody, I hope you don't pass on today's story." Ye Wutian, who took over the suit, turned his head and looked at situ Wei: "stand up."

"What do you want to do

"Stand up."

Situ Wei was very angry. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, she really wanted to slap him. This boy, how about ordering her?

"My patience is limited. Don't push me."

Situ Wei thought for a while, and finally stood up. She wanted to see what ye Wutian wanted to do.

Just when people were wondering, ye wudian suddenly bent down, and then held situ Wei's legs tightly in his hands. He shouldered situ Wei on his shoulder, and then covered situ Wei's buttocks with the borrowed suit coat to prevent her from leaving.


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