At this time, it was not time for dinner, and ye wudian had no appetite at all. So he refused Zhou Huaichang's offer to have a rest in the hotel. He was ready to go home and have a sleep. Staying in the hotel was better than staying at home.

"Little brother, you don't want to take the opportunity to leave?" Wu Qunsheng came out of nowhere.

Ye Wuwei wants to pull Wu Qunsheng's arm up, and then let him hold his hand into a fist and put it directly into his mouth. Who does this old man regard him as? Is he the kind of person who likes to run away?

When I came, I didn't want to compare with the old man. In the words of Wu Tian classmate, who let the old man have a beautiful granddaughter? Power is for his granddaughter's sake.

Then again, it seemed that he had not seen his granddaughter for a long time, and he missed her strangely.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye." Wei Junzhi suddenly came out and said a word to ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian was stunned at first, and then quickly understood what this boy meant.

Thanks to Wei Junzhi with great sincerity. After taking the medicine prescribed by Ye Wutian, he regained his power in a short period of half a month. In his opinion, especially when looking at the satisfied expression of his wife in his arms, Wei Junzhi felt that he was a man. At this time, he would think of Ye Wutian and appreciate ye Wutian.

"Little things." If not for Wei Junzhi mentioned, ye Wutian almost forgot that.

"Mr. Ye, if you need any help in the future, please contact me."

Ye Wutian smiles and says nothing more.

Is about to walk away, but suddenly see the Phoenix fairy side of the old woman do not know where to drill out, scared ye Wutian a big jump, rely on! The old woman walked without a trace.

"Granny, what's up?" For the sake of Feng Xianzi, ye wudian made an exception to be polite.

"The master wants to talk to you." The old woman's voice was strange.

Ye Wutian heart next happy, Phoenix fairy want to talk to him? I am worried that I can't find a reasonable excuse. I didn't know that they would send it to me.

"What do you mean? Why frown? Want to refuse? " Asked the old woman coldly. "If you refuse, I will kill you."

Ye Wutian smiles bitterly, but she didn't expect the old woman to be so old, but still so hot tempered.

"How dare you, boy? Please show me the way

The old woman snorted coldly and seemed to be very satisfied with ye Wutian's cooperation.

"Granny, I don't know what fairies have to do with me?"

"What you should know will tell you. Don't ask so much about what you shouldn't know."

Wu Tian classmate's heart that gas, straight want to slap this damned old woman to death, paralyzed, what? Who does she think she is?

Since she can't fight or scold this old woman, Wu Tian's classmates can only give up. Otherwise, what can we do? If you don't look at monk's face or Buddha's face, you should pay attention to impatiens.

"Fairy sister, do you want me?" After entering the room, I saw the graceful Phoenix fairy playing with kungfu tea. She was very skillful. I guess she didn't miss it. "I didn't expect that the fairy sister was still a master of tea ceremony."

"Sit down." The Impatiens followed her finger and poured a cup of tea to ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian pour is not polite, holding up a small tea sleep, "the first-class West Lake Longjing, good."

"You know tea, too?"

"Ha ha, I'm just a rude man."

The Phoenix fairy didn't ask again, and she also fell asleep. After putting down the cup, she looked at ye Wutian with her beautiful eyes. "I'll invite you here today. There's a question I want to ask you. Maybe it's a little abrupt. Please be surprised."

Ye Wu Tian sighs, heart to you this kind of beauty, how can you still get angry? Steel will be melted.

"Where did you learn your medicine?"

Sure enough, ye Wu Tianxin thought, estimated that in addition to medical skills, he also had nothing to pay attention to. "Usually, I have nothing to do with my spare time. I look through some medical books."

"What book is so good? You can turn it over and turn it out? "

Ye Wutian is stunned. What does this woman mean?

"I mean no harm."

"May I not answer?" For his own life experience, ye wudian is determined not to say, always can't tell others, he is from the future to cross over? I don't know if he said that, he would be regarded as a psychopath.

"You'd better answer." The old woman standing by the Phoenix fairy said darkly.

"Mammy." The Phoenix fairy cried.

The old woman was obedient and didn't dare to say anything more.

"I'm sorry to make you laugh." Said the Phoenix fairy.

"I don't mind." Ye wudian shook his head: "look at the fairy sister, I will not care."

Ye Wutian's words are no doubt like the fuse, instantly ignited the old woman's anger, "boy, what did you just say?"

"Sister immortal, why are you interested in my medical skills? In my opinion, that's nothing special. "

Phoenix fairy also personally poured a cup of tea to ye Wutian, "I feel you have a familiar breath."Wu Tian's classmate was stunned. How could this be so familiar? Isn't that exactly what he wants to say? I didn't expect to be snatched by her.

"Ha ha, I feel we hate to meet each other too late."

The Phoenix fairy's beautiful face was full of red clouds, delicate and beautiful.

"Where are you looking, boy?" The old woman's voice rang out, frightening ye Wutian.

"Hey, I'm sorry, but I can't blame the fairy sister for being too beautiful." Ye Wutian is very embarrassed, scratching his head, a face of helplessness.

"Where did you learn your medicine?" Feng Xianzi, the old saying goes again.

Ye Wutian smiles bitterly, come again? Knowing that he won't say it, is this woman going to spend time with him?

"Well, for the sake of the fairy sister, I'll tell you, but you can't talk about it casually. In fact, I learned from a mysterious old man, and I don't even know his name. From childhood to adulthood, I always called him the nameless master."

Feng Xianzi seems not very satisfied with ye Wutian's explanation. She frowns slightly.

"Headmaster, you don't have to be polite with such a jerk. In my opinion, you can just sweep him out of the door." The old woman said again, very dissatisfied with ye Wutian.

"Mammy." The Phoenix fairy turned back a little, this time the voice was colder.

The old woman didn't dare to speak, but she stared at ye Wutian with sharp eyes.

Ye Wutian didn't know where he had offended the old woman. Why did he have to do anything to embarrass him.

"Where can I find your nameless master?"

Ye Wutian shook his head again: "there is no way to find him. Master, he said before he left that he would meet by fate."

"When will you learn medicine from him?"

"When I was ten years old, my meeting with my master was an accident."

"So small, why don't you tell your family about learning medicine?" Intuition tells Feng Xianzi that everything is false.

"Hehe, sister immortal, I'm afraid you also know that I'm a private child. I'm not treated well in the Ye family. Moreover, my master told me that I can't tell anyone before I leave school." Such cross examination by the other side, let ye Wutian very uncomfortable, look at the other side is beautiful woman's share, he has been forced to endure, but do not know when he can endure.

"Mr. Ye, just now you have been talking about integrity. Is this your integrity? That's how you treat your friends all the time? "

Ye Wutian was shocked and asked in doubt, "what do you mean? I don't quite understand. "

"You understand." Phoenix fairy stopped making tea. "I'm a little tired, Mammy, see you off for me."

Ye Wutian can't help but scold, rude, paralyzed, what? That's what you want him to do?

"Please." The old lady had been waiting for this opportunity.

"Goodbye." Clay figurines have three points of Qi, ye Wutian feels that he has been played.

When ye Wutian walked to the door, the Phoenix fairy behind him suddenly said, "is it Xuan ape Qi technique?"

Angry ye Wutian didn't fall to the ground when he heard this. He was shocked and absolutely shocked. He stopped and quickly turned back to the Phoenix fairy. He looked at each other eagerly: "do you know the Xuan ape Qi technique?"

Phoenix fairy pretty face red, did not immediately answer Ye Wu Tian.

Ye Wutian is very puzzled, why does this woman always blush? It's weird.

"Tell me, how do you know the xuanape Qi technique?" Ye Wutian is another step forward. At this time, he is only one step away from the Phoenix fairy. If it was not for the threat of life, I am afraid he would be in the closest contact with the Phoenix fairy.

Feel the neck cold swish, ye Wutian slightly turned his head to see, found that his neck more than a emitting cold light dagger.

Ye Wutian is very scared. It is the damned old woman who holds the dagger on his neck. How does she do it? I didn't see how she did it.

"Don't be impulsive. Don't be impulsive." Ye Wutian slowly raised his hand and stepped back. He had no doubt that the old woman really dared to cut it.

The old woman snorted, her hand flashed, and the dagger disappeared.

Ye Wutian secretly swallowed his saliva, darling, the old woman was an expert. Look at her weak appearance, who would have thought that she was so powerful and hard to believe.

"Fairy sister, tell me quickly, where have you heard of Xuan ape Qi technique?" For a long time, ye wudian has always wanted to know about the origin and development of xuanape Qishu people. Now it is not easy for him to find a chance. How can he not be excited?

In fact, what he wanted to know most was how to practice xuanape Qi technique and whether there was any method. He used to cross the river by feeling the stone himself. No one taught him, let alone told him how to do it. At this moment, he wanted to know that although there was no danger every time before, who knew whether he would be so lucky next time?

"Before you answer your question, tell me, where did you learn it? Is it your nameless master who taught you? "

leaves a long face, and, of course, knows that it is impossible to prevaricate with that excuse. Then he thought and said, "I got it by accident."Phoenix fairy Leng Leng Leng, obviously did not expect ye Wutian will answer like this, she thought he would tell her honestly.

"It's true. It's not a lie."

The Phoenix fairy looked at ye Wutian tightly for a long time, and then took back her eyes. "Every Master of Miaomiao gate is waiting for a person." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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