Under the curiosity and waiting of everyone, the ginger ye wudian needed finally came. Looking at the bag of ginger just taken from the hospital canteen, many people were full of fog.

Of course, there are exceptions. When the Phoenix fairy heard ye Wutian want to take ginger, their eyes were bright, especially the Phoenix fairy, whose look seemed more complicated.

Park Jieshui's three old men are shocked at the same time, ginger? Why didn't they think of it?

"It seems that he has surprised us again." Gu Hezi's face is gratified. It is rare that there are such outstanding descendants of traditional Chinese medicine in the secular world.

Ke Jiannan agreed and nodded: "this son is not simple. Can brother Hezi see which sect he is?"

"I can't see it." Valley river son gently shakes his head: "this younger brother's method is unconstrained, temporarily can't see his source."

"Can the fairy master see the origin of this son?" Ke Jiannan turns his eyes to the Phoenix fairy.

The Phoenix fairy thought for a while and replied, "I dare not confirm for the time being."

Ke Jiannan and Gu Hezi both know that the Phoenix fairy has seen the origin of Ye Wutian. However, she doesn't say that, and they are too embarrassed to ask again.

"This son is proficient in medical skills, especially in the understanding of herbal medicine. I have heard about Qingcheng pills. It should be his masterpiece." Ke Jiannan is more and more excited about ye Wutian.

Feng Xianzi's beautiful eyes have been watching ye Wutian, and her mood is very complicated.

Many people don't know what ye Wutian wants ginger for. Ordinary people all know that ginger's greatest function is to drive away the cold. Especially in winter, it's good to make a bowl of ginger soup. In addition, there is a folk saying in our country that eating radish in winter and ginger in summer does not require doctors to prescribe a prescription. Although this sentence is exaggerated, it is sufficient to prove that ginger has a great effect.

"Mr. Wu, what do you want ginger for?" As Wu Qunsheng's assistant, Wei Junzhi doesn't understand what ye Wutian wants to do.

"If I'm right, we're going to win this game." Wu Qunsheng knew something about traditional Chinese medicine, and he was more and more satisfied with ye Wutian.

"Ginger can also cure wounds?" Wei Junzhi was shocked.

Wu Qunsheng said with a smile: "many people may know the efficacy of ginger. It is pungent and warm in nature. It can relieve exterior cold, relieve cough, warm the meridians and relieve pain. However, few people know the effect of ginger juice."

Wei Junzhi also wanted to ask again, but he saw that ye Wutian had crushed the ginger juice and made a bowl of ginger juice.

"Mr. Ye, don't you want to give ginger juice to the wounded?" Kim seems to find a chance to revenge, while questioning, there is a bit of irony on his face.

Jin Dongwan frowned and suddenly regretted that he had accepted this apprentice and followed him for so many years. How could he learn so little?

"In." Jin Dongwan says that he doesn't want his apprentice to lose face. His apprentice's disgrace is equivalent to hitting his master's face. Jin Dongwan can't afford to lose his old face.

Ye Wutian didn't let go of the other party's meaning. In his words, since you took the initiative to send the door to be beaten in the face, wouldn't it be wrong for you not to fight?

"Shall we make a bet?" Ye Wutian asked with a smile.

"Bet on what?" Jin Zaizhong is very confident in his prescription. His father made it by himself and handed it to the three elders of Pu Jieshui to pass the prescription. Is there any reason why he can't win such a small wound?

"In the middle?" Jin Dongwan also said that this time his voice was colder than before.

"If anyone loses this game, he will slap himself twice."

Jin Zaizhong was angry and wanted to say something, but he was afraid of master.

"What? Don't you dare to bet? Haha, I can't imagine that your medical skills are not so good and your courage is not so good. I'm disappointed! "

Arrogant! Rampant, ye Wutian's words let many people take a breath of cold air, this guy is unreasonable and hard to deal with.

Jin Zaizhong didn't speak. He looked at his master with a very bad face and hoped that she would agree. He couldn't stand being insulted like this.

"Well, I won't force you. Since you don't have the courage, you should stay well and see how I made it."

"Well, I'll bet you." It's intolerable that Jin Zaizhong broke out in an instant. He didn't care so much and gambled, and he was confident.

Jin Dongwan seemed to have heard the wrong thing. He kept a close eye on the apprentice. Without his own permission, he dared to do so. Obviously, he did not put his master in his eyes.

"Good." Ye wudian showed a fox like smile, and finally got the hook. "I hope you can make a certificate for me. As we all know, some small sticks don't keep their promises very well. I'm afraid they will go back on their promises."

The crowd took a breath, good boy. Ye wudian's words are not general madness. If we just hit Jin Zaizhong in the face, now it is to hit all the faces of H people.

Sure enough, as soon as he said this, Jin Dongwan's faces were abnormal, and they were all filled with indignation. It seemed that they wanted to rush up and fight with ye Wutian.

A scholar can be killed but not humiliated!

"You're a verbal attack." Park Chi Yi, as the commander of this time, naturally can't stand ye Wu Tian's words, "commander Zhou, do you always stab people with words like this?"

Zhou Huaichang smiles bitterly. He also thinks that ye Wutian's words are too much to sink a boat of people."Well, don't do that. I'm just talking about some, not all of them. Do you want to put yourself in the category of some?"

Zhou Huaichang laughs bitterly again. Even he doesn't know whether it's right or wrong to find ye Wutian this time. He has a good competition, but he is dazzled by Ye Wutian.

"Let's go. I'll bet you." Jin Zaizhong can't wait to see ye Wutian slap himself in the face, which is already unbearable.

"Don't bet. This game, we lose." Unexpectedly, park Jieshui suddenly opened his mouth.

Park Jieshui's words shocked those people in H country very much, and their faces were incredible. Park Jieshui was their old immortal, and also their biggest support and support. Now he took the initiative to admit defeat? Honey, what's going on here?

"Ginger juice has a very good anti-inflammatory effect, especially for this kind of burn, it has a wonderful effect, this game, we were convinced."

One stroke!

The old immortals all said that. Naturally, Jin Dongwan couldn't say anything more, but they were unwilling to lose. Before the competition started, they had already lost. What's this called?

Jin Zaizhong was a fool. Just now he was proud of himself, but his eyes widened and he didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to do with the huge gap. His head was blank. He didn't expect that the old immortal would take the initiative to admit defeat.

What's going on? Is that bowl of ginger juice really more effective than a few herbs?

"There are so many talented people in your country that we admit defeat." Park Jieshui looked at ye Wutian and said slowly.

Ye wudian's impression of Pu Jieshui has changed a little. He didn't expect that the old man still had some responsibilities. He was not as shameless as someone.

"Old fairy, why? Why should we give up? " Don't mention how hard Jin is in his heart. In addition to worrying about his mouth pumping later, he is more reluctant.

Park Jieshui said: "this Mr. Ye is right. The medicine is three parts toxic. The injured can also get good results with our prescription. However, his ginger juice can also have a good effect, and it has no side effects on people. This is better than us. Besides, ginger is cheap, so consumers don't have to bear a huge burden.

For others, such an explanation may be difficult to convince the public, but this is from Pu Jieshui's mouth, and no one dares to refute it.

After winning two games in a row, the Chinese delegation was overjoyed. They were so confused by Ye Wutian that they even won two games, which was unexpected to all.

After the explanation, park Jieshui did not speak any more, just closed his eyes slightly, as if there was no relationship with him.

Ye Wutian looks at Jin Zaizhong with a smile, which makes Jin Zaizhong scared. He turns his head to one side and dares not look at him with his eyes.

"Mr. king, don't you forget? Do you need my hand? "

Jin in the corner of the mouth a spasm, ye Wutian will say to this, even if deliberately want to pretend not to hear it is impossible.

"Mr. king, don't disgrace your country." Ye Wutian is another, this words is cruel enough, equal to stab a knife in the other side's body.

Jin Zaizhong's face is even more difficult to see the extreme. At this time, he is more regretful. He knew that earlier, he did not promise to gamble with ye Wutian. Should we do it now? He is in a dilemma. How can he slap himself in the face?

"Oh, come on, it's just a joke." Zhou Huaichang stood up and didn't want the scene to be too embarrassing.

Ye Wutian shrugged his shoulders and said, "what did I say just now? Some little sticks just don't keep their word, what? Am I right? As you can see, I never wronged people. "

Jin Zaizhong wants to dig a hole and bury himself. Anyway, he is losing face today.

"Next game, let's not waste time." Ye Wutian looks at Park Chi Yi.

"Wait a minute." Jin Dongwan step forward, "I can give you an account."

People don't know what Jin Dongwan wants to do.


Ye Wutian and others in the heart of the doubt quickly untied, Jin Dongwan shake hands is a slap, rebirth in the face of Kim.

Jin Zaizhong was stunned and looked at his master in an incredible way. However, he did not wait for him to come back to his senses. On the other side of his face was burning pain, knowing that he had been beaten again.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

Jin Dongwan's hand is extremely fierce, and he slaps Jin Zaizhong's face in succession, which leads to the handsome face of Jin Zaizhong, which will be swollen like a pig's head.

"Today's thing is to tell you, there are people outside, there are days outside, and you must keep your promise when you say something." Jin Dongwan said fiercely.

Jin Dongwan's behavior is beyond ye Wutian's expectation. This old man is cruel enough and dare to attack.

"I admire Mr. king for his actions." Ye Wutian clapped his hands, "some people just want to teach a lesson."

Jin Zaizhong wished that he had a gun and thousands of bullets in his hand. He wanted to beat ye Wutian into meat sauce. He was beaten, humiliated and even lost face because of Ye Wutian.

In the heart, even Jin Zaizhong himself is very strange, why in front of Ye Wutian, he will continue to lose control, this really shouldn't be."Team leader Zhou, that's all for the morning game." Park Chi Yi said that he was defeated again and again. As a commander in chief, he knew that he must immediately revive his military spirit, especially when Jin Zaizhong was beaten.

Zhou Huaichang nodded, "OK."

People from country h will leave soon, and Zhou Huaichang is ready to take people away. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a good start today. I hope you can work hard and win the game this afternoon."

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