In the afternoon, both sides of the competition returned to the hospital again. However, they found Ye was missing. This made people wonder why he didn't come?

Zhouhuaichang also found that ye Wutian did not appear, and hurriedly let people call, but ye wutianguan machine, can not contact at all.

That kid is not going to run away, right?

After the phone calls, the results are the same, shut down.

Wu Qun is angry and wants to scold her, too irresponsible, too ill spoken, how can not say it, not to come? He is also a deputy head, how can he have no sense of responsibility at all?

Although ye did not appear, but the game still needs to continue, the next two hours, both sides win a game, equal autumn.

The disappearance of Ye Wutian makes Jin in the heart of a bit of joy, but also some unwilling, although ye Wutian won two consecutive games in the morning, but jinyuzhong always wants to find a chance to pull back a game, it is better to step on the foot of Ye Wutian.

"The door master, is that boy running?" The old woman whispered to the Phoenix fairy: "need not look for the old man?"

Phoenix fairy gently shook his head, beautiful eyes full of disappointment, two hours from the competition, he did not appear, let her very disappointed, men can have no products, but can not be irresponsible.


"That kid is not a thing." The old woman has a bad heart to scold.

"Who is not something?" A voice sounded from the old woman's ear, frightening the old woman and turning around to see that it was the boy who upset her.

"Hey, Ma, who did you say that was not something?" Ye had a bad smile, and the faint smile on the corner of his mouth looked evil.

The old woman wanted to scold a few words, but somehow, ye Wutian's bad smile let her swallow the words that had come to her mouth.

"Mammy, aren't you scolding me? But of course I am not a thing. I am a man, and I am a handsome man. Is it something

"How can you come, brother?" The appearance of Ye wuqunsheng made Wu Qunsheng bright, and hurriedly pulled his arm.

Ye glanced at each other day, "can't I play without me?"

"Different, it means different things. You can beat them all. It's good for us." Wu Qunsheng laughed.

Ye Wutian knows what the old man means. If he can pick all the sticks with one person's strength, Huaxia can demonstrate to all the sticks. You can't win us alone in one country. There are still many masters behind us who have not taken the hand. So, we are not at the same level.

"Old man, I am also a deputy head, right? How can I play like a hit? I'm going to be the deputy head of the team to do anything. It's just too much. " Ye Wutian was very dissatisfied, thought that he could give a hand, and even if he knew that the old man wanted to make him as a hard work.

"OK, this is a chance to be famous for you. You can cherish it." Wu Qunsheng didn't eat that set at all.

Ye looked up at Park Jieshui and said, "my goal is you, when will you do it?"

Park Jieshui three people slowly opened their eyes to ye Wutian, was challenged by a young generation, so they were quite surprised.

"Don't look at me like that. You're not wrong. I'm not wrong. My goal this time is you." When it comes to this, ye tiantiantian sweeps gold in the middle of the world with a few eyes: "they are not worth my hand yet."

This sentence almost did not put gold in the middle of a few angry down, too much deception, not worth his hand? Is their medical skills so terrible?

"Remember Ning Peng?" Ye no day ignored the eyes of Jin Zhongzhong and others, "he asked me to remind several people, don't forget the gambling agreement of that year."

Jiang Chengsheng, who has been very low-key, suddenly drinks violently, "who are you?"

Ye Wu Tian smiled: "it seems that the three still remember him, that's OK. I can save my tongue and explain it. Let's start. I also want to see what your level is. I hope I don't let me down too much."

Wei Junzhi envy one face, even worship, he sighs in his heart, who knows ye Wutian's arrogance?

"He asked you to come?" "The name ningpeng, asked Anqiu Zong, made them calm again, and remembered the things of the year.

"You're only right half."

Jiangchengsheng sighed, "how is he?"

"He was very good before you stepped into China, but when you stepped in Huaxia, he would not get better."

"He's hating us?" Asked Park Jieshui.

Ye wudian sneered: "in exchange for you, will you hate him?"

Wu Qunsheng and zhouhuaichang looked at each other. Neither of them thought there was a festival between ye Wutian and Pu Jieshui. It is no wonder that ye wutiantian will be so arrogant and there is a reason.

"Start the game." Ye can't wait to look like, "to show fairness, I let you choose the topic first."

Park Jieshui looked back a little bit with the two people of Anqiu Zong for a while, and they all understood what the other side's eyes meant. They all knew that the matter of that year should be solved."Hemiplegia."

Jiang Chengsheng said the title.

As soon as the title came out, Wu Qunsheng was immediately pleased. Ye wudian had rich experience in this area, but he was not careless. Since the other party dared to say so, he must have confidence and confidence, otherwise he would not talk nonsense.

Ye Wutian agreed. After a while, a patient with hemiplegia for ten years was lifted up. Wu Tian stretched out his hand to the other side, indicating that the other side should start first.

"Are you sure?" Phoenix fairy came to her side and said, "do you need any help?"

"It's time for us to loosen up." Gu Hezi smiles at Kejian South Road.

Ke Jiannan nodded: "that's right. It's hard to get out of the mountain once. Naturally, you can't go back empty handed."

"Chief Park, please send the corresponding personnel to meet the challenge. This afternoon is the free challenge time." This situation is exactly what Zhou Huaichang wants to see. So far, three wins and one defeat, and the record is very good.

"All three of them are mine." Ye Wutian points to Pu Jieshui and Anqiu Zong.

Jin Dongwan secretly worried, if the old fairy park only deal with ye Wutian, who can deal with them?

Park Chi Yi is also anxious. He also thinks of this problem and is ready to discuss it with PU Jieshui.

"Commander Park, the three of us will only concentrate on fighting ye Wutian." Jiang Chengsheng stopped Puchi Qiu Yi with a word.

This words let Park Chi Qiu Yi have a kind of impulse to scold his mother, paralyzed, what?

Although they were doctors, they saved the lives of many high-ranking officials. If you offend them, you will never know how to die in the end.

Ke Jiannan said with a smile: "brother Hezi, I don't think we should let people say that we deceive the young with the old. Let the younger generation do it." Ke Jiannan finished and looked at his two assistants.

Under the command of Ke Jiannan, two young people around him stood up and searched for the target one after another.

Gu Hezi can only let his apprentice do it. His target is park Jieshui, but they only focus on ye Wutian. He can't help it. Fortunately, there is another day of competition tomorrow, so there is no need to worry.

"I'll be your assistant." The Phoenix fairy whispered.

Ye Wutian looks back and glances at the Phoenix fairy. Hasn't the woman figured it out yet? Still want to marry him?

Wei Junzhi's face is different from that of Wei Junzhi? Why do beautiful beauties like ye Wutian? The master of the wonderful door wants to be his assistant?

The three men examined the patients for a long time. They were all very serious and did not dare to be careless. This situation is of great significance to them and to country H.

"How sure are you?" The Phoenix fairy asked lightly.

"60 percent." Ye Wutian thought for a moment and replied.

At this time, they had already prescribed a prescription, and then discussed it together for a while. Finally, they took the prescription to be decocted.

I'm afraid only ye Wutian can do it at the same time. Of course, it's more because of Ning Peng.

Ye Wutian always thinks that the gambling between the three old men Pu Jieshui and Ning Peng is not so simple. It is very likely that Ning Peng did not say it completely.

The decocted medicine was quickly delivered to the patient. After drinking it, Pu Jieshui and Anqiu Zong pulled up their sleeves and pressed them on the patient.

"Nine pinches." The Phoenix fairy was shocked, and her eyes kept staring at Park Jieshui.

"Very good?" Ye Wutian just thinks that Pu Jieshui's technique is very special, but he doesn't know it's nine pinches.

"It's been lost for a long time. I didn't expect them to learn." Phoenix fairy has quickly calmed down, "no wonder they dare to use this case as a topic, prepared."

In the language, the Impatiens show a trace of worry.

"In your opinion, when can the patient stand up?"

The Impatiens seriously thought for a long time, "less half a month, more than a month."

"Eh! So long? Then this nine pinching method is not so good. " Ye Wutian thinks that it only takes three to five days for the patient to stand up.

Phoenix fairy fluke looked at ye Wutian with interest: "listen to your meaning, can you make the patient recover faster?"

"I can't tell." Ye Wutian pretended to be profound and said: "maybe faster than them, maybe slower than them."

Phoenix fairy finally knew why mammy hated this guy. It was really annoying. Even with her good patience, she couldn't help but take off her shoes and kill the bastard.

Park Jieshui and his team fought hard. If they failed in this battle, they would be benevolent. Therefore, they did not dare to reserve any of them. They had to win this game.

I don't know whether they are old or use that nine pinching method. After a while, both of them are sweating.

A few minutes later, park Jieshui stopped first, took the towel from his assistant and wiped his sweat. Soon after, Anqiu Zong also stopped and took the clean towel from his assistant to wipe the sweat. Both of them quickly looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes."A week, a week later, the patient will be able to stand up." Park said, his voice full of confidence.

Park Jieshui's words lead to Xuan ape big wave, a patient who has been hemiplegic for 10 years. Now they can make the patient stand up in a week? This kind of medicine is against the heaven.

Jin Dongwan and their faces were happy, and then they looked at ye Wutian. However, they believed that ye Wutian did not have the ability to make the patient stand up in a short week.

This game, afraid and ye Wutian will lose! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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