Park Jieshui's words made xiaobangzi very happy. After waiting for this moment for a long time, they finally came. They needed to win too much and wanted to win too much. Park Jieshui was their final guarantee. If they couldn't win, this competition would not have to be compared again, and they would lose.

Wu Qunsheng and ye Wutian are also worried. After all, park Jieshui became famous very early, and people have said that they can make patients stand up in a week. This strength can not be underestimated.

"Is there any way?" The Phoenix fairy was also a little surprised, and the nine pinching method was really extraordinary.

Ye Wutian turned his head and looked at the Phoenix fairy: "how long can you make the patient stand up?"

"Enough for a week," thought the fairy

A word of light and light clouds, but revealed the Phoenix fairy that strong self-confidence.

I didn't expect that miaomiaomen's strength is not weak! Of course, this question is superfluous. If Miaomiao gate has no strength, how can it be invited here?

"Mr. Ye, aren't you going to do it?" "This game, he is very confident," he said.

Ye Wutian naturally knows the meaning of the other party and sneers: "how? Can't wait to lose? "

"Lose?" Gold in the same color to give ye Wutian a scorn, "wait for you to win this game again."

"Brother, do you have confidence?" Wu Qunsheng knows ye Wutian's strength, but the matter is not trivial. He is worried that ye Wutian will lose.

"Old man, when did you see me lose?"

This makes Wu Qunsheng a great sigh of relief, not to lose, as long as not to lose.

Jin Zaizhong disdained him and didn't believe ye Wutian's words. He didn't deny that ye Wutian's medical skills were very powerful, but he still didn't believe ye Wutian could win over their old immortals.

Ye Wutian ignored the people's strange eyes and looked at PU Jieshui. "I want to ask you a question, which is more difficult to treat in terms of hemiplegia and total paralysis?"

Park Jieshui three people Leng Leng Leng, this kind of question still need to ask? Naturally, paralysis is more difficult to treat.

Not only park Jieshui was stunned, but everyone present was stunned. What does this kid mean?

"Total paralysis."

Ye wudian nodded, "very good, go to a patient with complete paralysis."

What's the more difficult way to beat each other? This kind of person is either a fool or a madman.

Ye Wutian's arrogance or will those small stick to suppress, all heart way, ye Wu naive has this strength?

Zhou Huaichang looks at ye Wutian. Seeing that ye Wutian doesn't mean to be joking, he immediately asks people to arrange for it.

Ye Wutian Lao was standing there, not worried about his own situation.

No doubt, this is a kind of face beating. If you succeed, you can make the other party feel ashamed. However, if you fail, ye wudian will be humiliated.

Standing beside ye Wutian, the Phoenix fairy's beautiful eyes shoot out a trace of strange look. Perhaps, this man will give her a surprise.

If she is asked to treat a paralyzed patient, she is not sure that she can make people stand up in a week, and she believes that park Jieshui can't do it, can ye Wutian do it?

Because of the close distance between them, ye wudian can smell the fragrance of Phoenix fairy. This woman is a special creature. Compared with Ouyang Xingyue, she has more pure and pure smell.

Looking around, he found that the Phoenix fairy's chest was full of material. Men were crazy about women.

Wu Tian's classmate thought of a sentence, a description of women's two jade. Peak, horizontal as the ridge side into the peak, soft and hard size are different.

Soon, under the arrangement of the hospital, a patient who had been paralyzed for six years was carried up.

"A few people, check it and make sure it's difficult." Ye Wutian is still standing still. Before he starts, he must let Park Jieshui confirm them.

Park Jieshui's three people were not polite. They went forward to check the patient. After five minutes, they stopped.

"Is it more difficult than your hemiplegia?" Ye Wutian asked.

"Are you sure?" Ye Wutian's confident expression makes Pu Jieshui a little uncertain.

Ye wudian's answer is not what he asked: "you just need to tell me, which one is more difficult?"


"Well, since you admit it, I'll do it." Ye Wutian pulls up his sleeve and walks to the patient.

Park Jieshui did not speak, neither opposed nor agreed. They have tried their best to make a hemiplegic patient stand up in a week. Now ye Wutian is totally paralyzed. Can he also make the patient stand up in a week? Only let the patient stand up within a week can he be regarded as ye Wutian win.

Take up the sleeve of Ye Wutian began to pulse for patients, before and after three minutes, ye Wutian stopped and opened a prescription like flying pen.

"Four centipedes, earthworm, honeysuckle vine, 20 grams each, black headed snake, ground turtle, 8 grams scorpion, 30 grams Caulis Spatholobus, 90 grams Astragalus membranaceus, 30 grams Salvia miltiorrhiza..."Ye wudian opened a prescription at one breath, and then another prescription. The prescription on it was the same medicine, but not different in quantity. The amount of this prescription was weighed by Jin.

"This is for soaking. Remember, the dosage must be sufficient."

"This prescription is very common." Said the Phoenix fairy.

Ye Wutian also does not deny, "the prescription is ordinary, but it depends on who uses it."

The ordinary prescription is not suitable for the internal medicine and the external medicine.

"Are you happy?" Just now, Jie did not know what he meant when he saw him.

"We're waiting for a miracle." Anqiu Zong's words can not be more obvious, unless there is a miracle, or ye Wutian is sure to lose.

At this time, Gu Hezi's two assistants have stopped. They have won two games respectively, and the two assistants of Ke Jiannan are also one win and one loss. In this way, Huaxia is six wins and two losses, which makes Zhou Huaichang secretly happy. This competition can be said to be quite successful. If ye Wutian can win this one again, the exchange volume will be satisfactory for Huaxia.

After waiting for more than an hour, ye wudian's medicine soup was finally delivered. Everyone knew that the good play was going to be staged. Whether it was successful or not depends on now.

"Feed the bowl to the patient." Ye Wutian told the staff, "put down the big barrel."

In addition to the bowl of medicine in the hands of one of the nurses mm, there are two security guards carrying a large barrel, which contains half of the barrel of liquid medicine, emitting bursts of heat. The strong smell of medicine instantly fills the whole competition field with the smell of medicine.

Two nurses will bowl of medicine, and then back to one side, waiting for ye Wutian's arrangement.

Ye Wutian begins to press it for the patient. At the beginning, the action is very common, and the technique is not special at all. This makes Zhou Huaichang and other people sink and be obedient. Can such a technique work?

Even Phoenix fairy also willow eyebrows wrinkled slightly, a little disappointed, originally thought ye Wutian would bring her a miracle, but would there be a miracle?

But the valley river son facial expression is dignified, does not blink to look at leaf Wu Tian.

Ye wudian pressed it for about ten minutes. Suddenly, his action was accelerated and his technique was strange. The sudden change surprised everyone. It turned out that this was the main course, and that was just an appetizer.

There were a lot of people on the scene, but no one spoke at this time. Even the breath seemed to be deliberately controlled. They were attracted by Ye Wutian's technique and watched his strange technique quietly.

Ye Wutian's technique is very special, and his action is very fast. With each press of his, there will be a crackling sound.

The Phoenix fairy was so brilliant that the man really surprised her and didn't let her down.

"Brother Jiannan, can you see something?" Gu Hezi thought for a long time, but could not see what ye Wutian's technique was called.

Ke Jiannan shook his head: "today I just found out that I was a frog in the bottom of a well."

Before today, Ke Jiannan has been very confident and conceited about his medical skills. However, with every move of Ye Wutian, Ke Jiannan's heart is shocked. This young man is not simple.

"Yes." Gu Hezi also sighed. He was addicted to medical skills all day. He had seen many ancient medical books, but now he couldn't say ye Wutian's technique.

"Maybe a miracle is about to happen." Ke Jiannan is looking forward to another miracle.

Park Jieshui is calm on the surface, but he can't calm down at all. In addition to shock or shock, the three of them can make eye contact just now, but they can see each other's meaning from each other's eyes. They don't know what ye Wutian's technique is called.

Ye Wutian pressed this button for 20 minutes. When he stopped, not only did he sweat profusely, but also the patient lying in bed was also sweating.

Some careful people found that after ye Wutian massage, the patient seems to become different, the whole person has changed a lot, seems to become more spiritual.

These changes let Zhou Huaichang and others see hope, maybe ye Wutian can win this game again.

"Put him in the barrel." Stop the leaf Wu Tian command way.

In the crowd, some people wonder that the patient is sweating all over now, so put him in the barrel now? This seems to make no sense. Primary school students all know that people can't take a bath when they are sweating. Is it hard for ye wudian not to pay attention to this?

After putting the patient into the big barrel, what shocked the public was that there were bursts of sound in the barrel. However, the patient did not show the color of pain, but showed a intoxicated and comfortable expression, which made people very curious.

The crackling sound kept ringing for a long time. As time passed by, the face of the patients in the barrel began to turn red. The originally pale disease turned red, which was also abnormal.

Until the barrel of medicine cool, ye Wu genius let the patient up, changed a suit of clothes, let him lie on the bed.

"Has it achieved your effect?" Feng Xianzi observed the patient for a while and asked ye Wutian."It moved. His fingers moved." Suddenly, someone in the crowd yelled. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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