Wu Qunsheng was ecstatic in their hearts. They didn't expect to win the game under Ye Wutian's mischief. No one would have thought of such an outcome. Even ye wudian himself, I'm afraid, could not have imagined that he would step in.

Jin Dongwan secretly complained that he was careless and fell into ye Wutian's trick. He was very confident in the prescription he had just given. In fact, his prescription only needed 10 doses to cure the patient.

This game, he was not willing to lose, but also defeated willingly!

Compared with ye Wutian, he is still one notch behind.

Jin Dongwan is very frustrated, suddenly a little frustrated, maybe he really shouldn't run to challenge Huaxia.

"You won." For a long time, Jin Dongwan sighed.

Ye Wutian smiles brightly: "thank you, I'm sorry, I won a small game."

Following ye wudian's words, there was a burst of warm applause. Of course, you can't expect xiaobangzi to give you applause at this time. It would be nice if they didn't give you a knife. These applause were naturally from Wu Qunsheng.

Park Jieshui finally showed up. They saw ye Wutian's special technique just now, but they only knew that ye Wutian's technique was not simple, but did not know what ye Wutian's technique was.

This game can win, completely thanks to Xuan ape Qi technique. Wu Tian classmate just doesn't want to be too arrogant. Otherwise, he doesn't have to pretend to massage for the patient. He just uses Xuan ape Qi technique to swim around several important points of the patient. It is just in this way that he has to cover up with massage.

"What are you doing?" Pu Jieshui asked ye Wutian through an interpreter.

"Ha ha, I'm sorry, this is a family skill, not very convenient to say."

"Qigong?" Asked Pu Jieshui, who did not give up.

Ye Wutian suddenly opened the topic: "if you don't mind, let's have a second game."

"It's not fair. It's not fair." "It's unfair for him to use Qigong," he said in a loud voice

All the people on the scene looked scornfully at Jin Zaizhong, including the people in country h. They all stepped back two steps intentionally or unintentionally, as if they wanted to draw a distance from Jin Zaizhong.

"Unfair? You tell me, why is it unfair? " Ye Wutian is amused. From Jin Zai Zhong's words, we can see that xiaobangzi is really shameless.

"Because you use Qigong, we don't have it." Kim didn't find anything wrong, and the guy still felt good about himself.

"What is the purpose of your medical practice?"

"To save the dying, of course."

"In that case, why can't we use anything other than taking medicine? Did you tell me? "

Jin Zaizhong was choked by this, and the team guessed that something was wrong.

Ye Wutian did not let go of the other party's meaning: "ask again, you can't Qigong?"

Jin Zaizhong is choked again. How can he do Qigong? It's so mysterious.

"I don't think you're too young, are you? At least bigger than me, I can. Why don't you? "

Jin Zaizhong is still speechless. He is going mad.

"If you want to blame, you can only blame your poor learning and skills. Don't talk nonsense there. If you can't take medicine, why should patients take medicine? Apart from financial affordability, is taking medicine good for patients? Obviously, it's a piece of cake. You have to make patients suffer unnecessary pain. Is that your goal as a doctor? You don't want to cure more patients, you just want to make patients suffer more? "

After several questions, Jin Zaizhong was speechless. In terms of bickering, he was not ye Wutian's opponent at all.

In the end, Zhou Huaichang came out to talk. He didn't want to embarrass the other party too much. Everything had to be done in a certain way. He could not teach the other party a lesson. If he was too late, he was afraid that things would be difficult to end.

Because ye Wutian wins this game, ye Wutian's patient information is useless and unnecessary.

The game in the second set is different from that in the first set. This time, one of the patients was randomly selected from many patients, and then the two sides made diagnosis and treatment to see which method was better.

When patient No. 20 came out, he was a middle-aged man. When the patient was carried to the hospital, all the people on the scene were shocked because the patient was injured all over the body, and several parts of his arm had begun to fester, which was very dangerous.

Both sides began to send people to check the pulse of patients, which was the official start of the competition.

The H side sent two consecutive people to check on the patients. Jin Dongwan is one of them. It is estimated that they are for insurance. In this game, they can't lose any more, otherwise it will be very demoralizing.

To the disappointment of Ye Wutian, the three old men of Park Jieshui still didn't mean to move.

This time ye Wutian is totally for the three old men, and he wants to clean them up and find the answer for old man Ning.

Although disappointed, Wu Tian's classmates are not in a hurry. As long as the country h continues to lose, park Jieshui will always make a move.

Ye Wutian didn't immediately go to check the pulse. Instead, he turned his head and looked at the Phoenix fairy. "Fairy sister, what do you think?"Phoenix fairy slightly a Leng, perhaps did not expect ye Wutian will talk to her.

The Phoenix fairy didn't speak and didn't react much. However, the old woman standing beside the Phoenix fairy suddenly opened her eyes and shot a gloomy look, which scared ye wudian. The old woman's eyes were very frightening.

The old woman's eyes were warning and alert.

"There are many ways to treat this kind of burn in traditional Chinese medicine." Feng fairy said, the voice is gentle, beautiful, as if it is a fairy who does not eat human fireworks.

Ye Wutian found that it was worthwhile to attend this exchange meeting this time.

"I hope you can give me some advice."

"Do you have a way?" Wind fairy did not directly answer, just asked such a sentence, in her heart, she had some expectations, but also a little nervous.

People all see that the Phoenix fairy that has been calm expression unusual, but no one knows why she is like this, is it because ye Wutian is handsome? Bullshit, ye Wutian grows at most and can only be regarded as worthy of the people, and has nothing to do with being handsome.

The only explanation is that they know each other.

Ye Wutian was asked, but he was a little excited and paralyzed. Did this beautiful fairy sister believe him? Can't he be conquered by his arrogance? hey.

At this time, Jin Dongwan and his colleagues made out a prescription, which was specially for burns, and the effect was affirmative. In addition, in addition to such a prescription for external application, the state of H also prescribed an oral prescription, which could make the injured recover faster.

This time, Jin Dongwan didn't dare to ask big. After making a good prescription, he handed the prescription to Pu Jieshui, hoping that they could make a move.

Park Jieshui took the prescription, then glanced at it and whispered to Jin Dongwan. His eyes lit up and he was so excited that he was shaking. How could he not have thought of it?

Not surprisingly, Jin Dongwan quickly took a pen and changed two herbs. Now, he is full of confidence.

Until they revised the prescription, but did not see the Chinese side of the hand, let Jin Dongwan they a burst of doubt, will not cure the wounded? No, the injured is just a general burn. There is nothing like it in other aspects. The only thing comparable is to see whose prescription is more effective and whose prescription is more effective.

"You don't do it?" Wu Qunsheng saw ye Wutian for a long time without any intention to do anything. He was not sure what he wanted to do.

Ye Wutian held his chest in both hands: "at least I am also the deputy leader? Do you want the deputy commander to do everything? "

Wu Qunsheng is sweating wildly. This boy is putting on his official airs at this time. It's really hard to tell him what to say about him.

"Our prescription has come out. What about you? Where is your prescription? " With PU Jieshui's help, Jin Dongwan was confident that he would win the game. Of course, he was afraid ye Wutian would use Qigong, but then he thought that the patient's condition was different. The patient was burned, and Qigong was probably useless.

As long as ye Wutian can't use Qigong, country h will win a lot.

"As far as I know, such injury, Qingcheng pill has a very good effect, can you use it?" Ye Wutian, who holds his chest in both hands, looks at everyone.

"No, that's not fair." Kim retorted.

Ye Wutian laughs bitterly. It's the gold in the middle, and it's still unfair. At this moment, ye Wutian wants to take off his shoes and beat the boy to death. It's totally unfair. How can there be so much fairness in the world? Strength is the king, fairness? How much is fairness worth? Shit.

"How can that be fair? Is Qingcheng pill produced in your country H? It's not fair for you to say a goddamn thing about it, and it's just your son who talks a lot. " Ye wudian's fingers almost all point to Jin Zaizhong's forehead, and spit is flying, most of which splash to Jin Zaizhong's face.

What is this? This is to deceive people too much.

"Competition, pay attention to the on-the-spot ability." Jin Dongwan really can't look down. If he can't help it, he is his apprentice, although he is very disappointed.

Ye Wutian shrugged: "well, it's a guest from afar. Today I'll obey you once, without Qingcheng pill."

Wu Qunsheng wrote a prescription according to two old Chinese medicine doctors. After a while, the prescription was soon given out. However, when he saw the prescription, ye Wutian frowned and seemed very dissatisfied with the prescription.

After the prescription is opened, it is like country h. first, it turns around in the hands of the public to see if there is any need to modify it.

"With this recipe, we will lose." Feng Xianzi's voice sounded like the sounds of nature, and her words were to make the two old Chinese medicine doctors who had racked their brains to prescribe this prescription. Their faces were flushed and their hearts were somewhat dissatisfied. They had heard of miaomiaomen, and now they are skeptical about fengxianzi's youth.

"Two elders, why do you look at me like this?" Ye Wutian finds that Gu Hezi and Ke Jiannan look at him with different eyes, which makes him puzzled.

What makes ye Wutian speechless is that even the Phoenix fairy also looks at him with beautiful eyes.

"This little brother, can you give us another surprise?"Gu Hezi's words can't be understood again, that is, he wants to let ye Wutian make a move.

"Hehe, since the two elders hope that the boy can make a move, I'm not polite." Helpless, ye Wutian can only accept, mainly Phoenix fairy also hope so.

I don't know why, when he saw the Phoenix fairy, he always felt a trace of warmth, which was not found in other women.

"Somebody, get me some catties of ginger." Ye Wutian pulled up his sleeve and said to the staff.

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