When the three people died, it is not very realistic to find out the truth again. Ning Peng also knows about it. However, their death is to make Ning Peng feel better and investigate the truth of that year is no longer so strong.

"It's not a small problem for you to be a public enemy of a country."

"It's my pleasure, not everyone can have the honor to be an enemy of a country," ye said

"Need help?"

"No need." Ye Wutian shook his head: "some people envy me, indicating that I am handsome, so many people envy me, indicating that I am super handsome, so why stop? I think it's great. "

Ning Peng can hear straight over his eyes. This boy can't see him with the ordinary people's eyes. This kid is a monster.

"Old man, otherwise, let's make a deal. You give me more tea. I will have the chance to ask you again. You know, my way is very wild. I can't tell you that I can help you know it

Ning Peng grabbed the tea beside him and threw it to the leaves without a day: "you boy, roll!"

The students who took over tea were not angry, "you can't see such a good deal, man? Don't you want to know the truth? "

Ning Peng did not take care of Ye Wutian, and turned away.

Ye Wutian did not find, in Ning Peng turned around a moment, the old man's mouth showed a smile, in the heart of Ye Wutian scolded ye Wutian: "Stinky boy, calculate to Laozi head up."

The boring students can only pick up the tea and leave depressed. The guy is scolding while walking. The mean old man, isn't it a little tea? Another day, he was ten jin eight Jin, angry to death of the old man, a little tea can not give others, such a degree of air, destined to him to make no money.

After leaving the Ning family courtyard, Ye was prepared to go to the company of situwei. Although it was not long since the establishment of fiber America International, under the operation of situwei, the company has gradually become on the right track. Now that woman quarrels all day and night to increase production. In her words, how about making more money early?


When he wanted to get into the mind, ye suddenly heard a loud noise, and frightened him. The first reaction was to hit something.

A sudden break, hurriedly open the door, sure enough, there is a person lying on the ground, a young and beautiful woman, and more importantly, this woman he also knows.

Looking at the blood cherry in the blood pool, the leaves can not react to the head without a day. What is this? How could she be here?

The leaf that quickly calm down sees blood cherry all over the body is injured, and then goes on like this, she can not support for long.

It is not up to who has hurt the blood cherry so seriously, nor can you think about why the blood cherry appears here. After a short period of loss of mind, ye wutianma wakes up, and it is important to save the blood cherry in front of you.

"I'll take you to the hospital." Holding up the blood cherry leaves said.

This is closed eyes of blood cherry but suddenly open eyes, weak and powerless way: "can not go." She was completely dizzy, with her head crooked.

Ye wudian is stunned. I don't want to go to the hospital because of the serious injury? What the hell did the woman get into? It's not about killing some officials, right? Come on! Then he is not a helper?

Suddenly, ye suddenly hesitated. Should she be saved?

Paralyzed, no matter, since I met, that is the will, and to some extent, he is a woman with no leaves.

Carefully put the blood cherry in the car and let her lie in the back seat.

This hug, with leaves and no day, their body is blood, white T-shirt instantly turned red.

After starting the car, ye could not go to the hospital, so the hotel would not go. What hotel would dare to accept?

It is headache leaves day after day bitter smile, how this kind of thing let him meet?

The villa, ye Wutian finally put his eyes on the villa, only there is suitable for the moment, most importantly, the lease period is not arrived, that villa still belongs to him.

When passing the drugstore, ye wutianshun bought some disinfected water and other things, and then hurriedly took the blood cherry to the villa.

Carefully put the blood cherry flat on the ground, leaves no day two words, pick up the scissors just bought to cut all the clothes of blood cherry, not long time, blood cherry on one. Silk. No. hanging in front of the leaves.

Although not the first time to see, but leaves are not sky or see dazed, the figure of this woman, 100, but, at this time, blood cherry body injury also let leaf day-free to suck a breath of cool, which bastard so cruel? Also got the hand, the blood cherry hit so heavy, the wound is crisscross, startling.

After taking back his mind, he began to clean the wound for the blood cherry. Fortunately, he just bought some anti-inflammatory drugs on the road, otherwise, it would not be enough with the medicine he brought.

Helping such a beautiful woman cure the injury is not a bad one. On the contrary, it is a kind of suffering. The sensory stimulation is not acceptable to ordinary people.

The leaf has no ape horse, the skin of blood cherry is very tender, very slippery, let him very cheap always touch by the way from time to time.The blood cherry in coma does not know is because of pain or what, always frowns from time to time.

Ye Wutian is cleaning up the wound for Xueying while scolding the murderer. Which son of a bitch is this cruel? Blood cherry all below the neck is injured, unfortunately, fortunately, only trauma, and did not hurt the muscles and bones.

This cleaning is two hours. After stopping, ye Wutian is so tired that he gasps. It's a tiring job.

After sitting on the ground and having a rest for a while, ye wudian called Chen le and asked him to send him two sets of clothes and food. However, he soon changed his mind and asked Chen le to send a man's suit. As for Xueying, he let her lie down like this.

This is another opportunity, an opportunity to adjust and teach well. She will come to him, which is sufficient to explain the previous tune. Teaching still has a certain effect.

"Young master, it's here." Outside the villa, Chen Le handed ye Wutian two big bags.

"Go and find out what's going on in Dongcheng today." Ye Wutian, who took over the bag, ordered him to leave, regardless of Chen Le's surprise and doubt.

Chen le and Chen Le left with full of doubts, ready to inquire about the matter handed down by the young master.

Ye Wutian takes a cold bath and changes her clean clothes. When she sits in front of Xueying, she is waiting for her to wake up.

Two hours later, Xueying finally wakes up. When she wakes up, the first thing she wants to do is to take a knife. When she reaches out, she finds that the samurai sword is not beside her.

"Looking for a knife? Here it is. " Ye Wutian holds the samurai sword in his hand and says to Xueying.

Blood cherry dead leaf Wutian, also staring at his body that set of clean clothes, good memory, she found that ye Wutian changed clothes, but she was a. silk. No. hanging lying there.

"I cut your clothes. If you don't, how can I help you?" Ye Wutian said: "you don't need to thank me, just answer me a few questions."

"Why don't you dress me?" Sakura does not mean that she is so shy in front of the bloody man.

Ye Wutian asked: "you hurt so seriously, is it suitable to wear clothes?"

If you can move freely, Xueying would have cut through it with a knife. Can't you wear clothes and gauze?

"Who hurt it?" Ye Wutian puts down his sword and looks at Xueying.

The blood cherry struggles to want to get up, like this clothing thread inch does not have, she is very uncomfortable, has no sense of security at all.

"You want to go?" Ye Wutian is not in a hurry, and he doesn't even mean to help in the past.

Xueying clenches her teeth and wants to sit up, but she only gets up half of the time and falls down because of her lack of strength. This fall makes her grinning and gasping.

Ye Wutian hehe chuckled, "you go out like this now, but you just want to die. Do you still want to go out?"


Ye wudian answered Fei and asked, "are you hungry? I've bought some food. I don't know if it's to your taste, but you can make do with it. I'll treat you to a good meal some other day.

"Eight squares."

Seeing nothing, ye Wutian walks to Xueying with bread and takes out a bread and delivers it to Xueying's mouth.

Xueying saw this, reached for ye Wutian, however, due to serious injuries, both speed and strength were far less than usual, and ye Wutian caught him before his palm arrived.

Holding Xueying's wrist, ye Wutian lenglengleng said: "girl, you should remember that I am your Savior. Without me, you would have died long ago. Therefore, please respect me a little, or you will be sent to the police station if you are angry with me."

"Eight squares." Can't take ye Wutian what kind of blood cherry is a curse.

Ye Wutian mouth a Yang: "you scold a try again, dare to scold me, I kiss you, then you can not regret."

Sure enough, Xueying is scared.

"Why are you so hurt?" Ye Wutian asked.

Xueying didn't speak, or even looked at ye Wutian, and directly regarded ye Wutian as air.

"You know what? In fact, I want to kiss you for a long time, but I can't find any excuse. Do you understand what I mean Ye Wutian suddenly lowers his head and looks at the sexy soft lips that are close at hand. He is itchy and hesitates whether he wants to kiss him or not.

Xueying still does not speak, it seems that there is no meaning to speak.

"Really Ye Wutian lowered his head even more, "not afraid I'll kiss you?"

"Oh! Even if I don't want to kiss you, I'm a gentleman and I won't take advantage of others

Think about it, why is she so relieved at the same time? This guy? In any case, he seems to have nothing to do with a gentleman.

"Eat something. I know you want me to die. If you want to kill me, you have to make yourself better soon. Moreover, you owe me a life. You should be nice to me in the future. Don't try to kill me."

Xueying is still as cold as a piece of ice, and her eyes are like a sharp knife staring at ye Wutian.

While talking, ye Wutian's phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was Chen Le who called. It was estimated that what he had been asked to check had come to an end.After connecting the phone, ye Wutian heard Chen Le's urgent voice ring out, "young master, the situation is not right."

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