"Wait for someone else?" Ye Wutian is puzzled. He guesses that the Phoenix fairy may be related to him.

"Every headmaster of Miaomiao sect will remember a motto. So far, I am the 18th headmaster and have been waiting for someone."

Ye Wutian is sweating wildly. Are so many headmasters waiting for one person? How can we wait? They are not old goblins. They are only a few decades old, waiting for a fart?

"You are not waiting for me, are you?" Ye Wutian pressed impatiently and asked, and he thought it was ridiculous. Was it possible?

"Do you have any other skills besides Xuan ape?" The Phoenix fairy did not answer the question.

Ye Wutian thought for a while and shook his head and said, "it should not be."

The Phoenix fairy couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Sister immortal, you haven't told me what your motto is and who you are waiting for."

"Wait for you." Feng Xianzi looks at ye Wutian with complicated expression.

Although Wu Tian's students had been prepared for this meeting, they were still shocked and speechless at the half ring.

"You didn't scare me, did you?" Ye Wutian, whose face is incredible, always thinks that this is not true. How can it be?

Phoenix fairy pretty face slightly red: "do you think I am joking?"

Today, you can't wait for me, but you can't say it to me

"I'll tell you a story." The Phoenix fairy put away her confused thoughts and began to tell stories.

Ye wudian tried to interrupt several times. Now he didn't have much heart to listen to the story. But when he saw the murderous spirit of the old woman beside the Phoenix fairy, he would swallow the words from his mouth.

"A long time ago, my Shizu knew a man. They fell in love with each other at first sight, and soon fell in love with each other. No matter where they went, they would be praised as golden and beautiful. However, after a few months, the love between Shizong and that man was soon discovered by his family, and the man's family strongly opposed it, so he was forbidden to see my Shizu 。”

Ye Wutian didn't interrupt. If he guessed right, the man the Phoenix fairy said should be the founder of Xuan ape Qi technique.

Sure enough, the Phoenix fairy went on to say: "because of the opposition of the man's family, the two finally failed to walk together. However, because of the two masters' death force, the family finally agreed to let them stay for two more months. After two months, they were not allowed to see each other again."

"The old master and the man didn't waste the two months. They all thought that even if they couldn't make a deep impression on their hearts, they must be magnificent. So in the next time, they worked hard together and indulged in martial arts. Although two months were short, both of them were martial arts talents. In less than two months, they had the xuanape skill."

"And then?" Ye Wutian didn't expect that Xuan ape Qi Shu came like this. Up to now, he is just like a dream. He doesn't know whether to believe the Phoenix fairy's words, because it's too ridiculous and too hard to believe.

"Two months passed by in a flash. On the day of separation, Shizu and his old man made an appointment with the man, and the next generation of master of Miaomiao sect married his disciples. However, for some reason, the man disappeared soon after the separation from Shizu and her old family. Shizu had been looking for decades but could not find it."

Ye Wutian didn't expect that there would be such a complicated and tortuous life. Listening to Feng Xianzi's story, ye Wutian could feel the ordinary but not plain love between the leader of Miaomiao sect and the man.

"After looking for that man for decades, she finally died alone. Before her death, she made a rule that every head of Miaomiao sect must find a descendant of Xuan ape Qi. If he is a man, whether he is handsome or ugly, he must marry the opposite party. If he is too old or has a family, he will help him all his life, Help him start a business. " The Phoenix fairy stopped for a moment and then said, "this time, I went to the seventeen headmasters, and I didn't wait for any news. Before today, I didn't pay much attention to the sect motto of Shizu. I thought that the seventeen headmasters could not be found, and I didn't hold any hope."

"Now? I have been found by you. What will you do next? " Ye Wutian also starts to beat fast. If what this woman says is true, then she is not going to marry him? Shit!

The Phoenix fairy said: "from the day I took over the sect leader, I swore to Shizu that if I met the descendants of xuanape Qi technique, I would abide by the master's instructions."

"Ha ha, that's nothing. Don't take it to heart. What age is it now?" Ye wudian secretly scolds himself for hypocrisy in his heart, but he still pretends to be a gentleman on the surface.

Feng fairy didn't say anything. At this moment, she didn't know how to say it. What happened before the seventeen masters did not meet, she was asked to marry a strange man from a private point of view. She could not accept it. However, she did not have the right to choose. The ancestral precepts of Shizu should not be violated.

"Since you know Xuan ape Qi technique, you don't know how to practice it?"

"Do as you please.""Follow your character?" The leaves frown without sky.

"Xuanape divine skill is different from other skills, which means to act with nature, free and free, free and unrestricted."

Ye wudian nodded, and the words of Phoenix fairy also had some reason. In that year, the man was just because he was strict and eventually led to the separation from his beloved woman. So he only changed his mind when he first created this set of skills.

"That is to say, you don't know how to practice?" Ye Wutian hopes that Phoenix fairy can help him. No matter how to know Phoenix fairy, he doesn't know, which makes ye Wutian crazy.

"There is no fixed way to practice xuanape Qi."

Ye Wutian finally completely disappointed, bitterly smiled, really hope the greater disappointment the greater.

At this time, ye Wutian finally knew why he felt a familiar taste on the Phoenix fairy. It turned out that it was just the reason for practicing xuanape Qi. And the Phoenix fairy also practiced the secret skill of miaomiaomen. Xuanape Qi technique was created by the two predecessors in the same year. This can explain why they are familiar with Phoenix fairy.

It's incredible!

"What was the name of the man at the beginning?" Ye no day knows that that should be his master.

"The ape wind."

Ye Wutian did not know that he was the third apprentice of xuanape wind. So far, he has not met other people who will be xuanape Qi.

"I'll take you to visit your master one day. Miaomiao gate has his place."


Phoenix fairy did not speak, ye Wutian also did not speak, two people with their own heart, each thinking, ye Wutian is disappointed, and Phoenix fairy is nervous.

"I'm going back first."

The lips of the Phoenix fairy are open and open. "Have you made a family?"

Ye asked doubtlessly, "you don't really want to marry me, will you? You don't have to put that kind of thing in your heart at all. "

"Have you ever made a family?"

Ye Wutian was stunned, "there is no family, but there are already girlfriends, and more than one."

Phoenix fairy may not expect that ye will answer this way, so direct and honest, completely unexpected.

"Sister fairy, it is no longer that time, and I believe your master and ancestor will not blame you." There is no denying that Phoenix fairy is very beautiful, but what is the Miaomiao gate. He doesn't know at all. There is a beautiful woman running up to tell you that she wants to marry you. It is likely that it is not peach blossom luck, but peach blossom robbery.

"The ancestor training of teachers must not be forgotten."

Ye was so funny: "what do you mean? You have to marry me? Ha ha, I asked you, do you like me? "

Phoenix fairy also honest, do not hesitate to shake his head, like? No, she even hates the man a little.

"You don't like me, do you want to live with me for my ancestors' training? And I already have girlfriend and more than one, and I won't abandon them for anyone. " Ye said, unless he is ill, how can he not give up Cheng Kexin them?

"Boy, you dare not fight the Lord again. I killed you." Said the old lady Yin Sensen.

"For the sake of fairy sister, I don't care about it so much, Mammy," said Ye. "But my patience is limited. You'd better not provoke me again."

The old woman was not afraid of the words of Ye Wutian, but instead of retreating, she was in a flash of shape and prepared to teach ye Wutian.

Ye had no cold smile, for this old woman has long been upset, now see each other want to start right, so also with color, and to swing.


Two fist collide, leaf no day back a step, and the other side is back several steps, finally still can not stand steady, poop a sound and fall to the ground.


The old woman who fell suddenly puffed out a blood arrow.

Although each other is a big old man, but ye has no regrets. Some people are beaten, paralyzed, selling old?

"Sister, I'll go back first." Then ye turned around and left without a day.

"Mammy." Things happen too fast, so that the Phoenix fairy can not return to God.

"It's okay with my old body." The old woman climbed up from the ground, and a smear of blood on the corner of her mouth, "very strong."

"He has the xuanape Qi skill in his body, Mammy you are not his opponent."

"The Lord, are you really going to marry him?" The old woman is unwilling to face, who is her own door owner? It is a noble and golden body. Now, she has to commit to such a boy. What makes her unable to accept is that even if so, the boy does not agree.

"That kid is right. Now society is different. You don't have to go back to the door Lord."

"Mother, it's just fine that you said this in front of me today. You are not the first day to get into the wonderful door. You should know the rules better than anyone else." The Phoenix fairy interrupted the old woman.

The old woman changed her face. "I dare not."

"No one in miaomiaomen can violate the rules of the master." "Mammy, my luck is not too bad, at least he is not a decades old man," said the Phoenix fairy"Master, let me kill his women."

"No The Phoenix fairy was startled, and her beautiful eyes shot out a fierce murderous spirit: "I order you as the master of the gate, and don't move the people around him."

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